Showing 1 - 20 results of 950 Refine Results
  1. 1

    Authors: Sturm, E., Davies, R., Alves, J., Clénet, Y., Kotilainen, J., Monna, A., Nicklas, H., Pott, J. -U., Tolstoy, E., Vulcani, B., Achren, J., Annadevara, S., Anwand-Heerwart, H., Arcidiacono, C., Barboza, S., Barl, L., Baudoz, P., Bender, R., Bezawada, N., Biondi, F., Bizenberger, P., Blin, A., Boné, A., Bonifacio, P., Borgo, B., Born, J. van den, Buey, T., Cao, Y., Chapron, F., Chauvin, G., Chemla, F., Cloiseau, K., Cohen, M., Collin, C., Czoske, O., Dette, J. -O., Deysenroth, M., Dijkstra, E., Dreizler, S., Dupuis, O., van Egmond, G., Eisenhauer, F., Elswijk, E., Emslander, A., Fabricius, M., Fasola, G., Ferreira, F., Schreiber, N. M. Förster, Fontana, A., Gaudemard, J., Gautherot, N., Gendron, E., Gennet, C., Genzel, R., Ghouchou, L., Gillessen, S., Gratadour, D., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Guieu, S., Gullieuszik, M., de Haan, M., Hartke, J., Hartl, M., Haussmann, F., Helin, T., Hess, H. -J., Hofferbert, R., Huber, H., Huby, E., Huet, J. -M., Ives, D., Janssen, A., Jaufmann, P., Jilg, T., Jodlbauer, D., Jost, J., Kausch, W., Kellermann, H., Kerber, F., Kravcar, H., Kravchenko, K., Kulcsár, C., Kunkarayakti, H., Kunst, P., Kwast, S., Lang, F., Lange, J., Lapeyrere, V., Ruyet, B. Le, Leschinski, K., Locatelli, H., Massari, D., Mattila, S., Mei, S., Merlin, F., Meyer, E., Michel, C., Mohr, L., Montargès, M., Müller, F., Münch, N., Navarro, R., Neumann, U., Neumayer, N., Neumeier, L., Pedichini, F., Pflüger, A., Piazzesi, R., Pinard, L., Porras, J., Portaluri, E., Przybilla, N., Rabien, S., Raffard, J., Raggazoni, R., Ramlau, R., Ramos, J., Ramsay, S., Raynaud, H. -F., Rhode, P., Richter, A., Rix, H. -W., Rodenhuis, M., Rohloff, R. -R., Romp, R., Rousselot, P., Sabha, N., Sassolas, B., Schlichter, J., Schuil, M., Schweitzer, M., Seemann, U., Sevin, A., Simioni, M., Spallek, L., Sönmez, A., Suuronen, J., Taburet, S., Thomas, J., Tisserand, E., Vaccari, P., Valenti, E., Kleijn, G. Verdoes, Verdugo, M., Vidal, F., Wagner, R., Wegner, M., van Winden, D., Witschel, J., Zanella, A., Zeilinger, W., Ziegleder, J., Ziegler, B.

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on. 33(5):1-5 Aug, 2023

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on. 66(7):1204-1209 Jul, 2019

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    Source: 2014 IEEE 64th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2014 IEEE 64th. :1204-1211 May, 2014

    Relation: 2014 IEEE 64th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)

  13. 13

    Source: 2010 Proceedings 60th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2010 Proceedings 60th. :1385-1392 Jun, 2010

    Relation: 2010 IEEE 60th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC 2010)

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