1Academic Journal
Authors: Shao, Huaizhi1 (AUTHOR), Li, Panwu2 (AUTHOR), Sobhy, Ahmed1,3 (AUTHOR), Ling, Xiangyang4 (AUTHOR), Tao, Dongping1 (AUTHOR) dptao@qq.com, Zhang, Ming2 (AUTHOR) m.zhang@wust.edu.cn
Source: Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Review. Feb2025, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p68-78. 11p.
Subject Terms: *PARTICLE size determination, *Z bosons, *DEIONIZATION of water, *KAOLINITE, *ZETA potential, *HEMATITE
2Academic Journal
Authors: Hue, L. T.1,2 (AUTHOR) lethohue@vlu.edu.vn, Phan, Khiem Hong3,4 (AUTHOR) phanhongkhiem@duytan.edu.vn, Hong, T. T.5,6 (AUTHOR) tthong@agu.edu.vn, Nguyen, T. Phong7 (AUTHOR) thanhphong@ctu.edu.vn, Nha, N. H. T.1,2 (AUTHOR) nguyenhuathanhnha@vlu.edu.vn
Source: European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields. Dec2024, Vol. 84 Issue 12, p1-21. 21p.
Subject Terms: *Z bosons, *NEUTRINO oscillation, *PHYSICS
3Academic Journal
Authors: JEONG, D. W.1, PARK, H. W.1, KIM, H. J.1 hongjoo@knu.ac.kr
Source: Acta Physica Polonica: A. Nov2024, Vol. 146 Issue 5, p679-686. 8p.
Subject Terms: *DATA acquisition systems, *Z bosons, *PHASE detectors, *PARTICLE detectors, *BISMUTH, *POSITRONIUM
4Academic Journal
Authors: Acharya, S.1 (AUTHOR), Adamová, D.2 (AUTHOR), Rinella, G. Aglieri3 (AUTHOR), Aglietta, L.4 (AUTHOR), Agnello, M.5 (AUTHOR), Agrawal, N.6 (AUTHOR), Ahammed, Z.7 (AUTHOR), Ahmad, S.8 (AUTHOR), Ahn, S. U.9 (AUTHOR), Ahuja, I.10 (AUTHOR), Akindinov, A.11 (AUTHOR), Al-Turany, M.12 (AUTHOR), Aleksandrov, D.11 (AUTHOR), Alessandro, B.13 (AUTHOR), Alfanda, H. M.14 (AUTHOR), Molina, R. Alfaro15 (AUTHOR), Ali, B.8 (AUTHOR), Alici, A.16 (AUTHOR), Alizadehvandchali, N.17 (AUTHOR), Alkin, A.3 (AUTHOR)
Source: European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields. Oct2024, Vol. 84 Issue 10, p1-26. 26p.
Subject Terms: *Z bosons, *MULTIPLICITY (Mathematics), *SCINTILLATORS, *PROTON-proton interactions, *DETECTORS, *PROBABILITY theory, *JETS (Nuclear physics)
5Academic Journal
Authors: Aad, G.1 (AUTHOR), Aakvaag, E.2 (AUTHOR), Abbott, B.3 (AUTHOR), Abdelhameed, S.4 (AUTHOR), Abeling, K.5 (AUTHOR), Abicht, N. J.6 (AUTHOR), Abidi, S. H.7 (AUTHOR), Aboelela, M.8 (AUTHOR), Aboulhorma, A.9 (AUTHOR), Abramowicz, H.10 (AUTHOR), Abreu, H.11 (AUTHOR), Abulaiti, Y.12 (AUTHOR), Acharya, B. S.13,14,15 (AUTHOR), Ackermann, A.16 (AUTHOR), Bourdarios, C. Adam17 (AUTHOR), Adamczyk, L.18 (AUTHOR), Addepalli, S. V.19 (AUTHOR), Addison, M. J.20 (AUTHOR), Adelman, J.21 (AUTHOR), Adiguzel, A.22 (AUTHOR)
Source: European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields. Sep2024, Vol. 84 Issue 9, p1-40. 40p.
Subject Terms: *Z bosons, *LARGE Hadron Collider, *PARTONS, *PROTON-proton interactions, *MUONS, *LUMINOSITY
6Academic Journal
Integrability of the Multi-Species Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes with Long-Range Jumps on Z.
Authors: Lee, Eunghyun1 (AUTHOR) eunghyun.lee@nu.edu.kz
Source: Symmetry (20738994). Sep2024, Vol. 16 Issue 9, p1164. 21p.
Subject Terms: *CHOICE (Psychology), *Z bosons, *JUMP processes, *STOCHASTIC models, *GLUTARALDEHYDE
7Academic Journal
Authors: Abada, A.1 (AUTHOR), Kriewald, J.2 (AUTHOR) jonathan.kriewald@ijs.si, Pinsard, E.3 (AUTHOR), Rosauro-Alcaraz, S.1 (AUTHOR), Teixeira, A. M.3 (AUTHOR)
Source: European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields. Feb2024, Vol. 84 Issue 2, p1-36. 36p.
Subject Terms: *ELECTROWEAK interactions, *Z bosons, *BOSONS, *NEUTRINO mass, *LEPTONS (Nuclear physics)
8Academic Journal
Authors: Camarda, Stefano1 (AUTHOR) stefano.camarda@cern.ch, Ferrera, Giancarlo2 (AUTHOR), Schott, Matthias3 (AUTHOR)
Source: European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields. Jan2024, Vol. 84 Issue 1, p1-11. 11p.
Subject Terms: *Z bosons, *PROTON-proton interactions, *ANTIPROTONS, *QUANTUM chromodynamics
9Academic Journal
Authors: Hayrapetyan, A.1 (AUTHOR), Tumasyan, A.1,2 (AUTHOR), Adam, W.3 (AUTHOR), Andrejkovic, J. W.3 (AUTHOR), Bergauer, T.3 (AUTHOR), Chatterjee, S.3,4 (AUTHOR), Damanakis, K.3 (AUTHOR), Dragicevic, M.3 (AUTHOR), Valle, A. Escalante Del3 (AUTHOR), Hussain, P.S.3 (AUTHOR), Jeitler, M.3,5 (AUTHOR), Krammer, N.3 (AUTHOR), Liko, D.3 (AUTHOR), Mikulec, I.3 (AUTHOR), Schieck, J.3,5 (AUTHOR), Schöfbeck, R.3 (AUTHOR), Schwarz, D.3 (AUTHOR), Sonawane, M.3 (AUTHOR), Templ, S.3 (AUTHOR), Waltenberger, W.3 (AUTHOR)
Source: European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields. Jan2024, Vol. 84 Issue 1, p1-28. 28p.
Subject Terms: *Z bosons, *LUMINOSITY, *PROTON-proton interactions, *MUONS, *TIME measurements
10Academic Journal
Authors: Kamada, Ayuki1 (AUTHOR) akamada@fuw.edu.pl, Kuwahara, Takumi2 (AUTHOR) kuwahara@pku.edu.cn, Matsumoto, Shigeki3 (AUTHOR) shigeki.matsumoto@ipmu.jp, Watanabe, Yu3 (AUTHOR) yu.watanabe@ipmu.jp, Watanabe, Yuki3 (AUTHOR) yuki.watanabe@ipmu.jp
Source: Journal of High Energy Physics. Jan2025, Vol. 2025 Issue 1, p1-34. 34p.
Subject Terms: *Z bosons, *STANDARD model (Nuclear physics), *PARTICLE decays, *BOSONS, *PHOTONS
11Academic Journal
Authors: Slizhevskiy, K.1,2 (AUTHOR) kirill.slizhevskiy@cern.ch, Savina, M.1,2 (AUTHOR), Shmatov, S.1,2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 2023, Vol. 86 Issue 6, p1327-1331. 5p.
Subject Terms: *PROTON-proton interactions, *Z bosons, *DARK matter
12Academic Journal
Authors: Bernal, Alexander1 (AUTHOR), Caban, Paweł2 (AUTHOR) Pawel.Caban@uni.lodz.pl, Rembieliński, Jakub2 (AUTHOR)
Source: European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields. Nov2023, Vol. 83 Issue 11, p1-11. 11p.
Subject Terms: *BELL'S theorem, *Z bosons, *COUPLING constants, *PARTICLE decays, *STANDARD model (Nuclear physics), *ELECTROWEAK interactions, *HIGGS bosons
13Academic Journal
Authors: Alekhin, S.1 (AUTHOR), Garzelli, M. V.1 (AUTHOR) maria.vittoria.garzelli@desy.de, Kulagin, S.2 (AUTHOR), Moch, S.-O.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields. Sep2023, Vol. 83 Issue 9, p1-16. 16p.
Subject Terms: *Z bosons, *ISOBARIC spin, *QUANTUM chromodynamics, *DISTRIBUTION (Probability theory), *PROTON-proton interactions, *QUARKS, *PARTONS
14Academic Journal
Authors: Cremer, Lucas1 (AUTHOR), Erdmann, Johannes2 (AUTHOR), Harnik, Roni3 (AUTHOR), Späh, Jan Lukas2 (AUTHOR), Stamou, Emmanuel1 (AUTHOR) emmanuel.stamou@tu-dortmund.de
Source: European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields. Sep2023, Vol. 83 Issue 9, p1-16. 16p.
Subject Terms: *TOP quarks, *Z bosons, *STANDARD model (Nuclear physics), *QUARK decay, *SIGNAL processing, *MONTE Carlo method
15Academic Journal
Authors: Tumasyan, A.1,2 (AUTHOR), Adam, W.3 (AUTHOR), Andrejkovic, J. W.3 (AUTHOR), Bergauer, T.3 (AUTHOR), Chatterjee, S.3 (AUTHOR), Damanakis, K.3 (AUTHOR), Dragicevic, M.3 (AUTHOR), Valle, A. Escalante Del3 (AUTHOR), Hussain, P. S.3 (AUTHOR), Jeitler, M.3,4 (AUTHOR), Krammer, N.3 (AUTHOR), Lechner, L.3 (AUTHOR), Liko, D.3 (AUTHOR), Mikulec, I.3 (AUTHOR), Paulitsch, P.3 (AUTHOR), Pitters, F. M.3 (AUTHOR), Schieck, J.3,4 (AUTHOR), Schöfbeck, R.3 (AUTHOR), Schwarz, D.3 (AUTHOR), Templ, S.3 (AUTHOR)
Source: European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields. Sep2023, Vol. 83 Issue 9, p1-32. 32p.
16Academic Journal
Authors: Conroy, Michael1 (AUTHOR), Sethuraman, Sunder1 (AUTHOR) sethuram@math.arizona.edu
Source: Communications in Mathematical Physics. Aug2023, Vol. 401 Issue 3, p723-764. 42p.
Subject Terms: *RANDOM walks, *Z bosons, *STANDARD deviations, *PROBLEM solving
17Academic Journal
Authors: Rezaie, S.1 (AUTHOR), Modarres, M.1 (AUTHOR) mmodares@ut.ac.ir
Source: European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields. Jul2023, Vol. 83 Issue 7, p1-19. 19p.
Subject Terms: *Z bosons, *DIFFERENTIAL cross sections, *BRANCHING ratios, *DISTRIBUTION (Probability theory), *PARTONS, *HADRON interactions
18Academic Journal
Authors: Gatto, Corrado1,2, corrado.gatto@na.infn.it, Di Benedetto, Vito3, vito@fnal.gov, Mazzacane, Anna3, mazzacan@fnal.gov
Source: Instruments (2410-390X); Dec2024, Vol. 8 Issue 4, p49, 36p
19Academic Journal
Authors: López González, Rosendo1, Gutiérrez, Mirian Hernández1, García, Ruth Lezama2, Gómez Cornelio, Sergio Alberto2, Lobato, Carlos3, Gómez‐Rivera, Abraham3, Quintana Owen, Patricia4, Alvarez Lemus, Mayra Angélica2, mayra.alvarez@ujat.mx
Source: Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology; Dec2024, Vol. 99 Issue 12, p2535-2544, 10p
20Academic Journal
Authors: Tsegelnik, Nikita S.1, tsegelnik@jinr.ru, Voronyuk, Vadym2, vadim.voronyuk@jinr.ru, Kolomeitsev, Evgeni E.1,3, evgeni.kolomeitsev@umb.sk
Source: Particles (2571-712X); Dec2024, Vol. 7 Issue 4, p984-1003, 20p