Authors: Woolley, Scott
Source: Forbes. 9/1/2003, Vol. 172 Issue 4, p102-102. 1p. 1 Color Photograph, 1 Black and White Photograph.
Subject Terms: *Technological innovations, *Fuel cell industry, *Cell phone systems, *Wireless communications, Fuel cells, Electric batteries
Geographic Terms: Eatontown (N.J.), New Jersey, United States
Company/Entity: Millennium Cell Inc. 146464081
People: Tang, Stephen
Authors: Brown, Kristen V. (AUTHOR)
Source: Bloomberg Businessweek. 3/18/2019, Issue 4607, p24-24. 1p. 1 Color Photograph.
Source: Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News. 9/18/95, Vol. 196 Issue 3, p3. 1/4p.
Subject Terms: Legionella pneumophila, Humidity control
People: Tang, Stephen, Wagner, Melissa
Authors: Woolley, Scott (AUTHOR), Hardy, Quentin (AUTHOR)
Source: Forbes. 9/6/2004, Vol. 174 Issue 4, p52-52. 3/5p. 1 Black and White Photograph.
Subjects: HIGH technology industries personnel, WIRELESS communications, MEI Chuah, TANG, Stephen, WEINBERGER, Gunter, THOMAS, Edmond, PISTER, Kris, TELECOMMUNICATION systems
Authors: Farrell, Patrick
Source: Medical Laboratory Observer (MLO). Dec2007, Vol. 39 Issue 12, p30-30. 1p.
Subject Terms: *TECHNOLOGICAL innovations, *MICROSCOPES, *LABORATORY equipment & supplies, *CLINICAL pathology
Company/Entity: OLYMPUS America Inc. 060321254
People: TANG, Stephen
Authors: By:Stephen Fry
Source: Financial Times (London, England), August 30, 2017 FT.com site, 4pp
Authors: Weber, Joseph
Source: BusinessWeek. 02/07/2000, Issue 3667, p42-42. 1p. 1 Color Photograph.
Subject Terms: *Negotiation, *Mergers & acquisitions, *Pharmaceutical industry
Company/Entity: Procter & Gamble Co. 001316827 PG, American Home Products Corp. AHP, Warner-Lambert Co. 091134627 WLA, A.T. Kearney Inc.
People: Jager, Durk I., Tang, Stephen S.
Source: Meetings & Conventions. Dec2016, Vol. 51 Issue 12, p2-7. 6p. 16 Color Photographs, 1 Chart.
Subject Terms: *Convention & visitors bureaus, *Organizational goals, *Pharmaceutical industry, Knowledge transfer
People: Graham, Julie Coker, Tang, Stephen
Authors: Vanderkam, Laura
Source: Fortune International (Europe). 3/15/2015, Vol. 171 Issue 4, p139-139. 1p.
Subject Terms: *Work-life balance, *Job stress, *Time management, *Psychological burnout, *Personnel management, *Quality of work life
People: Tang, Stephen
Source: njbiz. 11/12/2012, p27-27. 1/2p.
Subjects: LEADERSHIP conferences, TANG, Stephen S., PIANKO, Kevin
Authors: Hochmuth, Colby
Source: Federal Computer Week; 1/1/2015, Vol. 29 Issue 1, p3-3, 2/3p