1Academic Journal
Authors: Vaiglova, Petra, Ávila, Janaína N., Buckley, Hallie, Galipaud, Jean Christophe, Green, Daniel R., Halcrow, Siân, James, Hannah F., Kinaston, Rebecca, Oxenham, Marc, Paz, Victor, Simanjuntak, Truman, Snoeck, Christophe, Trinh, Hiep Hoang, Williams, Ian S., Smith, Tanya M.
Source: In Journal of Archaeological Science February 2024 162
2Academic Journal
Alternate Title: La variabilité des groupes d’Homo sapiens au Pléistocène supérieur et à l’Holocène dans l’archipel Indonésien occidental: focus sur les deuxièmes molaires (French)
Authors: Noerwidi, Sofwan, Widianto, Harry, Nurani, Indah Asikin, Yondri, Lutfi, Setiawan, Taufiqurrahman, Wiradnyana, Ketut, Simanjuntak, Truman, Vialet, Amélie, Lorenzo, Carlos, Sémah, François
Source: In L'Anthropologie July-August 2023 127(3)
3Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Étude préliminaire de deux molaires déciduales humaines provenant des couches du Pléistocène supérieur de Song Terus (Java Oriental) : une fenêtre sur les derniers Homo erectus et les premiers Homo sapiens à Java (French)
Authors: Noerwidi, Sofwan, Widianto, Harry, Moigne, Anne-Marie, Vialet, Amélie, Ansyori, M. Mirza, Fauzi, M. Ruly, Tu, Hua, Falguères, Christophe, Sémah, Anne-Marie, Simanjuntak, Truman, Bermúdez de Castro, José María, Martinón-Torres, María, Sémah, François
Source: In L'Anthropologie July-August 2023 127(3)
4Academic Journal
Alternate Title: La fouille de la galerie occidentale de Gua Harimau : une contribution à l’archéologie du Pléistocène final et de l’Holocène ancien à Sumatra (French)
Authors: Fauzi, Mohammad Ruly, Oktaviana, Adhi Agus, Ansyori, Mohammad Mirza, Noerwidi, Sofwan, Prastiningtyas, Dyah, Prasetyo, Sigit Eko, Budiman, Widianto, Harry, Handini, Retno, Awe, Rokhus Due, Simanjuntak, Truman
Source: In L'Anthropologie July-August 2023 127(3)
5Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Prehistory of Indonesia, a brief synthesis (English)
Source: In L'Anthropologie July-August 2023 127(3)
6Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Investigation archéologique dans la future capitale de l’Indonésie (IKN) à Sepaku, Kalimantan Est (French)
Authors: Fauzi, Mohammad Ruly, Noerwidi, Sofwan, Widianto, Harry, Handini, Retno, Octavianus Sofian, Harry, Prasetyo Wibowo, Unggul, Perwira Shidqqi, Benyamin, Geria, I Made, Simanjuntak, Truman
Source: In L'Anthropologie July-August 2023 127(3)
7Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Nouvelles preuves de l’occupation humaine précoce dans les îles de Sumba (French)
Authors: Handini, Retno, Noerwidi, Sofwan, Sofian, Harry Octavianus, Fauzi, M. Ruly, Prasetyo, Unggul, Geria, I Made, Ririmasse, Marlon, Nasution, Devi Ayu Aurora, Rahayuni, Restu Ambar, Simanjuntak, Truman
Source: In L'Anthropologie July-August 2023 127(3)
8Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Some perspectives regarding human settlements and ancient prehistory of Indonesia in the context of Southeast Asia from the first hominids to the arrival of our species (English)
Authors: Sémah, François *, Sémah, Anne-Marie, Noerwidi, Sofwan, Ingicco, Thomas, Simanjuntak, Truman, Widianto, Harry
Source: In L'Anthropologie July-August 2023 127(3)
Authors: Kinaston, Rebecca Lorraine, Koesbardiati, Toetik, Suriyanto, Rusyad Adi, Buckley, Hallie Ruth, Halcrow, Siân Ellen, Foster, Aimee, Simanjuntak, Truman, Bedford, Stuart, Murti, Delta Bayu, Putri, Rizky Sugianto, Galipaud, Jean-Christophe
Source: Journal of island and coastal archaeology. 17(1):65-96
10Academic Journal
Source: In Archaeological Research in Asia March 2022 29
Contributors: Higham, Charles F. W., book editor, Kim, Nam C., book editor
Source: The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia.
Availability: https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199355358.013.1
12Academic Journal
Authors: Velsko, Irina M., Fagernäs, Zandra, Tromp, Monica, Bedford, Stuart, Buckley, Hallie R., Clark, Geoffrey, Dudgeon, John, Flexner, James, Galipaud, Jean-Christophe, Kinaston, Rebecca, Lewis Jr, Cecil M., Matisoo-Smith, Elizabeth, Nägele, Kathrin, Ozga, Andrew T., Posth, Cosimo, Rohrlach, Adam B., Shing, Richard, Simanjuntak, Truman, Spriggs, Matthew, Tamarii, Anatauarii
Source: Nature Communications; 11/24/2024, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p1-17, 17p
Subject Terms: HUMAN migration patterns, DENTAL calculus, HUMAN migrations, FOSSIL DNA, HUMAN DNA
13Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Approche de la diversité des patrons dentaires des hominines fossiles de l’archipel indonésien occidental au Quaternaire par analyse en Morphométrie Géométrique. Application sur les deuxièmes molaires supérieures et inférieures (French)
Authors: Noerwidi, Sofwan, Vialet, Amélie, Widianto, Harry, Kurniawan, Iwan, Zaim, Jahdi, Suriyanto, Rusyad Adi, Joordens, Josephine, Lorenzo, Carlos, Simanjuntak, Truman, Sémah, François
Source: In L'Anthropologie December 2020 124(5)
Authors: L. Hilgen, Sander, Pop, Eduard, Adhityatama, Shinatria, A. Veldkamp, Tom, W.K. Berghuis, Harold, Sutisna, Indra, Yurnaldi, Dida, Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume, Reimann, Tony, Nowaczyk, Norbert, F. Kuiper, Klaudia, Krijgsman, Wout, B. Vonhof, Hubert, Ekowati, Dian Rahayu, Alink, Gerrit, Drespriputra, Olafianto, Verpoorte, Alexander, Bos, Remco, Simanjuntak, Truman, Prasetyo, Bagyo, Joordens, Josephine C.A.
Source: Quaternary science reviews. 301
Authors: Matsumura, Hirofumi, Hung, Hsiao-chun, Higham, Charles, Zhang, Chi, Yamagata, Mariko, Nguyen, Lan, Li, Zhen, Fan, Xue-chun, Simanjuntak, Truman, Oktaviana, Adhi, He, Jia-ning, Chen, Chung-yu, Pan, Chien-kuo, He, Gang, Sun, Guo-ping, Huang, Wei-jin, Li, Xin-wei, Wei, Xing-tao, Domett, Kate, Halcrow, Siân, Nguyen, Kim, Trinh, Hoang, Bui, Chi, Nguyen, Khanh, Reinecke, Andreas
Source: Scientific reports. 9(1):1-12
16Academic Journal
Authors: Amano, Noel, Rivals, Florent, Moigne, Anne-Marie, Ingicco, Thomas, Sémah, François, Simanjuntak, Truman
Source: In Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports December 2016 10:155-165
17Academic Journal
Authors: Amano, Noel, Moigne, Anne-Marie, Ingicco, Thomas, Sémah, François, Awe, Rokus Due, Simanjuntak, Truman
Source: In Quaternary International 19 September 2016 416:46-63
18Academic Journal
Authors: Sémah, Anne-Marie, Sémah, François, Moigne, Anne-Marie, Ingicco, Thomas, Purnomo, Andri, Simanjuntak, Truman, Widianto, Harry
Source: In Quaternary International 19 September 2016 416:38-45
Authors: Berghuis, H.W.K., Veldkamp, A., Adhityatama, Shinatria, Hilgen, Sander L., Sutisna, Indra, Barianto, Didit Hadi, Pop, Eduard A.L., Reimann, Tony, Yurnaldi, Dida, Ekowati, Dian Rahayu, Vonhof, Hubert B., van Kolfschoten, Thijs, Simanjuntak, Truman, Schoorl, J.M., Joordens, Josephine C.A.
Source: Quaternary science reviews. 260
Authors: Galipaud, Jean-Christophe, Kinaston, Rebecca, Halcrow, Siân, Foster, Aimee, Harris, Nathaniel, Simanjuntak, Truman, Javelle, Jonathan, Buckley, Hallie
Source: Antiquity. 90(354):1505-1521