1Academic Journal
Authors: Van Meulder, F., Ratman, D., Van Coppernolle, S., Borloo, J., Li, R.W., Chiers, K., Van den Broeck, W., De Bosscher, K., Claerebout, E., Geldhof, P.
Source: In International Journal for Parasitology August 2015 45(9-10):637-646
2Academic Journal
Authors: Grit, G.H., Van Coppernolle, S., Devriendt, B., Geurden, T., Dreesen, L., Hope, J., Vercruysse, J., Cox, E., Geldhof, P., Claerebout, E.
Source: In Veterinary Parasitology 28 May 2014 202(3-4):145-155
Authors: Van Meulder, F., Van Coppernolle, S., Borloo, J., Rinaldi, M., Li, R.W., Chiers, K., Van den Broeck, W., Vercruysse, J., Claerebout, E., Geldhof, P.
Source: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY. 81(5):1798-1809
Authors: Van Coppernolle, S., Vanhee, S., Verstichel, G., Snauwaert, S., van der Spek, A., Velghe, I., Sinnesael, M., Heemskerk, M. H., Taghon, T., Leclercq, G.
Source: LEUKEMIA. 26(1):127-138
Authors: Vandekerckhove, B., Vanhee, S., Van Coppernolle, S., Snauwaert, S., Velghe, I., Taghon, T., Leclercq, G., Kerre, T., Plum, J., Wakao, H.
Source: FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE. 16(4):1488-1504
Authors: Van Coppernolle, S., Verstichel, G., Timmermans, F., Velghe, I., Vermijlen, D., De Smedt, M., Leclercq, G., Plum, J., Taghon, T., Vandekerckhove, B.
Source: JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY -BETHESDA-. 183(8):4859-4870
Authors: Timmermans, F., Velghe, I., Vanwalleghem, L., De Smedt, M., Van Coppernolle, S., Taghon, T., Moore, H.D., Leclercq, G., Langerak, A.W., Kerre, T.
Source: JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY -BETHESDA-. 182(11):6879-6888
Authors: Van Bockstaele, F., Pede, V., Naessens, E., Van Coppernolle, S., Van Tendeloo, V., Verhasselt, B., Philippe, J.
Source: LEUKEMIA. 22(2):323-329
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