1Academic Journal
Authors: Biswas, Rahul, Mandal, Prantik, Saha, Satish, Prathigadapa, Raju, Shekar, M., Raghavan, R. Vijaya
Source: In Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors July 2024 352
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4Academic Journal
Authors: Lutera, Joseph Nicholaus1 (AUTHOR) luterajoseph309@gmail.com, Shekar, M. N. Raja1 (AUTHOR), Goud, B. Shankar1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Techniques & Plasma Phenomena. Jan2025, p1-23. 23p. 17 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *THERMAL boundary layer, *BODY temperature regulation, *HEAT transfer, *HEAT convection, *HEAT radiation & absorption, *NANOFLUIDICS
5Academic Journal
Authors: Srinagesh, D., Singh, Dhiraj Kumar, Vikas, G., Naresh, B., Roy, Sunil, Murthy, Y. V. V. B. S. N., Raju, P. Solomon, Suresh, G., Mandal, Prantik, Sharma, A. N. S., Shekar, M., Tiwari, V. M.
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Source: 2007 Electrical Insulation Conference and Electrical Manufacturing Expo Electrical Insulation Conference and Electrical Manufacturing Expo, 2007. :9-12 Oct, 2007
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Authors: SURESH, S., Auradkar, A., Elumalai, R., Shekar, M., Matcha, J.
Source: Kidney international reports. 8(S):S396-S397
10Academic Journal
Authors: Saha, Satish1, Biswas, Rahul1, rbiswas92@ngri.res.in, Raghavan, R. Vijaya1, Sharma, A. N. S.1, Shekar, M.1, Suresh, G.1
Source: Environmental Earth Sciences; Jun2024, Vol. 83 Issue 12, p1-9, 9p
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Source: Journal of Seismology; Jun2024, Vol. 28 Issue 3, p859-877, 19p
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Authors: Balaji, R., Gowri Sankar, M., Venkatesulu, A., Chandra Shekar, M.
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Authors: Gaikwad Shekar M., Jolhe Prashant D., Bhanvase Bharat A., Kulkarni Abhijeet, Patil Vilas S., Pimplapure Makarand S., Suranani Srinath, Potoroko Irina, Sonawane Shirish H., Sonawane Shriram S.
Source: Green Processing and Synthesis, Vol 6, Iss 2, Pp 189-196 (2017)
Subject Terms: continuous synthesis, corning advanced-flow reactor, homogeneous catalyst, performic acid, Chemistry, QD1-999
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14Academic Journal
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Authors: VenkateswaraRao, P., Shekar, M. Chandra, Venkatramana, L., Gowrisankar, M., Ravindhranath, K.
Source: In Journal of Molecular Liquids July 2016 219:289-298
16Academic Journal
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17Academic Journal
Source: In Karbala International Journal of Modern Science March 2016 2(1):10-19
Authors: Narayana, M., Shekar, M., Siddheshwar, P.G., Anuraj, N.V.
Source: Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 101(5)
Authors: Sangeetha, M. S., Shekar, M., Venugopal, M. N.
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