1Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Imaging of tubal permeability and pathology (English)
Source: In Imagerie de la Femme June 2019 29(2):82-92
2Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Discriminant value of MRI for the diagnosis of benign and malignant endometrium in postmenopausal women with uterine bleeding or asymptomatic endometrium thickening: Prospective prestudy (English)
Authors: Cartayrade, Noëlle, Lacombe, Sandy, Daurès, Jean-Pierre, Chiavassa, Hélène, Viala-Trentini, Muriel
Source: In Imagerie de la Femme September 2018 28(3):196-207
3Academic Journal
Alternate Title: What every radiologist should know after tubal sterilization by Essure® system (English)
Source: In Imagerie de la Femme December 2015 25(4):238-245
4Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Value of diffusion weighted MRI for pelvic nodal staging in patients with gynecologic malignancies (English)
Source: In Imagerie de la Femme June 2014 24(2):62-67
5Academic Journal
Alternate Title: MRI of vulvo-vaginal pathologies (English)
Authors: Arrada, Amine, Fontaine, Anne, Garibaldi, Fabrice, Mazet, Nathalie, Langman, Benjamin, Cheikh-Khelifa, Hatem, Vendrell, Jean-François, Rouanet, Jean-Pierre, Filhastre, Maud, Viala-Trentini, Muriel
Source: In Imagerie de la Femme December 2013 23(4):209-221
6Academic Journal
Alternate Title: MRI of endrometrium before histological results: From assessment of a cancer to management of incidentally discovered tumour (English)
Source: In Imagerie de la Femme 2009 19(3):155-162
7Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Benign cystic mesothelioma of the peritoneum, a case report and review of the literature (English)
Authors: Baeza, Claire, Coppola, Camille, Viala-Trentini, Muriel, Bourgon, Nicolas, Terzibachian, Jean-Jacques, Riethmuller, Didier
Source: In Imagerie de la Femme September 2014 24(3):137-141
8Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Two rare tumors of the breast (English)
Authors: Boutot, Delphine, Fontaine, Anne, Carrère, Sébastien, Maran-Gonzalez, Aurélie, Viala-Trentini, Muriel
Source: In Imagerie de la Femme September 2013 23(3):165-171