1Academic Journal
2Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Gestión flexible, subjetividad y experiencias paradojales de trabajo: el caso de Lean Management en el retail chileno.
Authors: Garcés Ojeda, Magdalena1 mmgarces@uc.cl, Stecher, Antonio2
Source: International Journal of Psychological Research. 2024, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p119-129. 11p.
Subject Terms: *SOCIOLOGY of work, *LEAN management, *INNOVATION management, *SOCIAL influence, *WORK experience (Employment)
Authors: Aghion, Philippe1 philippe.aghion@insead.edu, Bergeaud, Antonin2 bergeaud@hec.fr, Blundell, Richard3 r.blundell@ucl.ac.uk, Griffith, Rachel4 rgriffith@ifs.org.uk
Source: INSEAD Working Papers Collection. 2024, Issue 19, p1-41. 65p.
Subject Terms: *Sociology of work, *Wages, *Teams in the workplace, Social skills
Geographic Terms: United Kingdom
4Academic Journal
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5Academic Journal
Source: Harvard Business Review; 2025 Special Issue, p104-109, 6p, 1 Cartoon or Caricature
Subject Terms: CAREER changes, PRODUCTIVE life span, QUALITY of work life, SOCIOLOGY of work, OCCUPATIONAL mobility, CAREER development, TECHNOLOGICAL innovations, ARTIFICIAL intelligence
7Academic Journal
Authors: Turek, Dariusz1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Basic & Applied Social Psychology. 2023, Vol. 45 Issue 4, p107-124. 18p. 2 Illustrations, 1 Diagram, 4 Charts.
Subject Terms: *Workplace incivility, *Sociology of work, *Organizational behavior, *Job performance, *Job satisfaction, *Coworker relationships, Counterproductivity (Labor), Structural equation modeling
Geographic Terms: Poland
8Academic Journal
Authors: Zhao, Jie1, Wang, Dongyang1, Gao, Xiaocai1
Source: Social Behavior & Personality: an international journal. Nov2023, Vol. 51 Issue 11, p1-12. 12p.
Subject Terms: *SOCIOLOGY of work, *COWORKER relationships, *SUPERVISORS
Geographic Terms: CHINA
9Academic Journal
Authors: Kirk, Eleanor1 (AUTHOR) eleanor.kirk@glasgow.ac.uk
Source: British Journal of Industrial Relations. Mar2024, Vol. 62 Issue 1, p185-187. 3p.
Subject Terms: *Employment, *Sociology of work
10Academic Journal
Authors: ALBRYCHIEWICZ-SAOCICSKA, Anna1 a.albrychiewicz-slocinska@pcz.pl
Source: Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization & Management / Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Slaskiej. Seria Organizacji i Zarzadzanie. 2024, Issue 199, p21-31. 11p.
Subject Terms: *Sociology of work, *Telecommuting, *Working hours, *Industrial relations, *Organizational learning, Generation Z
Authors: Macovei, Crenguța Mihaela1 macovei.crenguta@armyacademy.ro
Source: International Conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION. Jun2024, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p1-6. 6p.
Subject Terms: *Sociology of work, *Organizational citizenship behavior, *Attitudes toward work, *Organizational effectiveness, Social influence
12Academic Journal
Alternate Title: In-company trainers: The (non-)recognition of their role.
Authors: BESOZZI, Roberta1 roberta.besozzi@edufr.ch
Source: Revue Phronesis. 2025, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p76-91. 16p.
Subject Terms: *OCCUPATIONAL training, *SOCIOLOGY of work, *ACTORS
13Academic Journal
Authors: Wang, Ying (AUTHOR), Hu, Xiaoran (AUTHOR), Song, Yu (AUTHOR), Bai, Yuntao (AUTHOR)
Source: Current Psychology. May2024, Vol. 43 Issue 19, p17049-17064. 16p.
Subjects: SOCIOLOGY of work, TRUST, COWORKER relationships, ORGANIZATIONAL citizenship behavior, WIT & humor, AFFECT (Psychology), SOCIAL processes
14Academic Journal
Authors: Yu, Wei-hsin1 (AUTHOR) whyu@soc.ucla.edu, Kuo, Janet Chen-Lan2 (AUTHOR)
Source: PLoS ONE. 8/2/2023, Vol. 18 Issue 8, p1-23. 23p.
Subject Terms: *WORK environment, *SOCIOLOGY of work, *INCOME inequality, *MATERNITY leave, *WHITE women
15Academic Journal
16Academic Journal
Authors: Badawy, Philip J1 (AUTHOR) pbadawy@ualberta.ca
Source: Social Problems. Nov2024, Vol. 71 Issue 4, p1084-1099. 16p.
Subject Terms: *SOCIOLOGY of work, *SOCIOLOGY of knowledge, *PANEL analysis, *PRESSURE control, *JOB stress
17Academic Journal
18Academic Journal
Authors: Waqas, Muhammad1 (AUTHOR), Tariq, Hussain2,3 (AUTHOR), Qadri, Usman Ahmad4 (AUTHOR) Usmanahmadqadri@hotmail.com
Source: Current Psychology. May2024, Vol. 43 Issue 18, p16073-16083. 11p.
Subject Terms: *Organizational citizenship behavior, *Sociology of work, *Job stress, *Textile industry, Regret, Group identity
Geographic Terms: Pakistan
19Academic Journal
Authors: Strangleman, Tim1 (AUTHOR) T.Strangleman@kent.ac.uk
Source: International Labor & Working-Class History. 2024, Vol. 105, p9-25. 17p.
Subject Terms: *Sociology of work, *Industrial workers, Rites & ceremonies, Cultural transmission, Extended families
20Academic Journal
Authors: Khan, Mukaram Ali1 (AUTHOR) mukaramali@ias.edu.pk, Shoukat, Muhammad Haroon2 (AUTHOR) haroonshaukat29@gmail.com, Zubair, Syed Sohaib3 (AUTHOR) sohaib.iqtm@pu.edu.pk, Selem, Kareem M.4 (AUTHOR) kareemselem91@yahoo.com
Source: International Journal of Conflict Management (Emerald). 2024, Vol. 35 Issue 3, p591-610. 20p.
Subject Terms: *Workplace incivility, *Sociology of work, *Restaurants, *Information sharing, Gossip, Friendship, Restaurateurs, Mental health counseling