1Academic Journal
Authors: Ranganai Tawanda Moyo, Mendon Dewa, Héctor Felipe Mateo Romero, Victor Alonso Gómez, Jose Ignacio Morales Aragonés, Luis Hernández-Callejo
Source: Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, Vol 10, Iss 2, Pp 218-232 (2024)
Subject Terms: anfis, fuzzy logic, pv cells, defect detection and classification, matlab., Renewable energy sources, TJ807-830
File Description: electronic resource
2Academic Journal
Authors: Jesús Armando Aguilar-Jiménez, Luis Hernández-Callejo, José Alejandro Suástegui-Macías, Victor Alonso Gómez, Alfonso García-Álvaro, Raúl Maján-Navalón, Lilian Johanna Obregón
Source: Urban Science, Vol 7, Iss 2, p 66 (2023)
Subject Terms: microgrids, renewable energy, photovoltaic, energy storage, LCOE, Geography. Anthropology. Recreation, Social Sciences
File Description: electronic resource
3Academic Journal
Authors: Héctor Felipe Mateo Romero, Miguel Ángel González Rebollo, Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo, Victor Alonso Gómez, Alberto Redondo Plaza, Ranganai Tawanda Moyo, Luis Hernández-Callejo
Source: Applied Sciences, Vol 12, Iss 19, p 10056 (2022)
Subject Terms: PV, artificial intelligence, MPPT, forecasting, parameter estimation, faults detection, Technology, Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General), TA1-2040, Biology (General), QH301-705.5, Physics, QC1-999, Chemistry, QD1-999
File Description: electronic resource
4Academic Journal
Authors: Raúl Alberto López-Meraz, Luis Hernández-Callejo, Luis Omar Jamed Boza, Jorge Arturo Del Ángel Ramos, Juan José Marín Hernández, Victor Alonso Gómez
Source: Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, Iss 104 (2021)
Subject Terms: Central composition design, microgrid, optimization, process simulation, regression, Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General), TA1-2040
File Description: electronic resource
5Academic Journal
Authors: Alberto Redondo Plaza, Victor Ndeti Ngungu, Sara Gallardo Saavedra, José Ignacio Morales Aragonés, Víctor Alonso Gómez, Lilian Johanna Obregón, Luis Hernández Callejo
Source: Energies, Vol 16, Iss 11, p 4531 (2023)
Subject Terms: renewable energy, solar energy, photovoltaic, inspection techniques, electroluminescence, photoluminescence, Technology
File Description: electronic resource
6Academic Journal
Authors: Raúl Alberto López-Meraz, Luis Hernández-Callejo, Luis Omar Jamed-Boza, Víctor Alonso Gómez
Source: Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, Iss 94, Pp 77-86 (2019)
Subject Terms: loss off energy, radiation, spline fit, Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General), TA1-2040
File Description: electronic resource
7Academic Journal
Authors: José Ignacio Morales-Aragonés, Matthew St. Michael Williams, Víctor Alonso Gómez, Sara Gallardo-Saavedra, Alberto Redondo-Plaza, Diego Fernández-Martínez, Francisco José Sánchez-Pacheco, Juan Gabriel Fajardo Cuadro, Luis Hernández-Callejo
Source: Applied Sciences, Vol 12, Iss 16, p 7973 (2022)
Subject Terms: loop antenna, power line communication, resonance, single-wire transmission, tuning, Technology, Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General), TA1-2040, Biology (General), QH301-705.5, Physics, QC1-999, Chemistry, QD1-999
File Description: electronic resource
8Academic Journal
Authors: José Ignacio Morales-Aragonés, Víctor Alonso Gómez, Sara Gallardo-Saavedra, Alberto Redondo-Plaza, Diego Fernández-Martínez, Luis Hernández-Callejo
Source: Applied Sciences, Vol 12, Iss 13, p 6623 (2022)
Subject Terms: I-V curve, electroluminescence, photovoltaic, solar cell, Technology, Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General), TA1-2040, Biology (General), QH301-705.5, Physics, QC1-999, Chemistry, QD1-999
File Description: electronic resource
9Academic Journal
Authors: Miguel Aybar-Mejía, Lesyani León-Viltre, Félix Santos, Francisco Neves, Víctor Alonso Gómez, Deyslen Mariano-Hernández
Source: Applied Sciences, Vol 11, Iss 23, p 11355 (2021)
Subject Terms: microgrid, control system, storage system, wind turbine, primary control, Technology, Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General), TA1-2040, Biology (General), QH301-705.5, Physics, QC1-999, Chemistry, QD1-999
File Description: electronic resource
10Academic Journal
Authors: Javier Ballestín-Fuertes, Jesús Muñoz-Cruzado-Alba, José F. Sanz-Osorio, Luis Hernández-Callejo, Victor Alonso-Gómez, José Ignacio Morales-Aragones, Sara Gallardo-Saavedra, Oscar Martínez-Sacristan, Ángel Moretón-Fernández
Source: Applied Sciences, Vol 10, Iss 9, p 3084 (2020)
Subject Terms: electroluminescence, photovoltaic panels, power inverters, utility-scale photovoltaic plants, solar plants maintenance, photovoltaic panels degradation, Technology, Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General), TA1-2040, Biology (General), QH301-705.5, Physics, QC1-999, Chemistry, QD1-999
File Description: electronic resource