1Academic Journal
Authors: Carriere, Kevin R.1 krcarriere@gmail.com, Wiley, Shaun2
Source: Analyses of Social Issues & Public Policy. Apr2024, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p5-9. 5p.
Subject Terms: *SERIAL publications, *SOCIAL sciences, *GOVERNMENT policy, *PSYCHIATRY, *PSYCHOLOGY, *PUBLISHING, *THEORY of knowledge, *RESEARCH methodology, *COMMUNICATION, *CONSUMER activism
2Academic Journal
Authors: Moser, Charlotte E.. Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, US, charlotte.moser@colorado.edu, Siegel, Jaclyn A., ORCID 0000-0003-0620-2597. Department of Psychology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, US, Wiley, Shaun, ORCID 0000-0003-1182-4710. Department of Psychology, College of New Jersey, NJ, US
Psychology of Men & Masculinities, Vol 25(4), Oct, 2024. Special Issue: The Future of the Psychology of Men and Masculinities. pp. 438-450. NLM Title Abbreviation: Psychol Men Masc
Publisher: US : Educational Publishing Foundation
Other Journal Titles: Psychology of Men & Masculinity
Publication Type: Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal
3Academic Journal
Authors: Wiley, Shaun, ORCID 0000-0003-1182-4710. Department of Psychology, College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ, US, swiley@tcnj.edu, Koc, Yasin, ORCID 0000-0002-6727-3842. Department of Social Psychology, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, Jul 08, 2024. Publisher: US : Educational Publishing Foundation
Other Journal Titles: Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology; Cultural Diversity and Mental Health
Other Publishers: US : John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Supplemental Data: Data Sets Internet
Experimental Materials Internet
Tables and Figures Internet
Other InternetPublication Type: Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal
4Academic Journal
Authors: Wiley, Shaun *, Kenny, Destiny M., Geer, Stephanie
Source: In International Journal of Intercultural Relations November 2021 85:204-212
5Academic Journal
Authors: Wiley, Shaun1 (AUTHOR) swiley@tcnj.edu, Park, Jun Won2 (AUTHOR), Catalina, Natalie1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. Apr2024, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p561-582. 22p.
Subject Terms: Collective action, Gender inequality, State universities & colleges
Authors: Wiley, Shaun
Source: Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology. 25(4):604-610
Authors: Verkuyten, Maykel, Wiley, Shaun, Deaux, Kay, Fleischmann, Fenella
Source: Journal of social issues. 75(2):390-413
Authors: Wiley, Shaun, Fleischmann, Fenella, Deaux, Kay, Verkuyten, Maykel
Source: Journal of social issues. 75(2):611-629
Authors: Wiley, Shaun, Dunne, Christine
Source: Sex roles. 80(11-12):656-666
10Academic Journal
11Academic Journal
Source: In Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes January 2016 132:1-15
12Academic Journal
Authors: Wiley, Shaun, Srinivasan, Ruhi, Finke, Elizabeth
Source: Psychology of Women Quarterly. Mar 2013 37(1):61-71.
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 11
Descriptors: Females, Whites, Stereotypes, Males, Feminism, History, Correlation, Social Change, Mass Media, Activism, Web Sites
13Academic Journal
Authors: Wiley, Shaun
Source: In International Journal of Intercultural Relations May 2013 37(3):375-384
14Academic Journal
15Academic Journal
Authors: Wiley, Shaun, Perkins, Krystal, Deaux, Kay
Source: In International Journal of Intercultural Relations 2008 32(5):385-398
17Academic Journal
Authors: Moser, Charlotte E.1 (AUTHOR), Wiley, Shaun2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Personality & Social Psychology Review (Sage Publications Inc.). Sep2024, p1.