1Academic Journal
Winter movements and site fidelity of Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator) in the Nebraska Sandhills.
Authors: Vrtiska, Mark P.1,2 mvrtiska3@unl.edu, Ejigu, Dessalegn2,3, Powell, Larkin A.2
Source: Wilson Journal of Ornithology. Jun2024, Vol. 136 Issue 2, p134-142. 9p.
Subject Terms: *WINTER, *SWANS, *HOME range (Animal geography), *MIGRATORY birds, *TRUMPET players, *BIRD ecology, *MIGRATORY animals
Geographic Terms: NEBRASKA
3Academic Journal
Authors: Ye-Ram Seo1, Cho, Andrew Y.1, Young-Jae Si2, Song-I Lee2, Dong-Ju Kim2, Hyesung Jeong2, Jung-Hoon Kwon3, Chang-Seon Song1, Dong-Hun Lee1, donghunlee@konkuk.ac.kr
Source: Emerging Infectious Diseases; Feb2024, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p299-309, 11p
4Academic Journal
Authors: Solovyeva, D. V.1 (AUTHOR) diana_solovyova@mail.ru, Barykina, D. A.1 (AUTHOR) daria.barykin@gmail.com, Kirtaev, G. V.2 (AUTHOR) georgeusrr@gmail.com, Danilova, V. V.3 (AUTHOR) valeriya981@mail.ru, Rozenfeld, S. B.2 (AUTHOR) rozenfeldbro@mail.ru
Source: Biology Bulletin. Dec2023, Vol. 50 Issue 8, p1908-1919. 12p.
Subject Terms: *SWANS, *TUNDRAS, *BIRD breeding, *MIGRATION flyways, *AERIAL surveys, *WORLD maps, *MATING grounds
Geographic Terms: ARCTIC regions
5Academic Journal
Authors: Chong, Yuqing1 (AUTHOR) 2022004@ynau.edu.cn, Tu, Xiaolong2 (AUTHOR) tuxiaolong@mail.kiz.ac.cn, Lu, Ying1 (AUTHOR) yinglu_1998@163.com, Gao, Zhendong1 (AUTHOR) zander_gao@163.com, He, Xiaoming1 (AUTHOR) xiaominghe@foxmail.com, Hong, Jieyun1 (AUTHOR) hongjieyun@163.com, Wu, Jiao1 (AUTHOR) 15229238680@163.com, Wu, Dongdong2 (AUTHOR), Xi, Dongmei1 (AUTHOR) xidmynau@163.com, Deng, Weidong1 (AUTHOR) tuxiaolong@mail.kiz.ac.cn
Source: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Dec2023, Vol. 24 Issue 23, p16953. 17p.
Subject Terms: *COLOR of birds, *SWANS, *MUTE swan, *MELANINS, *GENOMES, *GENE expression
6Academic Journal
Authors: Fu, Yin1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Zhang, Kaihui1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Shan, Fa4 (AUTHOR), Li, Junqiang1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Wang, Yilin1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Li, Xiaoying1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Xu, Huiyan1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Qin, Ziyang1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Zhang, Longxian1,2,3 (AUTHOR) zhanglx8999@henau.edu.cn
Source: BMC Genomics. 10/24/2023, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p1-11. 11p.
Subject Terms: *GUT microbiome, *SWANS, *METAGENOMICS, *VETERINARY epidemiology, *ANIMAL health
Geographic Terms: CHINA
Authors: Forsberg, Michael (AUTHOR)
Source: National Wildlife. Dec2020/Jan2021, Vol. 59 Issue 1, p36-41. 6p. 8 Color Photographs.
Subjects: SWANS, ANIMAL sexual behavior, BALD eagle, CHRONOPHOTOGRAPHY
8Academic Journal
Authors: Nzabanita, Damien1, Mulder, Raoul A.2, Lettoof, Damian C.3,4, Grist, Stephen1, Hampton, Jordan O.5,6, jordan.hampton@unimelb.edu.au, Hufschmid, Jasmin5, Nugegoda, Dayanthi1
Source: Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology; Feb2024, Vol. 86 Issue 2, p178-186, 9p
9Academic Journal
Authors: Chatzikonstanti, Vasiliki1 (AUTHOR) v.chatzikonstanti@rug.nl, Karoglou, Michail2 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Finance & Economics. Jul2022, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p3202-3227. 26p.
Subject Terms: *Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009, *Stock exchanges, *Financial instruments, Black swan theory, Swans
Authors: Hendrycks, Dan
Subject Terms: Deep learning, machine learning, black swans, tail events, AI strategy, Artificial intelligence, Digital and information technologies: Legal aspects, Electrical engineering, Automatic control engineering
File Description: image/jpeg
11Academic Journal
Authors: Brannelly, L. A.1, Lopatin, Jennifer2, McMullen, A. Joseph2
Source: Romance Notes. 2022, Vol. 62 Issue 3, p539-549. 11p.
Subject Terms: *SWANS, *BRETON literature, *ROMANTICISM in literature, *MESSENGERS in literature
People: MARIE, de France, 12th century
12Academic Journal
Authors: Ascencio, Jaime A.1, Jacobsen, Niels G.2,3, McFall, Brian C.4, Brian.C.McFall@usace.army.mil, Groeneweg, Jacco2, Vuik, Vincent5,6, Reniers, Ad J.H.M.5
Source: Journal of Coastal Research; 2022, Vol. 38 Issue 4, p807-815, 9p
Authors: Abrahams, Marc (AUTHOR)
Source: New Scientist. 7/22/2023, Vol. 259 Issue 3448, p48-48. 3/4p.
Subjects: FAT cells, NUTRITION, SALMON farming, MALLARD, SWANS, ICE on rivers, lakes, etc.
Source: Canadian Geographic. 10/31/2024, Vol. 144 Issue 6, p11-11. 1p. 5 Color Photographs.
15Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Primera documentaciĆ³n de muda durante la migraciĆ³n en el cisne Cygnus buccinator.
Authors: Harms, Tyler M.1 tyharms@gmail.com, Dinsmore, Stephen J.2
Source: Wilson Journal of Ornithology. Jun2022, Vol. 134 Issue 2, p352-358. 7p.
Geographic Terms: IOWA, NORTHWEST Territories
Authors: Silverman, Buffy (AUTHOR)
Source: Click. Jul/Aug2022, Vol. 25 Issue 6, p27-33. 7p. 12 Color Photographs.
Subjects: SWANS, BIRD refuges, LAKES
17Academic Journal
Authors: Posthuma, Leo1,2 (AUTHOR) leo.posthuma@rivm.nl, Bloor, Michelle3 (AUTHOR), Campos, Bruno4 (AUTHOR), Groh, Ksenia5 (AUTHOR), Leopold, Annegaaike6 (AUTHOR), Sanderson, Hans7 (AUTHOR), Schreiber, Hanna8 (AUTHOR), SchĆ¼r, Christoph5,9 (AUTHOR), Thomas, Paul10 (AUTHOR)
Source: Integrated Environmental Assessment & Management. May2024, Vol. 20 Issue 3, p888-891. 4p.
Subject Terms: *Pollution, *Green business, Swans
18Academic Journal
Authors: Honka, Johanna1 (AUTHOR) johanna.honka@oulu.fi, Kvist, Laura1 (AUTHOR), Olli, Suvi1 (AUTHOR), Laaksonen, Toni2,3 (AUTHOR), Aspi, Jouni1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Ecology & Evolution (20457758). Apr2024, Vol. 14 Issue 4, p1-23. 23p.
Subject Terms: *Species distribution, *Aquatic mammals, DNA primers, Canada goose, Waterfowl, DNA, Swans, Geese
Source: Benezit Dictionary of Artists, 2011
Authors: Hewitt-White, Ken (AUTHOR)
Source: Sky & Telescope. Sep2023, Vol. 146 Issue 3, p54-56. 3p. 4 Color Photographs, 1 Chart.
Subject Terms: *SWANS, *PARALLAX, *SUPERGIANT stars, *OPEN clusters of stars, *BINARY stars