1Academic Journal
Authors: Tashakor, N., Pourhadi, P., Bayati, M., Hamed Samimi, M., Fang, J., Goetz, S.M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification IEEE Trans. Transp. Electrific. Transportation Electrification, IEEE Transactions on. 10(4):8486-8497 Dec, 2024
2Academic Journal
Authors: Samimi, M., Hassannia, A.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion IEEE Trans. Energy Convers. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on. 37(2):921-926 Jun, 2022
3Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Algorithms for the therapeutic management of melanoma stages I to IV. Management recommendations of the Cutaneous Oncology Group of the French Society of Dermatology (English)
Authors: Funck-Brentano, E., Montaudié, H., Gaudy-Marqueste, C., Maubec, E., Samimi, M., Leccia, M.-T., Jouary, T., Meyer, N., Lebbé, C., Dalac, S., Quereux, G., Mortier, L.
Source: In Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie - FMC May 2024 4(4):281-288
4Academic Journal
Authors: Henry, D., Alkhars, A., Samimi, M., Dufour, D., Machet, L.
Source: In Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie March 2024 151(1)
Authors: Samimi, M. H., Tenbohlen, S., Akmal, A. A. Shayegani, Mohseni, H.
Source: 2016 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2016 24th Iranian Conference on. :1689-1693 May, 2016
Relation: 2016 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)
Source: 2015 30th International Power System Conference (PSC) Power System Conference (PSC), 2015 30th International. :177-183 Nov, 2015
Relation: 2015 30th International Power System Conference (PSC)
7Academic Journal
Authors: Samimi, M. H., Akmal, A. A. S., Mohseni, H., Jadidian, J.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery IEEE Trans. Power Delivery Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on. 31(5):2028-2035 Oct, 2016
8Academic Journal
Authors: Robert, J., Marchand, A., Mazereeuw-Hautier, J., Boccara, O., Martin, L., Chiaverini, C., Beneton, N., Vabres, P., Balguerie, X., Plantin, P., Bessis, D., Barbarot, S., Dadban, A., Droitcourt, C., Samimi, M., Morel, B., Caille, A., Maruani, A., Leducq, S.
Source: In Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie December 2022 149(4):271-275
9Academic Journal
Authors: Dietrich, E., Grimaux, X., Martin, L., Samimi, M.
Source: In Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie December 2022 149(4):228-237
Authors: Esnault, C., Leblond, V., Martin, C., Desgranges, A., Baltus, C.B., Aubrey, N., Lakhrif, Z., Lajoie, L., Lantier, L., Clémenceau, B., Sarma, B., Schrama, J., Houben, R., Schrama, D., Hesbacher, S., Gouilleux‐Gruart, V., Feng, Y., Dimitrov, D., Guyétant, S., Berthon, P., Viaud‐Massuard, M.C., Samimi, M., Touzé, A., Kervarrec, T.
Source: British journal of dermatology. 186(2):295-306
11Academic Journal
Authors: Campana, F., Lan, R., Girard, C., Rochefort, J., Le Pelletier, F., Leroux-Villet, C., Mares, S., Millot, S., Zlowodzki, A.-S., Sibaud, V., Tessier, M.-H., Vaillant, L., Fricain, J.-C., Samimi, M.
Source: In Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie March 2022 149(1):14-27
Authors: Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S., Samimi, M. H.
Source: Lecture notes in electrical engineering. 598(1):811-824
13Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Oral lichen planus: Treatment recommendations of the French oral mucosa study group (English)
Authors: Campana, F., Lan, R., Girard, C., Rochefort, J., Le Pelletier, F., Leroux-Villet, C., Mares, S., Millot, S., Zlowodzki, A.-S., Sibaud, V., Tessier, M.-H., Vaillant, L., Fricain, J.-C., Samimi, M.
Source: In Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie - FMC October 2021 1(7):464-472
14Academic Journal
Authors: Rappaport, T. S., Sun, S., Mayzus, R., Zhao, H., Azar, Y., Wang, K., Wong, G. N., Schulz, J. K., Samimi, M., Gutierrez, F.
Source: IEEE Access Access, IEEE. 1:335-349 2013
15Academic Journal
Authors: Wootten, A. M., Başağaoğlu, H., Bertetti, F. P., Chakraborty, D., Sharma, C., Samimi, M., Mirchi, A.
Source: Earth's Future; Oct2024, Vol. 12 Issue 10, p1-20, 20p
Subject Terms: CLIMATE change models, CLIMATE change, CLIMATE change mitigation, CLIMATOLOGY, WATER supply
16Academic Journal
Source: In EMC – Dermatología November 2020 54(4):1-14
17Academic Journal
Authors: Samimi, M. *
Source: In Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie - FMC December 2023 3(8) Supplement 2
An enriched cohesive zone model for numerical simulation of interfacial delamination in microsystems
Source: 2007 International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation Experiments in Microelectronics and Micro-Systems. EuroSime 2007 Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation Experiments in Microelectronics and Micro-Systems, 2007. EuroSime 2007. International Conference on. :1-7 Apr, 2007
Relation: 2007 International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation Experiments in Microelectronics and Micro-Systems
Authors: Le Cleach, L., Dousset, L., Assier, H., Fourati, S., Barbarot, S., Boulard, C., Bourseau Quetier, C., Cambon, L., Cazanave, C, Colin, A., Kostrzewa, E., Lesort, C., Levy Roy, A., Lombart, F., Marco‐Bonnet, J., Monfort, J.‐B., Samimi, M., Tardieu, M., Wolkenstein, P., Sbidian, E., Beylot‐Barry, M.
Source: British journal of dermatology. 183(5):866-874
Authors: Garbe, C., Peris, K., Soura, E., Forsea, A.M., Hauschild, A., Arenbergerova, M., Bylaite, M., Marmol, V., Bataille, V., Samimi, M., Gandini, S., Saiag, P., Eigentler, T.K., Lallas, A., Zalaudek, I., Lebbe, C., Grob, J.‐J., Hoeller, C., Robert, C., Dréno, B., Arenberger, P., Kandolf‐Sekulovic, L., Kaufmann, R., Malvehy, J., Puig, S., Leiter, U., Ribero, S., Papadavid, E., Quaglino, P., Bagot, M., John, S.M., Richard, M.‐A., Trakatelli, M., Salavastru, C., Borradori, L., Marinovic, B., Enk, A., Pincelli, C., Ioannides, D., Paul, C., Stratigos, A.J.
Source: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. 34(10):2183-2197