1Academic Journal
2Academic Journal
3Academic Journal
Authors: Nightingale, Sarah nightingales@easternct.edu
Source: Social Work Research. Mar2024, Vol. 48 Issue 1, p25-35. 11p.
Subject Terms: *SCHOOL violence & psychology, *CHILDREN'S rights, *RISK assessment, *STATISTICAL power analysis, *STATISTICAL correlation, *POST-traumatic stress disorder, *VICTIM psychology, *PSYCHOLOGICAL burnout, *LEADERSHIP, *UNIVERSITIES & colleges, *PATH analysis (Statistics), *STRUCTURAL equation modeling, *CHI-squared test, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *SURVEYS, *PSYCHOLOGICAL stress, *RESEARCH, *FACTOR analysis, *DATA analysis software, *CONFIDENCE intervals, *SOCIAL support, *REGRESSION analysis
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
4Academic Journal
Authors: Hullenaar, Keith L.1 khullen@uw.edu, Fisher, Benjamin W.2, Zatzick, Douglas F.1, Rivara, Frederick P.1,3,4
Source: Journal of School Health. Feb2025, Vol. 95 Issue 2, p134-141. 8p.
Subject Terms: *SCHOOL violence & psychology, *COMPETENCY assessment (Law), *LIFE change events, *RESEARCH funding, *ATTENTION-deficit hyperactivity disorder, *INTERVIEWING, *SEX distribution, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *AGE distribution, *ANXIETY, *STAY-at-home orders, *LONGITUDINAL method, *RACE, *CHILD Behavior Checklist, *PSYCHOSOMATIC disorders, *PSYCHOLOGICAL stress, *DATA analysis software, *CONFIDENCE intervals, *SHOOTINGS (Crime), *CHILD behavior, *EDUCATIONAL attainment, *MENTAL depression, *NEIGHBORHOOD characteristics, *CHILDREN
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
5Academic Journal
Authors: Kelly, Sarah1 (NURSE) kellys@montclair.edu, Lardier, David T.2 (AUTHOR), Napoli, Danielle3 (AUTHOR), Verdezoto, Carolina2 (AUTHOR), Reid, Robert3 (AUTHOR), Garcia-Reid, Pauline3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Issues in Mental Health Nursing. Feb2025, Vol. 46 Issue 2, p119-128. 10p.
Subject Terms: *SCHOOL violence & psychology, *BULLYING & psychology, *RISK assessment, *VICTIM psychology, *SUICIDAL ideation, *RESEARCH funding, *RISK-taking behavior, *PSYCHOLOGICAL distress, *QUESTIONNAIRES, *LOGISTIC regression analysis, *SEX distribution, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *CITY dwellers, *ODDS ratio, *RACE, *MINORITIES, *ANXIETY disorders, *SOCIAL support, *DATA analysis software, *CONFIDENCE intervals, *PSYCHOSOCIAL factors, *MENTAL depression, *ADOLESCENCE
Geographic Terms: NEW England
6Academic Journal
Authors: Nassir, Misaa1 m.nassir.13@gmail.com, Benoliel, Pascale2
Source: Journal of School Violence. Jan-Mar2025, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p47-63. 17p.
Subject Terms: *SCHOOL violence & psychology, *MANAGEMENT styles, *SELF-evaluation, *SCHOOL environment, *PSYCHOLOGY of teachers, *LEADERSHIP, *QUESTIONNAIRES, *STATISTICAL sampling, *PATERNALISM, *STRUCTURAL equation modeling, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *JOB satisfaction, *ETHICS, *ARABS, *ACADEMIC achievement
Geographic Terms: ISRAEL
7Academic Journal
Authors: Longmuir, Fiona1 Fiona.Longmuir@monash.edu, McKay, Amanda2, Gallo Cordoba, Beatriz3, Allen, Kelly-Ann1, Phillips, Michael1
Source: Journal of School Violence. Jan-Mar2025, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p1-20. 20p.
Subject Terms: *SCHOOL violence & psychology, *SAFETY, *SCHOOL environment, *OCCUPATIONAL roles, *SCHOOLS, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *JOB satisfaction, *COLLEGE teacher attitudes, *LABOR demand, *SOCIAL support
Geographic Terms: AUSTRALIA
8Academic Journal
Authors: LIU, GLORIA
Source: Men's Health. Oct/Nov2023, Vol. 38 Issue 7, p112-119. 8p. 3 Color Photographs, 21 Black and White Photographs.
Subject Terms: *SCHOOL violence & psychology, *GRIEF, *CONVALESCENCE, *CRITICISM, *SHOOTINGS (Crime), *EXECUTIVES, *FEAR, *EXPERIENCE, *WOUNDS & injuries, *PSYCHOLOGICAL adaptation, *GROUP process, *POLICE, *PSYCHOLOGICAL resilience
10Academic Journal
Authors: Hodges, James C., Walker, Danielle T., Baum, Christopher F., Hawkins, Summer Sherburne summer.hawkins@bc.edu
Source: American Journal of Public Health. Apr2023, Vol. 113 Issue 4, p438-441. 4p.
Subject Terms: *SCHOOL violence & psychology, *SAFETY, *CONFIDENCE intervals, *SCHOOLS, *QUESTIONNAIRES, *LOGISTIC regression analysis, *ODDS ratio, *SENSITIVITY & specificity (Statistics), *ADOLESCENCE
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
Authors: Adshead, Gwen
Source: New Scientist. 9/29/2021, Vol. 251 Issue 3354, p43-45. 3p.
Subjects: ADSHEAD, Gwen, FORENSIC psychiatrists, WOMEN psychotherapists, HUMAN behavior, VIOLENCE & psychology, CRIMINAL psychology, VIOLENT crimes, CRIME & the press
12Academic Journal
Authors: Bélanger, Jocelyn J.1 jocelyn.belanger@gmail.com, Adam‐Troian, Jais2, Nisa, Claudia F.1, Schumpe, Birga M.3
Source: British Journal of Psychology. Nov2022, Vol. 113 Issue 4, p917-937. 21p. 6 Charts, 3 Graphs.
Subject Terms: *Cost effectiveness, Violence & psychology, Psychology, At-risk people, Goal (Psychology)
13Academic Journal
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14Academic Journal
Authors: Easton, Scott D.1 scott.easton@bc.edu, Safadi, Najwa S.2, Santo, Leila Dal1
Source: Journal of Loss & Trauma. Feb2023, Vol. 28 Issue 2, p103-121. 19p. 2 Charts.
Subject Terms: *VIOLENCE & psychology, *SOCIAL workers, *MULTIPLE regression analysis, *JOB stress, *MENTAL health, *PUBLIC sector, *RESEARCH funding, *JOB satisfaction, *INDUSTRIAL hygiene, *ANXIETY, *PSYCHOLOGICAL distress
Geographic Terms: ISRAEL
15Academic Journal
Authors: Ronen, Tammie1, Berger, Roni2, Rahav, Giora1, Agbaria, Qutaiba3, Tsur, Noga1,4 nogatsur@tauex.tau.ac.il, Savaya, Riki1
Source: Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal. Feb2023, Vol. 40 Issue 1, p143-157. 15p.
Subject Terms: *VIOLENCE & psychology, *WELL-being, *AFFINITY groups, *STRUCTURAL equation modeling, *AFFECT (Psychology), *SOCIAL support, *ARABS, *FAMILY support, *PRACTICAL politics, *MENTAL health, *ADOLESCENT psychology, *QUESTIONNAIRES, *STATISTICAL sampling, *PSYCHOLOGY of Jews, *ADOLESCENCE
Geographic Terms: ISRAEL
16Academic Journal
Authors: Cavazzoni, Federica1 federica.cavazzoni@unimib.it, Fiorini, Alec2, Veronese, Guido1,3
Source: Child & Youth Care Forum. Feb2023, Vol. 52 Issue 1, p1-24. 24p.
Subject Terms: *VIOLENCE & psychology, *WELL-being, *META-synthesis, *SOCIAL support, *PRACTICAL politics, *SYSTEMATIC reviews, *SATISFACTION, *MENTAL health, *INTERPERSONAL relations, *PSYCHOLOGICAL adaptation, *CHILDREN
17Academic Journal
Authors: Kolb, Helen1 helen.kolb@uia.no, Dovran, Anders1,2,3, Fernee, Carina Ribe4, Bøe, Tore Dag1
Source: Child & Family Social Work. Feb2023, Vol. 28 Issue 1, p65-76. 12p. 1 Diagram.
Subject Terms: *CHILD abuse & psychology, *VIOLENCE & psychology, *FIELD research, *SOCIAL participation, *RESEARCH methodology, *ECOLOGY, *INTERVIEWING, *CRITICAL theory, *EXPERIENCE, *QUALITATIVE research, *INTERPERSONAL relations, *SOUND recordings, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *RESEARCH funding, *PSYCHOLOGICAL adaptation, *PSYCHOLOGICAL resilience, *SOCIAL case work, *ADOLESCENCE
Geographic Terms: NORWAY
18Academic Journal
Authors: Szlyk, Hannah1 szlyk@wustl.edu, Motley, Robert2, Joe, Sean3, Nonas-Barnes, Lucy4, Azasu, Enoch5
Source: Social Work. Jan2023, Vol. 68 Issue 1, p18-27. 10p.
Subject Terms: *VIOLENCE & psychology, *COLLEGE students, *STATISTICS, *STATISTICAL reliability, *BLACK people, *SOCIAL workers, *SUICIDAL ideation, *CRONBACH'S alpha, *T-test (Statistics), *PEARSON correlation (Statistics), *SURVEYS, *SCALE analysis (Psychology), *CHI-squared test, *JUDGMENT sampling, *LOGISTIC regression analysis, *DATA analysis, *SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC factors, *DATA analysis software, *POLICE, *PSYCHOLOGICAL resilience
19Academic Journal
Authors: Schildkraut, Jaclyn1 Jaclyn.Schildkraut@rock.suny.edu, Nickerson, Amanda B.2, Vogel, Matt3, Finnerty, Abbie4
Source: Journal of School Violence. Jul-Sep2024, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p319-332. 14p.
Subject Terms: *SCHOOL violence & psychology, *SAFETY, *VIOLENCE, *RESEARCH funding, *HEALTH policy, *STUDENTS, *STAY-at-home orders, *EMERGENCY management
20Academic Journal
Authors: Karadağ, Gülendam1 gkaradag71@gmail.com, Arkan Üner, Gülcihan2, Öztürk Haney, Meryem1
Source: Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. Oct2022, Vol. 58 Issue 4, p1801-1809. 9p. 4 Charts.
Subject Terms: *VIOLENCE & psychology, *PSYCHOLOGY of abused women, *GENDER role, *PHYSICAL fitness centers, *RESEARCH methodology, *CROSS-sectional method, *MULTIPLE regression analysis, *VIOLENCE, *GENDER, *PEARSON correlation (Statistics), *SEX distribution, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *QUESTIONNAIRES, *SOCIAL attitudes, *DATA analysis software, *PUBLIC opinion, *EDUCATIONAL attainment
Geographic Terms: TURKEY