1Academic Journal
Authors: El-Hamd, Mohammed A.1 (AUTHOR) mohammedadva@yahoo.com, Mohamed, Rasha I.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Indian Dermatology Online Journal. Nov/Dec2024, Vol. 15 Issue 6, p971-976. 6p.
Subject Terms: *SUDDEN onset of disease, *HAIR care products, *HAIR care & hygiene, *PSYCHOLOGICAL factors, *WOMEN patients
2Academic Journal
Authors: Torres-Riera, Sonia1 (AUTHOR), Arboix, Adrià1 (AUTHOR), Parra, Olga2 (AUTHOR), García-Eroles, Luís1 (AUTHOR), Sánchez-López, María-José3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2025, Vol. 54 Issue 1, p11-19. 9p.
Subject Terms: *ISCHEMIC stroke, *SUDDEN onset of disease, *STROKE, *CEREBROVASCULAR disease, *CEREBRAL infarction
3Academic Journal
Authors: BISHT, NAVNEETA1 bishtnavneeta@gmail.com, MISRA, GAURAV2
Source: Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. May2024, Vol. 18 Issue 5, p4-6. 3p.
Subject Terms: *SUDDEN onset of disease, *OPEN reduction internal fixation, *ANESTHESIA, *FEMORAL fractures, *VOICE disorders
4Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Sindromul de hipertensiune intracraniană asociat sarcinii – management diagnostic și terapeutic.
Authors: Stoica, Elena-Evelina1 evelina.almajanu@gmail.com, GrădinaruFometescu, Delia-Maria1, Tiu, Cristina2,3, Crăciunoiu, Adina3, Munteanu, Octavian1,2, Marinescu, Andreea2,4, Dan, Adriana1,2, Vasilescu, Sorin1, Iordache, Delia1, Cîrstoiu, Monica-Mihaela1,2
Source: Ginecologia.ro. 2024, Vol. 46 Issue 4, p6-9. 4p.
Subject Terms: *MEDICAL care, *SUDDEN onset of disease, *NEUROLOGICAL disorders, *INTRACRANIAL pressure, *INTRACRANIAL hypertension
5Academic Journal
Authors: Ni, Jie1 (AUTHOR) jsdxnj@ujs.edu.cn, Chen, Jiaqi1 (AUTHOR), Xie, Wanying1 (AUTHOR), Shao, Yifu1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Transportation Research: Part F. May2024, Vol. 103, p141-162. 22p.
6Government Document
Authors: Gianopoulos, Kimberly
Source: GAO Reports. 7/29/2024, Preceding pi-45. 48p.
Subjects: UNITED States. Government Accountability Office, PATIENTS' attitudes, PATIENT experience, SUDDEN onset of disease, MILITARY dependents, CONTINUOUS positive airway pressure, UNITED States. Dept. of Defense, INFORMED consent (Medical law)
7Academic Journal
Authors: Sultana, Farzana1, Rabbi, Fazle2, Ahmed, Amran3, Rubaiat, Molla Md4, sultana, Aziza5, sultana, Farhana6, Rahman, Atikur7, Saha, Bishnu Pada8
Source: Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research (Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research). 2024, Vol. 15 Issue 8, p1738-1744. 7p.
Subject Terms: *HEMORRHAGIC stroke, *SUDDEN onset of disease, *MYOCARDIAL ischemia, *PATIENT experience, *MUSCLE tone
8Academic Journal
Authors: Schuh, Alexander1 (AUTHOR), Feyrer, Matthias2 (AUTHOR), Benditz, Achim3 (AUTHOR), Sesselmann, Stefan4 (AUTHOR) stefan.sesselmann@thws.de, Koehl, Philipp5 (AUTHOR)
Source: Technology & Health Care. 2024, Vol. 32 Issue 5, p3613-3619. 7p.
Subject Terms: *TOTAL hip replacement, *SUDDEN onset of disease, *HIP joint, *FEMUR head, *REOPERATION, *GROIN pain
9Academic Journal
Authors: Apostolou, Eirini1 (AUTHOR) eirini.apostolou@liu.se, Rosén, Anders1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Internal Medicine. Jul2024, Vol. 296 Issue 1, p93-115. 23p.
Subject Terms: *CHRONIC fatigue syndrome, *SUDDEN onset of disease, *BIOLOGICAL variation, *POST-acute COVID-19 syndrome, *EPIGENETICS, *EPSTEIN-Barr virus, *VIRUS diseases
10Academic Journal
Authors: Chacón, Almudena1,2 (AUTHOR), Mateo‐Sierra, Olga2,3,4 (AUTHOR), Pérez‐Sánchez, Javier Ricardo2,4,5 (AUTHOR), De la Casa‐Fages, Beatriz2,4,5 (AUTHOR) beatriz.delacasa@salud.madrid.org, Grandas, Francisco2,4,5 (AUTHOR), De Castro, Pedro1,2,4 (AUTHOR), Miranda, Concepción1,2,4 (AUTHOR)
Source: Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. Oct2024, Vol. 11 Issue 10, p1311-1313. 3p.
Subject Terms: *DEEP brain stimulation, *SUDDEN onset of disease, *ATTENTION-deficit hyperactivity disorder, *CHILD patients, *THERAPEUTICS, *MOVEMENT disorders
11Academic Journal
Authors: van der Heide, Anouk1,2 (AUTHOR) anouk.vanderheide@donders.ru.nl, Trenkwalder, Claudia3,4 (AUTHOR), Bloem, Bastiaan R.1 (AUTHOR), Helmich, Rick C.1,2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Parkinson's Disease. 2024, Vol. 14 Issue 4, p889-893. 5p.
Subject Terms: *PARKINSON'S disease, *SUDDEN onset of disease, *LIFE change events, *NEUROLOGICAL disorders, *SYMPTOMS, *TREMOR, *BRUGADA syndrome
12Academic Journal
Authors: Liu, Jinlin1,2, jlliu@tongji.edu.cn, Liu, Wei1,3,4, jlliu@tongji.edu.cn, Xia, Jing1,5, jlliu@tongji.edu.cn
Source: Frontiers in Marine Science; 2025, p1-9, 9p
13Academic Journal
Authors: Tolba, Mohamed, Hafez, Hadeer, Adel, John
Source: International Journal of Emergency Medicine; 1/3/2025, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p1-6, 6p
Subject Terms: LAPAROSCOPIC surgery, GALLBLADDER, COMPUTED tomography, ABDOMINAL pain, CHOLECYSTECTOMY, GALLBLADDER diseases, SUDDEN onset of disease
14Academic Journal
Authors: Sahebalzamani, Elham, Alijanpour, Shayan, Saadat, Payam
Source: Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine; Winter2025, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p37-46, 10p
Subject Terms: COVID-19, SUDDEN onset of disease, SMELL disorders, WEB databases, SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC factors
15Academic Journal
Authors: Cook, Alison M., Patuzzi, Robert B.
Source: International Journal of Audiology; Jan2025, Vol. 64 Issue 1, p94-97, 4p
16Academic Journal
Authors: Floyd, Tobias1, Banyard, Ashley C.1, ashley.banyard@apha.gov.uk, Lean, Fabian Z. X.1, Byrne, Alexander M. P.1, Fullick, Edward2, Whittard, Elliot1, Mollett, Benjamin C.1, Bexton, Steve3, Swinson, Vanessa2, Macrelli, Michele4, Lewis, Nicola S.5, Reid, Scott M.1, Núñez, Alejandro1, Duff, J. Paul6, Hansen, Rowena1, Brown, Ian H.1
Source: Emerging Infectious Diseases; Nov2021, Vol. 27 Issue 11, p2856-2863, 8p
17Academic Journal
Authors: Sabini, Meredith (AUTHOR)
Source: Psychological Perspectives. Oct-Dec2021, Vol. 64 Issue 4, p532-538. 7p.
Subject Terms: *SUDDEN onset of disease, *PHYSICAL therapists
18Academic Journal
Authors: Nakamura, Mei1 nakamuramei@123.jp
Source: African Journal of Respiratory Medicine. Aug2024, p3-3. 1p.
Subject Terms: *CHRONIC obstructive pulmonary disease, *SUDDEN onset of disease, *CHRONIC cough, *CHRONIC bronchitis, *SYMPTOMS, *COUGH
19Academic Journal
Authors: Khalaji, Amirreza1,2 (AUTHOR), Mahdian, Taha3 (AUTHOR), Eftekharsadat, Amir Taher4 (AUTHOR), Jafarpour, Mehdi1 (AUTHOR) jafarpourmehdi1360@gmail.com
Source: Clinical Case Reports. Mar2024, Vol. 12 Issue 3, p1-5. 5p.
Subject Terms: *SUDDEN onset of disease, *ULCERATIVE colitis, *TAKAYASU arteritis, *SYMPTOMS, *CHOLANGITIS, *ISCHEMIC stroke
20Academic Journal
Authors: Trinchillo, Assunta1 (AUTHOR) assuntatrinchillo94@gmail.com, Barchetti, Flavio2 (AUTHOR), De Joanna, Gabriella3 (AUTHOR), Esposito, Marcello4 (AUTHOR), Piccirillo, Giovanni3 (AUTHOR), Miniello, Stefania3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Clinical Physiology & Functional Imaging. Mar2024, Vol. 44 Issue 2, p131-135. 5p.
Subject Terms: *NUCLEAR magnetic resonance spectroscopy, *SUDDEN onset of disease, *HYPERGLYCEMIA, *DIABETES complications, *MOVEMENT disorders