Authors: Shaw, T.M., Liu, X-H, Misra, E., Questad, D., Bonilla, G., Wassick, T., Lamorey, M., Shobha, H., Osborne, G., Kioussis, D., Wright, J., Bisson, R., Paquin, I., Bouchard, S.S., Tetreault, S., Stone, D., Muzzy, C., Sundlof, B., Daubenspeck, T.
Source: 2015 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW) Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW), 2015 IEEE International. :115-118 Oct, 2015
Relation: 2015 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW)
Authors: Filippi, R.G., McGrath, J.F., Shaw, T.M., Murray, C.E., Rathore, H.S., McLaughlin, P.S., McGahay, V., Nicholson, L., Wang, P.-C., Lloyd, J.R., Lane, M., Rosenberg, R., Liu, X., Wang, Y.-Y., Landers, W., Spooner, T., Demarest, J.J., Engel, B.H., Gill, J., Goth, G., Barth, E., Biery, G., Davis, C.R., Wachnik, R.A., Goldblatt, R., Ivers, T., Swinton, A., Barile, C., Aitken, J.
Source: 2004 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium. Proceedings Reliability physics Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2004. 42nd Annual. 2004 IEEE International. :61-67 2004
Relation: 2004 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium. Proceedings
Authors: Shaw, T.M., Baumbaugh, A., Boubekeur, A., Elias, J.E., Hoff, J., Holm, S., Los, S., Rivetta, C., Ronzhin, A., Whitmore, J., Zimmerman, T., Yarema, R.J.
Source: 2002 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record Nuclear science symposium Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2002 IEEE. 1:194-197 vol.1 2002
Relation: 2002 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
Authors: Holm, S., Shaw, T.M., Elias, J., Surgueev, S.
Source: 2002 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record Nuclear science symposium Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2002 IEEE. 1:229-232 vol.1 2002
Relation: 2002 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
Authors: Shaw, T.M., Stuermer, W., Wesson, T.R., Wilson, P.J.
Source: 1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record. 1999 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (Cat. No.99CH37019) Nuclear science and medical imaging Nuclear Science Symposium, 1999. Conference Record. 1999 IEEE. 1:275-278 vol.1 1999
Relation: 1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record. 1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference
Authors: Holm, S., Dittman, J.R., Freeman, J., Klein, R., Lewis, J.D., Shaw, T.M., Wesson, T., Ciobanu, C., Gerstenslager, J., Hoftiezer, J., Hughes, R., Johnson, M., Koehn, P., Neu, C., Sanchez, C., Winer, B.L., Bloom, K., Gerdes, D., Dawson, J.W., Haberichter, W.N.
Source: 1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record. 1999 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (Cat. No.99CH37019) Nuclear science and medical imaging Nuclear Science Symposium, 1999. Conference Record. 1999 IEEE. 1:267-274 vol.1 1999
Relation: 1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record. 1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference
Authors: McGahay, V., Bonilla, G., Chen, F., Christiansen, C., Cohen, S., Cullinan-Scholl, M., Demarest, J., Dunn, D., Engel, B., Fitzsimmons, J., Gill, J., Grunow, S., Herbst, B., Hichri, H., Ida, K., Klymko, N., Kiene, M., Labelle, C., Lee, T., Liniger, E., Liu, X.H., Madan, A., Malone, K., Martin, J., McLaughlin, P.V., Minami, M., Molis, S., Muzzy, C., Nguyen, S., Patel, J.C., Restaino, D., Sakamoto, A., Shaw, T.M., Shimooka, Y., Shobha, H., Simonyi, E., Widodo, J., Grill, A., Hannon, R., Lane, M., Nye, H., Spooner, T., Wisnieff, R., Ivers, T.
Source: 2006 International Interconnect Technology Conference Interconnect Technology Conference, 2006 International. :9-11 2006
Relation: 2006 International Interconnect Technology Conference
Authors: Liu, X.H., Shaw, T.M., Lane, M.W., Rosenberg, R.R., Lane, S.L., Doyle, J.P., Restaino, D., Vogt, S.F., Edelstaeing, D.C.
Source: Proceedings of the IEEE 2004 International Interconnect Technology Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04TH8729) Interconnect technology Interconnect Technology Conference, 2004. Proceedings of the IEEE 2004 International. :93-95 2004
Relation: Proceedings of the IEEE 2004 International Interconnect Technology Conference
9Academic Journal
Authors: Lloyd, J.R., Lane, M.W., Liniger, E.G., Hu, C.-K., Shaw, T.M., Rosenberg, R.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability IEEE Trans. Device Mater. Relib. Device and Materials Reliability, IEEE Transactions on. 5(1):113-118 Mar, 2005
10Academic Journal
Authors: Lane, M.W., Xia Hu Liu, Shaw, T.M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability IEEE Trans. Device Mater. Relib. Device and Materials Reliability, IEEE Transactions on. 4(2):142-147 Jun, 2004
Authors: Goldblatt, R.D., Agarwala, B., Anand, M.B., Barth, E.P., Biery, G.A., Chen, Z.G., Cohen, S., Connolly, J.B., Cowley, A., Dalton, T., Das, S.K., Davis, C.R., Deutsch, A., DeWan, C., Edelstein, D.C., Emmi, P.A., Faltermeier, C.G., Fitzsimmons, J.A., Hedrick, J., Heidenreich, J.E., Hu, C.K., Hummel, J.P., Jones, P., Kaltalioglu, E., Kastenmeier, B.E., Krishnan, M., Landers, W.F., Liniger, E., Liu, J., Lustig, N.E., Malhotra, S., Manger, D.K., McGahay, V., Mih, R., Nye, H.A., Purushothaman, S., Rathore, H.A., Seo, S.C., Shaw, T.M., Simon, A.H., Spooner, T.A., Stetter, M., Wachnik, R.A., Ryan, J.G.
Source: Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 International Interconnect Technology Conference (Cat. No.00EX407) Interconnect technology Interconnect Technology Conference, 2000. Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 International. :261-263 2000
Relation: Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 International Interconnect Technology Conference
Authors: Lloyd, J.R., Liu, X-.H, Bonilla, G., Shaw, T.M., Liniger, E., Lisi, A.
Source: 2009 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Reliability Physics Symposium, 2009 IEEE International. :602-605 Apr, 2009
Relation: 2009 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS)
Authors: Turner, K.J., Nelson, C.A., Shaw, T.M., Wesson, T.R.
Source: Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 1991., Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE. :888-892 vol.2 1991
Relation: 1991 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference
Authors: Tkaczyk, S.M., Turner, K.J., Nelson, C.A., Shaw, T.M., Wesson, T.R., Bailey, M.W., Kruse, M.C., Castro, A.
Source: Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 1991., Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE. :753-757 vol.2 1991
Relation: 1991 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference
Authors: Shaw, T.M., Schurecht, K., Sinervo, P.K.
Source: Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 1991., Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE. :803-807 vol.2 1991
Relation: 1991 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference
16Academic Journal
Authors: Shaw, T.M., Stuermer, W., Wesson, T.R., Wilson, P.J.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on. 47(4):1506-1509 Aug, 2000
17Academic Journal
Authors: Holm, S., Dittman, J.R., Freeman, J., Klein, R., Lewis, J.D., Shaw, T.M., Wesson, T., Ciobanu, C., Gerstenslager, J.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on. 47(3):895-902 Jun, 2000
Authors: Liu, X.H., Shaw, T.M., Liniger, E.G., Lane, M.W., Bonilla, G., Doyle, J.P., Herbst, B.W., Questad, D.L.
Source: 2007 8th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology Electronic Packaging Technology, 2007. ICEPT 2007. 8th International Conference on. :1-2 Aug, 2007
Relation: 2007 8th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology
Authors: Sankaran, S., Arai, S., Augur, R., Beck, M., Biery, G., Bolom, T., Bonilla, G., Bravo, O., Chanda, K., Chae, M., Chen, F., Clevenger, L., Cohen, S., Cowley, A., Davis, P., Demarest, J., Doyle, J., Dimitrakopoulos, C., Economikos, L., Edelstein, D., Farooq, M., Filippi, R., Fitzsimmons, J., Fuller, N., Gates, S. M., Greco, S. E., Grill, A., Grunow, S., Hannon, R., Ida, K., Jung, D., Kaltalioglu, E., Kelling, M., Ko, T., Kumar, K., Labelle, C., Landis, H., Lane, M.W., Landers, W., Lee, M., Li, W., Liniger, E., Liu, X., Lloyd, J. R., Liu, W., Lustig, N., Malone, K., Marokkey, S., Matusiewicz, G., McLaughlin, P. S., McLaughlin, P. V., Mehta, S., Melville, I., Miyata, K., Moon, B., Nitta, S., Nguyen, D., Nicholson, L., Nielsen, D., Ong, P., Patel, K., Patel, V., Park, W., Pellerin, J., Ponoth, S., Petrarca, K., Rath, D., Restaino, D., Rhee, S., Ryan, E.T., Shoba, H., Simon, A., Simonyi, E., Shaw, T.M., Spooner, T., Standaert, T., Sucharitaves, J., Tian, C., Wendt, H., Werking, J., Widodo, J., Wiggins, L., Wisnieff, R., Ivers, T.
Source: 2006 International Electron Devices Meeting Electron Devices Meeting, 2006. IEDM '06. International. :1-4 Dec, 2006
Relation: 2006 International Electron Devices Meeting
20Academic Journal
Authors: Turner, K.J., Nelson, C.A., Shaw, T.M., Wesson, T.R.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on. 39(4):869-874 Aug, 1992