Showing 1 - 20 results of 486 Refine Results
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    Source: Proceedings. XV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing Computer graphics and image processing Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 2002. Proceedings. XV Brazilian Symposium on. :240-243 2002

    Relation: Proceedings 15th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing

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    Source: 1998 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. 1998 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (Cat. No.98CH36255) Nuclear science and medical imaging Nuclear Science Symposium, 1998. Conference Record. 1998 IEEE. 2:857-862 vol.2 1998

    Relation: 1998 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record

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    Authors: Project, The Mu2e, Collaboration, Abrams, R. J., Alezander, D., Ambrosio, G., Andreev, N., Ankenbrandt, C. M., Asner, D. M., Arnold, D., Artikov, A., Barnes, E., Bartoszek, L., Bernstein, R. H., Biery, K., Biliyar, V., Bonicalzi, R., Bossert, R., Bowden, M., Brandt, J., Brown, D. N., Budagov, J., Buehler, M., Burov, A., Carcagno, R., Carey, R. M., Carosi, R., Cascella, M., Cauz, D., Cervelli, F., Chandra, A., Chang, J. K., Cheng, C., Ciambrone, P., Coleman, R. N., Cooper, M., Corcoran, M. C., Cordelli, M., Davydov, Y., de Gouvea, A. L., De Lorenzis, L., Debevec, P. T., DeJongh, F., Densham, C., Deuerling, G., Dey, J., Di Falco, S., Dixon, S., Djilkibaev, R., Drendel, B., Dukes, E. C., Dychkant, A., Echenard, B., Ehrlich, R., Evans, N., Evbota, D., Fang, I., Fast, J. E., Feher, S., Fischler, M., Frank, M., Frlez, E., Fung, S. S., Gallo, G., Galucci, G., Gaponenko, A., Genser, K., Giovannella, S., Glagolev, V., Glenzinski, D., Gnani, D., Goadhouse, S., Gollin, G. D., Grace, C., Grancagnolo, F., Group, C., Hanson, J., Hanson, S., Happacher, F., Heckmaier, E., Hedin, D., Hertzog, D. W., Hirosky, R., Hitlin, D. G., Ho, E., Huang, X., Huedem, E., Hung, P. Q., Hungerford, E. V., Ito, T., Jaskierny, W., Jedziniak, R., Johnson, R. P., Johnstone, C., Johnstone, J. A., Kahn, S. A., Kammel, P., Kang, T. I., Kashikhin, V. S., Kashikhin, V. V., Kasper, P., Kawall, D. M., Khalatian, V., Kim, M., Klebaner, A., Kocen, D., Kolomensky, Y., Kourbanis, I., Kowalkowski, J., Kozminski, J., Krempetz, K., Kumar, K. S., Kutschke, R. K., Kwarciany, R., Lackowski, T., Lamm, M., Larwill, M., Lau, K., Lee, M. J., L'Erario, A., Leveling, T., Lim, G., Lindenmeyer, C., Logashenko, V., Lontadze, T., Lopes, M., Luca, A., Lynch, K. R., Ma, T., Maffezzoli, A., Marciano, W. J., Martini, M., Masayoshi, W., Matushko, V., McAteer, M., McCrady, R., Moccoli, A., Michelotti, L., Miller, J. P., Miscetti, S., Molzon, W., Morgan, J., Mukherjee, A., Nagaitsev, S., Nagaslaev, V., Niehoff, J., Neuffer, D. V., Nicol, T., Norman, A. J., Norris, B., Odell, J., Oh, S., Oksuzian, Y., Onorato, G., Orduna, J., Orris, D., Ostojic, R., Page, T., Paschke, K. D., Pauletta, G., Peterson, T., Piacentino, G. M., Pileggi, G., Pla-Dalmau, A., Pocanic, D., Polly, C. C., Polychronakos, V., Ponzio, B., Popovic, M., Popp, J. L., Porter, F., Presbys, E., Prieto, P., Pronskikh, V., Puccinelli, F., Rabehl, R., Ramsey, J., Ray, R. E., Rechenmacher, R., Rella, S., Ristori, L., Rivera, R., Roberts, B. L., Roberts, T. J., Rubinov, P., Rusu, V. L., Saputi, A., Sarra, I., Smertzidis, Y., Shanahan, P., Simonenko, A., Steward, J., Suslov, I., Sylvester, C., Tang, Z., Tartaglia, M., Tassielli, G., Tereshchenko, V., Theilacker, J., Tompkins, J., Tschirhart, R., Van Zandbergen, G., Vannini, C., Venanzoni, G., von der Lippe, H., Wagner, R., Walder, J. P., Walton, R., Wands, S., Wang, S., Warren, G., Werkema, S., White Jr, H. B., Wielgos, R., Wood, L. S., Woodward, M., Wu, J., Xiao, M., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yarritu, K., Yonehara, K., Yoshikawa, C., You, Z., Yu, G., Yurkewicz, A., Zavarise, G., Zhu, R. Y.

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on. 47(6):2092-2100 Dec, 2000

    Linked Full Text
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    Source: 1995 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record Nuclear science and medical imaging Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record, 1995., 1995 IEEE. 1:541-543 vol.1 1995

    Relation: 1995 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record

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