Showing 1 - 20 results of 3,850 Refine Results
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    Source: Nature.634(2024)557-560

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    Authors: Albert, A., Alfaro, R., Alvarez, C., Andrés, A., Arteaga-Velázquez, J. C., Rojas, D. Avila, Solares, H. A. Ayala, Babu, R., Belmont-Moreno, E., Bernal, A., Caballero-Mora, K. S., Capistrán, T., Carramiñana, A., Casanova, S., Cotti, U., Cotzomi, J., de León, S. Coutiño, De la Fuente, E., de León, C., Depaoli, D., Di Lalla, N., Hernandez, R. Diaz, Dingus, B. L., DuVernois, M. A., Díaz-Vélez, J. C., Engel, K., Ergin, T., Espinoza, C., Fan, K. L., Fang, K., Fraija, N., Fraija, S., García-González, J. A., Garfias, F., Goksu, H., González, M. M., Goodman, J. A., Groetsch, S., Harding, J. P., Hernández-Cadena, S., Herzog, I., Hinton, J., Huang, D., Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, F., Humensky, T. B., Hüntemeyer, P., Iriarte, A., Kaufmann, S., Kieda, D., Lara, A., Lee, W. H., Lee, J., Vargas, H. León, Linnemann, J. T., Longinotti, A. L., Luis-Raya, G., Malone, K., Martinez, O., Martínez-Castro, J., Matthews, J. A., Miranda-Romagnoli, P., Montes, J. A., Morales-Soto, J. A., Moreno, E., Mostafá, M., Najafi, M., Nellen, L., Newbold, M., Nisa, M. U., Noriega-Papaqui, R., Olivera-Nieto, L., Omodei, N., Osorio-Archila, M., Araujo, Y. Pérez, Pérez-Pérez, E. G., Rho, C. D., Rosa-González, D., Ruiz-Velasco, E., Salazar, H., Salazar-Gallegos, D., Sandoval, A., Schneider, M., Schwefer, G., Serna-Franco, J., Smith, A. J., Son, Y., Springer, R. W., Tibolla, O., Tollefson, K., Torres, I., Torres-Escobedo, R., Turner, R., Ureña-Mena, F., Varela, E., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Watson, I. J., Willox, E., Wu, H., Yu, S., Yun-Cárcamo, S., Zhou, H.

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    Source: 2023 Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC) Computer Science (ENC), 2023 Mexican International Conference on. :1-7 Sep, 2023

    Relation: 2023 Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC)

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    Source: 2023 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2023 18th Iberian Conference on. :1-5 Jun, 2023

    Relation: 2023 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)

    PDF Full Text
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    Source: 2022 IEEE 40th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN) Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN), 2022 IEEE 40th. :1-6 Nov, 2022

    Relation: 2022 IEEE 40th Central America and Panama Convention(CONCAPAN)

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    Source: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA) Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), 2022 IEEE International Conference on. :1-6 Oct, 2022

    Relation: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA)

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    Authors: Torres-Escobedo, Ramiro, Zhou, Hao, de la Fuente, Eduardo, Abeysekara, A. U., Albert, A., Alfaro, R., Alvarez, C., Álvarez, J. D., Camacho, J. R. Angeles, Arteaga-Velázquez, J. C., Arunbabu, K. P., Rojas, D. Avila, Solares, H. A. Ayala, Babu, R., Baghmanyan, V., Barber, A. S., Gonzalez, J. Becerra, Belmont-Moreno, E., BenZvi, S. Y., Berley, D., Brisbois, C., Caballero-Mora, K. S., Capistrán, T., Carramiñana, A., Casanova, S., Chaparro-Amaro, O., Cotti, U., Cotzomi, J., de León, S. Coutiño, de León, C., Diaz-Cruz, L., Hernandez, R. Diaz, Díaz-Vélez, J. C., Dingus, B. L., Durocher, M., DuVernois, M. A., Ellsworth, R. W., Engel, K., Espinoza, C., Fan, K. L., Fang, K., Alonso, M. Fernández, Fick, B., Fleischhack, H., Flores, J. L., Fraija, N. I., Garcia, D., García-González, J. A., García-Torales, G., Garfias, F., Giacinti, G., Goksu, H., González, M. M., Goodman, J. A., Harding, J. P., Hernandez, S., Herzog, I., Hinton, J., Hona, B., Huang, D., Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, F., Hui, C. M., Humensky, B., Hüntemeyer, P., Iriarte, A., Jardin-Blicq, A., Jhee, H., Joshi, V., Kieda, D., Kunde, G J., Kunwar, S., Lara, A., Lee, J., Lee, W. H., Lennarz, D., Vargas, H. León, Linnemann, J., Longinotti, A. L., López-Coto, R., Luis-Raya, G., Lundeen, J., Malone, K., Marandon, V., Martinez, O., Martinez-Castellanos, I., Martínez-Huerta, H., Martínez-Castro, J., Matthews, J. A. J., McEnery, J., Miranda-Romagnoli, P., Morales-Soto, J. A., Moreno, E., Mostafá, M., Nayerhoda, A., Nellen, L., Newbold, M., Nisa, M. U., Noriega-Papaqui, R., Olivera-Nieto, L., Omodei, N., Peisker, A., Araujo, Y. Pérez, Pérez-Pérez, E. G., Rho, C. D., Rivière, C., Rosa-Gonzalez, D., Ruiz-Velasco, E., Ryan, J., Salazar, H., Greus, F. Salesa, Sandoval, A., Schneider, M., Schoorlemmer, H., Serna-Franco, J., Sinnis, G., Smith, A. J., Springer, R. W., Surajbali, P., Taboada, I., Tanner, M., Tollefson, K., Torres, I., Turner, R., Ureña-Mena, F., Villaseñor, L., Wang, X., Watson, I. J., Weisgarber, T., Werner, F., Willox, E., Wood, J., Yodh, G. B., Zepeda, A.

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    Authors: Abeysekara, A. U., Albert, A., Alfaro, R., Álvarez, C., Álvarez, J. D., Araya, M., Arteaga-Velázquez, J. C., Arunbabu, K. P., Rojas, D. Avila, Solares, H. A. Ayala, Babu, R., Barber, A. S., Becerril, A., Belmont-Moreno, E., BenZvi, S. Y., Blanco, O., Braun, J., Brisbois, C., Caballero-Mora, K. S., Martínez, J. I. Cabrera, Capistrán, T., Carramiñana, A., Casanova, S., Castillo, M., Chaparro-Amaro, O., Cotti, U., Cotzomi, J., de León, S. Coutiño, de la Fuente, E., de León, C., De Young, T., Hernández, R. Díaz, Dingus, B. L., DuVernois, M. A., Durocher, M., Díaz-Vélez, J. C., Ellsworth, R. W., Engel, K., Espinoza, C., Fan, K. L., Fang, K., Fick, U. B., Fleischhack, H., Flores, J. L., Fraija, N., García-González, J. A., García-Torales, G., Garfias, F., Giacinti, G., Goksu, H., González, M. M., González-Muñoz, A., Goodman, J. A., Harding, J. P., Hernández, E., Hernández, S., Hinton, J., Hona, B., Huang, D., Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, F., Hui, C. M., Humensky, T. B., Hüntemeyer, P., Iriarte, A., Imran, A., Jardin-Blicq, A., Joshi, V., Kaufmann, S., Kieda, D., Kunde, G. J., Lara, A., Lauer, R., Lee, W. H., Lennarz, D., Vargas, H. León, Linnemann, J. T., Longinotti, A. L., Luis-Raya, G., Lundeen, J., Malone, K., Marandon, V., Marinelli, A., Martínez, O., Martínez-Castellanos, I., Martínez-Castro, J., Martínez-Huerta, H., Matthews, J. A., Miranda-Romagnoli, P., Montaruli, T., Morales-Soto, J. A., Moreno, E., Mostafá, M., Nayerhoda, A., Nellen, L., Newbold, M., Nisa, M. U., Noriega-Papaqui, R., Oceguera-Becerra, T., Olivera-Nieto, L., Omodei, N., Peisker, A., Araujo, Y. Pérez, Pérez-Pérez, E. G., Ponce, E., Pretz, J., Rho, C. D., Rosa-González, D., Ruiz-Velasco, E., Salazar, H., Salazar-Gallegos, D., Greus, F. Salesa, Sandoval, A., Schneider, M., Schoorlemmer, H., Serna-Franco, J., Sinnis, G., Smith, A. J., Son, Y., Woodle, K. Sparks, Springer, R. W., Taboada, I., Tepe, A., Tibolla, O., Tollefson, K., Torres, I., Torres-Escobedo, R., Turner, R., Ureña-Mena, F., Ukwatta, T. N., Varela, E., Vargas-Magaña, M., Villaseñor, L., Wang, X., Watson, I. J., Werner, F., Westerhoff, S., Willox, E., Wisher, I., Wood, J., Yodh, G. B., Zaborov, D., Zepeda, A., Zhou, H.

    Source: Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A (2023) 168253

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    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 051201, August 2023

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    Source: 2020 8th International Conference in Software Engineering Research and Innovation (CONISOFT) CONISOFT Software Engineering Research and Innovation (CONISOFT), 2020 8th International Conference in. :57-63 Nov, 2020

    Relation: 2020 8th International Conference in Software Engineering Research and Innovation (CONISOFT)