1Academic Journal
Authors: Zheng, Hao1 (AUTHOR), Zheng, Yao1 (AUTHOR) yao.zheng@ualberta.ca
Source: Applied Developmental Science. Oct-Dec2024, Vol. 28 Issue 4, p580-595. 16p.
Subject Terms: *Social support, College student adjustment, Leisure, Well-being, Multilevel models
2Academic Journal
Authors: Letsebe, Lametse Nono1 (AUTHOR) 223319220@tut4life.ac.za, Ebewo, Patrick Ebong2 (AUTHOR) EbewoP1@tut.ac.za, Nesamvuni, AE2 (AUTHOR) Nesamvuniae@tut.ac.za
Source: Triple Helix. 2024, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p44-74. 31p.
Subject Terms: *Nonprobability sampling, Public universities & colleges, College student adjustment, Snowball sampling, Semi-structured interviews
3Academic Journal
4Academic Journal
5Academic Journal
Authors: Song, Xiuli1 (AUTHOR), Hu, Qian1 (AUTHOR) 1186059285@qq.com
Source: BMC Public Health. 11/18/2024, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p1-12. 12p.
Subject Terms: *COLLEGE student adjustment, *MENTAL health of students, *ACADEMIC achievement, *MENTAL health, *INDIVIDUAL development
6Academic Journal
Authors: Bowman, Nicholas A.1 (AUTHOR) nick-bowman@uiowa.edu, Katsumoto, Shinji1 (AUTHOR), Tran, Brooke H.2 (AUTHOR), Segre, Alberto M.3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Higher Education. 2024, Vol. 95 Issue 6, p778-799. 22p.
Subject Terms: *FOREIGN study, *COLLEGE student adjustment, *FOREIGN students, *COLLEGE credits, *COLLEGE environment
7Academic Journal
Authors: Solomou, Solomis1 (AUTHOR) s.solomou@lancaster.ac.uk, Robinson, Heather1 (AUTHOR), Perez-Algorta, Guillermo1 (AUTHOR)
Source: PLoS ONE. 10/15/2024, Vol. 19 Issue 10, p1-20. 20p.
Subject Terms: *DIETARY patterns, *COLLEGE student adjustment, *HEALTH education, *MENTAL health, *EDUCATION research
8Academic Journal
Authors: Wu, Yiqun1 (AUTHOR), Xu, Jingyi1 (AUTHOR), Shen, Yishan2 (AUTHOR), Wang, Yijie3 (AUTHOR), Zheng, Yao1 (AUTHOR) yao.zheng@ualberta.ca
Source: Journal of Personality. Oct2024, Vol. 92 Issue 5, p1299-1314. 16p.
Subject Terms: *COLLEGE student adjustment, *PERCEIVED discrimination, *RACE discrimination, *STRUCTURAL equation modeling, *AGREEABLENESS
9Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Examining the Level of Adaptation of University Students to University Life According to Their Styles of Coping with Stress.
Authors: PEHLİVAN, Neslihan Nur1 neslihannurpehlivan@hitit.edu.tr
Source: Ekev Academic Review / Ekev Akademi Dergisi. 2024, Vol. 29 Issue 100, p175-187. 13p.
Subject Terms: *SCHOOL health services, *COLLEGE student adjustment, *STRESS management, *VOCATIONAL school students, *PUBLIC universities & colleges
10Academic Journal
Authors: Devereux, Paul J.1 devereux@ucd.ie, Kapur, Kanika2
Source: Economic & Social Review. Autumn2024, Vol. 55 Issue 3, p281-310. 30p.
Subject Terms: Student adjustment, Gender inequality, Sex discrimination, Evidence gaps, Achievement gap
11Academic Journal
Authors: Hoff-Jenssen, Reidun1, reidun.hoff-jenssen@hiof.no
Source: European Early Childhood Education Research Journal; Feb2025, Vol. 33 Issue 1, p19-35, 17p
12Academic Journal
Authors: McLeod, Bryce D.1, bmcleod@vcu.edu, Wood, Jeffrey J.2, Cecilione Herbst, Jennifer1, Dunn, Danielle1, Kendall, Philip C.3, Storch, Eric A.4, Cho, An Chuen2, Rosenau, Kashia A.5
Source: Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology; Jan/Feb2025, Vol. 54 Issue 1, p136-151, 16p
13Academic Journal
Authors: KONUK, Murat1, mkonuk@kastamonu.edu.tr
Source: International Online Journal of Education & Teaching; 2025, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p75-87, 13p
14Academic Journal
University Student Perspectives on Mental Health: A Qualitative Analysis Post Mental Health Seminar.
Authors: Drescher, Anne1, annedrescher@unc.edu, Clements, Graceson1, Espelage, Dorothy L.1, Woolweaver, Ashley B.1, Mizelle, Madeleine1
Source: College Teaching; Jan-Mar2025, Vol. 73 Issue 1, p21-30, 10p
15Academic Journal
Authors: Lyken-Segosebe, Dawn1, segosebed@biust.ac.bw, Sparrow, Michael2, michael.sparrow@morgan.edu
Source: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education; 2025, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p83-111, 29p
16Academic Journal
Authors: Wu, Qiaobing1 (AUTHOR) qiaobing.wu@polyu.edu.hk, Qiu, Hui1 (AUTHOR) huiqiu@polyu.edu.hk
Source: Behavioral Sciences (2076-328X). Aug2024, Vol. 14 Issue 8, p650. 20p.
Subject Terms: *PSYCHOLOGICAL adaptation, *STUDENT adjustment, *MENTAL health, *LIFE satisfaction, *STRUCTURAL equation modeling
17Academic Journal
Authors: Fru, Raymond1 raymond.fru@spu.ac.za, Botes, Wiets1, Felix, Alan2, Awung, Felix3, Wepener, Tiani1, Moloele, Richard1
Source: e-BANGI Journal. 2024, Vol. 21 Issue 3, p51-66. 16p.
Subject Terms: *COLLEGE student adjustment, *COLLEGE environment, *JUDGMENT sampling, *ONLINE education, *UNDERGRADUATES
18Academic Journal
Authors: Watson, Joshua C.1 Joshua.Watson@tamucc.edu, Ye Luo2, Yunyun Zhang3
Source: Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling. Aug2024, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p113-129. 17p.
Subject Terms: *COLLEGE student adjustment, *COLLEGE freshmen, *CHINESE-speaking students, *TRANSLATING & interpreting, *FACTOR structure
19Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Estatus Socioeconómico Parental, Involucramiento en el Hogar y Ajuste Escolar en la Adolescencia.
Authors: Morales-Castillo, Miguel1 jmmoralesc@unal.edu.co
Source: Psykhe. 2024, Vol. 33 Issue 2, p1-12. 12p.
Subject Terms: *STUDENT adjustment, *PARENTING, *STRUCTURAL equation modeling, *SOCIOECONOMIC status, *SCHOOL involvement
20Academic Journal