1Academic Journal
Authors: Cronin, Matthew A.1, Galvin, Benjamin Martell2, George, Elizabeth3, Gruber, Marc4, Lindebaum, Dirk5, Markman, Gideon D.6, Miller, C. Chet7, Rose, Elizabeth L.8, Thatcher, Sherry M. B.9, Wood, Geoffrey T.10
Source: Academy of Management Journal. Feb2025, Vol. 68 Issue 1, p11-18. 8p. 1 Diagram.
Subject Terms: *Management education, *Research, *Decision making, Theory of knowledge, Scholarly periodicals
2Academic Journal
Authors: Hadjimichael, Demetris1 (AUTHOR) hadjimichael.demetris@ucy.ac.cy, Pyrko, Igor2 (AUTHOR) ip558@bath.ac.uk, Tsoukas, Haridimos3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Academy of Management Review. Oct2024, Vol. 49 Issue 4, p919-934. 16p.
Subject Terms: *Organizational research, Theory of knowledge, Scholars
People: Polanyi, Michael, 1891-1976
3Academic Journal
Authors: Arnould, Eric1 (AUTHOR) eric.arnould@aalto.fi
Source: Journal of Marketing Management. Jun2024, Vol. 40 Issue 7/8, p635-641. 7p.
Subject Terms: Ontology, Personality (Theory of knowledge), Self, Posthumanism
4Academic Journal
Authors: Farsides, Tom1 (AUTHOR) t.l.farsides@sussex.ac.uk, Smith, Claire F.2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Philosophical Psychology. Feb2025, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p599-624. 26p.
Subject Terms: *THEORY of knowledge, *MATERIALISM, *POSSIBILITY, *PERSONALITY (Theory of knowledge), *ENLIGHTENMENT
5Academic Journal
Authors: Fiandrino, Simona1 (AUTHOR) simona.fiandrino@unito.it, Gromis di Trana, Melchior1 (AUTHOR), Tonelli, Alberto1 (AUTHOR), Rizzato, Fabio1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility. Jan2025, Vol. 34 Issue 1, p215-230. 16p.
Subject Terms: *Open innovation, Grounded theory, Theory of knowledge, Ecosystems, Acquisition of data
6Academic Journal
Authors: Simpson, James1 (AUTHOR) simpson.james@ufl.edu
Source: Acta Analytica. Mar2025, Vol. 40 Issue 1, p43-56. 14p.
Subject Terms: *THEORY of knowledge, *DILEMMA, *VIRTUE, *VIRTUES, *THEORISTS
7Academic Journal
Authors: Aggerholm, Kenneth1, kenneth.aggerholm@nih.no
Source: Journal of the Philosophy of Sport; Mar2025, Vol. 52 Issue 1, p1-24, 24p
8Academic Journal
Authors: Berg, Adam1, apberg@uncg.edu
Source: Journal of the Philosophy of Sport; Mar2025, Vol. 52 Issue 1, p25-40, 16p
9Academic Journal
10Academic Journal
Authors: Levy, Eric P.1
Source: University of Toronto Quarterly. Feb2025, Vol. 94 Issue 1, p17-48. 32p.
Subject Terms: *THEORY of knowledge, *COMMUNIST revisionism, *HISTORICAL revisionism, *METAPHYSICS
11Academic Journal
Authors: Qingsong Guo1 3080790461@qq.com, Jun Wang2 wangjun@ynnu.edu.cn, Xiaoyu Han3 2387196509@user.ynnu.edu.cn, Zijie Li4 icaq@qq.com, Juxiang Zhou4 zjuxiang@126.com
Source: IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics. Feb2025, Vol. 55 Issue 2, p285-296. 12p.
Subject Terms: *ITEM response theory, *THEORY of knowledge, *DEEP learning, *INTELLIGENT tutoring systems, *CONCEPTUAL models, *ABSORPTION
12Academic Journal
Authors: Neuber, Matthias1
Source: Journal of the History of Ideas; Jan2025, Vol. 86 Issue 1, p141-168, 28p
13Academic Journal
Authors: Rindova, Violina P.1 (AUTHOR) vrindova@uci.edu, Martins, Luis L.2 (AUTHOR) luis.martins@mccombs.utexas.edu
Source: Strategy Science. Dec2024, Vol. 9 Issue 4, p499-514. 16p.
Subject Terms: Theory of knowledge, Imagination
14Academic Journal
15Academic Journal
16Academic Journal
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17Academic Journal
18Academic Journal
Authors: Skarsaune, Knut Olav1 (AUTHOR) knut.olav.skarsaune@inn.no
Source: Analytic Philosophy. Dec2024, Vol. 65 Issue 4, p514-536. 23p.
19Academic Journal
Authors: Vrahimis, Andreas1 vrahimis.andreas@ucy.ac.cy
Source: European Journal of Philosophy. Dec2024, Vol. 32 Issue 4, p1187-1203. 17p.
Subject Terms: *THEORY of knowledge, *INTUITION, *PHILOSOPHY, *BELIEF & doubt, *METAPHYSICS
20Academic Journal