1Academic Journal
Authors: Debieuvre, D., Asselain, B., Cortot, A., Couraud, S., Duval, Y., Falchero, L., Locher, C., Meyer, N., Molinier, O., Morel, H., Templement-Grangerat, D., Tredaniel, J., Olivier, Leleu, Caroline, Clarot, Stéphanie, Martinez, Marie, Bernardi, Etienne, Auvray, Julian, Pinsolle, Chantal, Decroisette, Dorine, Templement, Laure, Belmont, Thierry, Saelens, Amélie, Turlotte, Jérôme, Virally, Reda, Chikouche, Marielle, Sabatini, Sophie, Schneider, Jacky, Crequit, Faraj, Al Freijat, Baihas, Jarjour, Rym, Haouachi, Fethi, El Khanjari, Luc, Stoven, Pascal, Beynel, Vincent, Tack, Fatima, Meniai, Yannick, Duval, Hannah, Ghalloussi-Tebai, Claudia, Rizzo, Waad, Al Sheikh, Marguerite, Lepoulain Doubliez, Florence, Lamotte, François, Christiann, Patrick, Dumont, Philippe, Masson, Fréderic, Bigot, Hervé, Le Floch, Issam, Belhaj, Lionel, Moreau, Stéphanie, Dehette, Antoine, Belle, Lidia, Petit, Thomas, Laurent, Sandrine, Loutski-Vettese, Isabelle, Monnet, Jean-Bernard, Auliac, Edith, Maetz, Jean-Yves, Tavernier, Christian, Delafosse, Pierre-Alexandre, Hauss, Colette, Vincent, Mohamad, Jaafar, Jean Philippe, Kraemer, Laetitia, Chablais, Anne-Sophie, Bravard, Philippe, Bonnefoy, Christine, Lefoll, Alexandra, Bedossa, Élise, Redureau, Acya, Bizieux-Thaminy, Virginie, Levrat, Kevin, Fouet, Claire, Alizon, Cécile, Dujon, Hong, Rabut, Mihai, Popa, Jean, Quieffin, Pierre, Demontrond, Olivier, Molinier, François, Goupil, Kheir Eddine, Benmammar, Vanessa, Pante, Laurent, Portel, Anne-Sophie, Blanchet-Legens, Sébastien, Larive, Jacques, Le Treut, Herve, Pegliasco, Chrystèle, Locher, Séverine, Thomassin, Benoît, Godbert, Cécile, Maincent, Christophe, Perrin, Julie, Obert, Cyril, Maurer, David, Renault, Karim, Amrane, Didier, Debieuvre, Geoffroy, Milliet De Faverges, Andreea, Tudor, Maud, Russier, Hugues, Morel, Hugues, Francois, Jean, Tredaniel, Patrick Aldo, Renault, Magalie, Paysse, Anne-Marie, Chiappa, Romain, Corre, Laurent, Mosser, Sylvie, Julien, David, Nunes, Soraya, Bordier, Eric, Briens, Gwenaëlle, Le Garff, Clothilde, Marty, Bénédicte, Martignac, Charles, Dayen, Emmanuelle, Lecuyer, Philippe, Slaouti, Serge, Jeandeau, Christina, Delmas, Eric, Goarant, Marie, Tiercin, Jean-Michel, Peloni, Joelle, Courdeau-Labourie, Nicolae, Banciu, Anne-Sophie, Bugnet, Olivier, Bylicki, Marjorie, Picaud, Laurence, Thirard, Bertrand, Delclaux, Philippe, Brun, Marion, Nancy, David, Marquette, Gonzague, De Chabot, Pierre, Kuntz, Catherine, Marichy, Lionel, Falchero, Christine, Dussopt, Alexa, Mairovitz, Jean-Marc, Dot, Fanny, Magne, Hoang, T.C.T., Bravard, A.-S., Martinez, S., Le Garff, G., Jeandeau, S., Petit, L., Marquette, D., Amrane, K., Demontrond, P., Tiercin, M., Jarjour, B., Turlotte, A., Masson, P., Jaafar, M., Hauss, P.-A.
Source: In ESMO Open June 2024 9(6)
Authors: Ricordel, C., Labalette-Tiercin, M., Lespagnol, A., Kerjouan, M., Dugast, C., Mosser, J., Desrues, B., Lena, H.
Source: LUNG CANCER -AMSTERDAM-. 87(1):80-84
3Academic Journal
Authors: Molinier, O., Monnet, I., Bylicki, O., Moreau, L., Fore, M., Corre, R., Portel, L., Chikouche, R., Francois, H., Dayen, C., Rizzo, C., Tiercin, M., El Khanjari, F., Obert, J., Beynel, P., Dujon, C., Ghalloussi-Tebai, H., Alizon, C., Bugnet, A-S., Debieuvre, D.
Source: In Annals of Oncology September 2024 35 Supplement 2:S801-S801
4Academic Journal
Authors: Falchero, L., Moreau, L., Fore, M., Corre, R., Auvray, E., Redureau, E., Francois, H., Dayen, C., Rizzo, C., Thierry, S., Tiercin, M., Jarjour, B., Beynel, P., Dujon, C., Ghalloussi-Tebai, H., Cortot, A., Morel, H., Debieuvre, D.
Source: In Annals of Oncology October 2023 34 Supplement 2:S1075-S1076
5Academic Journal
Authors: Berger, V.A., Jubé, C., Forestier, A., Mitonneau, C., Humeau, H., Limouzin, S., Tiercin, M., Morlière, L., Geoffrois, L., Cabart, M., Bertholet, M., Llambrich-Molines, C., Breysse, S., Laghouati, S., Beaumont, N.
Source: In Annals of Oncology September 2022 33 Supplement 7:S1285-S1285
6Academic Journal
Authors: Doubre, H., Huchot, E., Simonneau, Y., Roa, M., Le Treut, J., Le Garff, G., Bylicki, O., Schott, R., Bravard, A.S., Tiercin, M., Lamy, R., De Chabot, G., Marti, A., Moreau, D., Locher, C., Bernier, C., Chouaid, C., Descourt, R.
Source: In Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités January 2022 14(1):62-63
Authors: Ricordel, C., Labalette-Tiercin, M., Guerillon, C., Bigot, N., Mouche, A., Burel, A., Lena, H., Guillaudeux, T., Pedeux, R.
Authors: Labalette-Tiercin, M., Ricordel, C., Lentz, P. A., Delatour, B., Chiforeanu, D., Desrues, B., Lena, H.
9Academic Journal
Authors: Corre, R., Labalette-Tiercin, M., Lespagnol, A., Denis, M., Le Gac, G., Zalcman, G., Bout, J.-C., Bizec, J.-L., Marcq, M., Richard, N., Léna, H.
Source: In Journal of Geriatric Oncology October 2014 5 Supplement 2:S36-S36