1Academic Journal
Authors: Wang, Xiaoqing1,2 (AUTHOR) awxiaoqing@163.com, Wang, Kaihua1 (AUTHOR), Xu, Baochang1 (AUTHOR), Jin, Wenxin1 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Feb2025, p1-18. 18p. 5 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *Technological innovations, *Sustainable development, *High technology industries, Digital technology, Evidence gaps
2Academic Journal
Authors: Horvat, Djerdj1 (AUTHOR) Djerdj.Horvat@isi.fraunhofer.de, Jäger, Angela1 (AUTHOR), Lerch, Christian M.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Feb2025, Vol. 63 Issue 3, p1126-1149. 24p.
Subject Terms: *Technological innovations, *Employee participation in management, *Emerging industries, *Empirical research, Digital technology
3Academic Journal
Authors: Pfaff-Kastner, Manja Mai-Ly1 (AUTHOR) manja.mai-ly.pfaff-kastner@iwu.fraunhofer.de, Wunderlich, Tim1 (AUTHOR), Wenzel, Ken1 (AUTHOR), Ihlenfeldt, Steffen1,2 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Jan2025, Vol. 63 Issue 1, p371-394. 24p.
Subject Terms: *Manufacturing processes, *Manufacturing industries, Digital technology, Ontology, Machine design
4Academic Journal
Authors: Schneider Dallolio, Adriana1 (AUTHOR) adriana.dallolio@usp.br, Abdalla, Carla Caires2 (AUTHOR), Ferraz, Sofia Batista3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Marketing Management. Feb2025, p1-31. 31p. 1 Illustration.
Subject Terms: *Influencer marketing, *Medical personnel, *Marketing literature, Digital technology, Affect (Psychology)
5Academic Journal
Authors: Akmeraner-Kökat, Yeşim1,2 (AUTHOR) yesim.akmeraner.kokat@usi.ch, Pellandini-Simányi, Léna1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Marketing Management. Feb2025, p1-23. 23p.
Subject Terms: *Artificial intelligence, *Qualitative research, *Advertising, Digital technology, Creative ability
6Academic Journal
Authors: Cheng, Ying1 (AUTHOR) ycheng@buaa.edu.cn, Liu, Hongting1,2 (AUTHOR), Qi, Qinglin3 (AUTHOR), Tao, Fei1,2 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Feb2025, p1-17. 17p. 9 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *Manufacturing industries, Digital twin, Digital technology
7Academic Journal
Authors: Seidel, Stefan (AUTHOR) stefan.seidel@wiso.uni-koeln.de, Frick, Christoph J. (AUTHOR) christoph.frick@uni.li, Brocke, Jan vom (AUTHOR) jan.vom.brocke@uni-muenster.de
Source: MIS Quarterly. Mar2025, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p179-204. 26p. 1 Black and White Photograph, 3 Diagrams, 8 Charts.
Subject Terms: *Technological innovations, *Blockchains, *Government regulation, Digital technology, Sensemaking theory (Communication)
Geographic Terms: Liechtenstein
8Academic Journal
Authors: Krämer, Jan (AUTHOR) jan.kraemer@uni-passau.de, Shekhar, Shiva (AUTHOR) s.shekhar_1@tilburguniversity.edu
Source: MIS Quarterly. Mar2025, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p123-154. 32p. 1 Chart, 7 Graphs.
Subject Terms: *Information sharing, *Government regulation, *Economic competition, *Technological innovations, Digital technology
9Academic Journal
Authors: Abbasi, Ahmed (AUTHOR) aabbasi@nd.edu, Somanchi, Sriram (AUTHOR) somanchi.1@nd.edu, Kelley, Ken (AUTHOR) kkelley@nd.edu
Source: MIS Quarterly. Mar2025, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p1-28. 28p. 9 Diagrams, 3 Charts, 7 Graphs.
Subject Terms: *Electronic commerce, Digital technology, Research methodology, Experimental design, Machine learning, Causal inference, Research bias
10Academic Journal
Authors: Wang, Gongtai1 (AUTHOR) wanggongtai@dlut.edu.cn, Zhang, Zhewei2 (AUTHOR) zhang@wbs.ac.uk, Nandhakumar, Joe2 (AUTHOR) Joe.Nandhakumar@wbs.ac.uk, Manoharan, Nitin2 (AUTHOR) Nitin.Manoharan@warwick.ac.uk
Source: Journal of Management Information Systems. 2025, Vol. 42 Issue 1, p310-342. 33p.
Subject Terms: Shared virtual environments, Digital technology, Worldview, Everyday life
11Academic Journal
Authors: Eunsun Choi1, Namje Park2, namjepark@jejunu.ac.kr
Source: Journal of Internet Computing & Services; Feb2025, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p93-102, 10p
12Academic Journal
13Academic Journal
Authors: YUANYUAN ZHANG1, zyyncist2024@163.com, HUAN LONG1, LEI JING1
Source: Scalable Computing: Practice & Experience; Mar2025, Vol. 26 Issue 2, p814-820, 7p
14Academic Journal
Authors: Hasmizan, N. H.1, Azman, M. N. A.1, mnazhari@ftv.upsi.edu.my, Prestoza, M. J. R.2, Othman, M. S.3
Source: International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies; 2025, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p4-21, 18p
15Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Рандомизированные контролируемые исследования медицинской помощи с применением цифровых технологий для лечения ревматических заболеваний: систематический обзор.
Ensayos controlados aleatorizados de intervenciones de salud digital para el manejo de enfermedades reumáticas: una revisión sistemática.
Essais contrôlés randomisés d'interventions de santé numérique pour la gestion des maladies rhumatismales : revue systématique.Authors: Santosa, Anindita1, Dr.aninsantosa@gmail.com, Weiquan Li, James2, Tze Chin Tan3
Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization; Feb2025, Vol. 103 Issue 2, p136-147, 12p
16Academic Journal
Authors: Na Sun1, Yingran Zang1, zyr@beihua.edu.cn
Source: International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies; 2025, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p93-106, 14p
17Academic Journal
18Academic Journal
Authors: Bartoli, Chiara1 (AUTHOR) cbartoli@luiss.it, Mattiacci, Alberto2 (AUTHOR), Nosi, Costanza3 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Market Research. Nov2024, Vol. 66 Issue 6, p694-710. 17p.
Subject Terms: *Technological innovations, *Appropriate technology, *Videoconferencing, *COVID-19 pandemic, Digital technology
19Academic Journal
Authors: Danatzis, Ilias1 ilias.danatzis@kcl.ac.uk, Chandler, Jennifer D.2 jechandler@fullerton.edu, Akaka, Melissa A.3 melissa.akaka@du.edu, Ng, Irene C. L.4 irene.ng@warwick.ac.uk
Source: MIS Quarterly. Dec2024, Vol. 48 Issue 4, p1771-1802. 32p. 13 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *Data protection, *Design science, Social justice, Digital technology, Technology & society, End users (Information technology), Self-efficacy, Social sustainability
20Academic Journal
Authors: Wang, Yifei1 (AUTHOR), Langer, Nishtha2 (AUTHOR) langen@rpi.edu, Gopal, Anandasivam3 (AUTHOR) anandasivam.gopal@ntu.edu.sg
Source: Journal of Management Information Systems. 2024, Vol. 41 Issue 4, p1198-1229. 32p.
Subject Terms: *Information technology, *Information technology industry, *Economic competition, Information technology personnel, Geographic boundaries