Authors: Devisree, G, Rupa, Ch., Gayathri, U, Kumar, Hemanth Ch
Source: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Current Development in Engineering and Technology (CCET) Current Development in Engineering and Technology (CCET), 2022 IEEE International Conference on. :1-6 Dec, 2022
Relation: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Current Development in Engineering and Technology (CCET)
Authors: Örtenblad, Anders, Alpaslan-Danisman, Sumeyra
Contributors: Örtenblad, Anders, book editor
Source: The Oxford Handbook of Metaphor in Organization Studies.
Availability: https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780192895707.013.14
3Academic Journal
Authors: Pernille Weber Hansen, Vivi Schlünssen, Kirsten Fonager, Jakob Hjort Bønløkke, Claus D. Hansen, Henrik Bøggild
Source: BMC Public Health, Vol 22, Iss 1, Pp 1-10 (2022)
Subject Terms: Blue-collar worker, Job demand, Manual worker, Work accident, Work characteristic, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1471-2458
4Academic Journal
Source: BMC Public Health, Vol 21, Iss 1, Pp 1-13 (2021)
Subject Terms: Adjustment disorder, Anxiety disorder, Blue-collar worker, Cluster-randomized controlled trial, Common mental disorder, Depression, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1471-2458
5Academic Journal
Authors: Mette Korshøj, Charlotte Lund Rasmussen, Tatiana de Oliveira Sato, Andreas Holtermann, David Hallman
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, Vol 47, Iss 5, Pp 387-394 (2021)
Subject Terms: physical activity, heart rate, heart rate variability, blue-collar worker, autonomic nervous system, aerobic workload, heart rate reserve, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
6Academic Journal
Authors: Mohamad Iyad Al-Khiami, Martin Jaeger
Source: Safety, Vol 9, Iss 3, p 63 (2023)
Subject Terms: construction, safety training, working at heights, virtual reality, usability, blue-collar worker, Industrial safety. Industrial accident prevention, T55-55.3, Medicine (General), R5-920
File Description: electronic resource
7Academic Journal
Authors: Momoko Kayaba, Taeko Sasai-Sakuma, Yoshikazu Takaesu, Yuichi Inoue
Source: BMC Public Health, Vol 21, Iss 1, Pp 1-8 (2021)
Subject Terms: Work productivity, Work performance, Absenteeism, Insomnia, Blue-collar worker, Shift work, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1471-2458
8Academic Journal
Authors: Mette Korshøj, Marie Birk Jørgensen, David M Hallman, Julie Lagersted-Olsen, Andreas Holtermann, Nidhi Gupta
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, Vol 44, Iss 5, Pp 530-538 (2018)
Subject Terms: actigraph, text message, dphacto cohort, prolonged sitting, trajectory of pain, low-back pain, musculoskeletal disorder, longitudinal study, prospective study, pain, physical work demand, blue-collar worker, repeated measurement, sedentary, accelerometry, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
9Academic Journal
Authors: Jeppe Zielinski Nguyen Ajslev, Emil Sundstrup, Markus D Jakobsen, Pete Kines, Johnny Dyreborg, Lars L Andersen
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, Vol 44, Iss 4, Pp 370-376 (2018)
Subject Terms: accident, predictor, occupational accident, prospective cohort, occupational health and safety, blue-collar worker, safety culture, safety climate, occupational injury, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
10Academic Journal
Authors: Franz Tatzber, Sieglinde Zelzer, Barbara Obermayer-Pietsch, Stefan Rinnerhofer, Michael Kundi, Gerhard Cvirn, Georg Wultsch, Markus Herrmann, Harald Mangge, Tobias Niedrist, Willibald Wonisch
Source: Antioxidants, Vol 11, Iss 4, p 633 (2022)
Subject Terms: oxidative stress, sex-specific differences, taxing work, exhaustion, white-collar worker, blue-collar worker, Therapeutics. Pharmacology, RM1-950
File Description: electronic resource
11Academic Journal
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, Vol 44, Iss 2, Pp 163-170 (2018)
Subject Terms: back pain, questionnaire, measurement error, age, gender, physical activity, body mass index, pain, musculoskeletal pain, self-report, blue-collar worker, sedentary, self-reported time, bias, exposure modelling, low-back pain, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
Source: The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide.
Source: The Columbia Encyclopedia.
Source: The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide.
15Academic Journal
Authors: Julie Lagersted-Olsen, Birthe Lykke Thomsen, Andreas Holtermann, Karen Søgaard, Marie Birk Jørgensen
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, Vol 42, Iss 6, Pp 528-537 (2016)
Subject Terms: dphacto, mixed model, technical measurement, low-back pain, text message, musculoskeletal disorder, trunk flexion, bending, back pain, occupational, prospective study, posture, blue-collar worker, leisure time, forward bending, ergonomic, repeated measurement, accelerometer, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
16Academic Journal
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, Vol 42, Iss 3, Pp 237-245 (2016)
Subject Terms: questionnaire, physical activity, prediction, sedentariness, objective measure, blue-collar worker, prediction model, accelerometry, actigraph, sedentary time, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
17Academic Journal
Authors: Morten Villumsen, Andreas Holtermann, Afshin Samani, Pascal Madeleine, Marie Birk Jørgensen
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, Vol 42, Iss 2, Pp 125-134 (2016)
Subject Terms: workload, occupational physical activity, blue-collar worker, physical demand, forward bending, accelerometry, inclination, diurnal measurement, low-back pain, body posture, musculoskeletal disorder, bending of the trunk, back pain, risk assessment, cross-sectional study, social support, physical activity, pain, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
Source: Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History.
Source: Historical Dictionary of Australia.
Source: Historical Dictionary of Australia.