1Academic Journal
Authors: Estévez-Rodríguez, José Luis1,2,3, joselu.estevez@gmail.com, Rivilla-García, Jesús2, Jiménez-Rubio, Sergio3,4
Source: Journal of Sport Rehabilitation; Nov2024, Vol. 33 Issue 8, p663-667, 5p
2Academic Journal
Authors: Krombholz, Dirk1, Willwacher, Steffen2, Consmüller, Tobias3, Linden, Anna3, Utku, Burkay2, Zendler, Jessica4,5, jzendler@rimkus.com
Source: Journal of Sport Rehabilitation; Sep2024, Vol. 33 Issue 7, p562-569, 8p
3Academic Journal
Authors: Unuvar, Bayram Sonmez1, sonmezunuvar@gmail.com, Demirdel, Ertugrul2, Gercek, Hasan3
Source: Journal of Sport Rehabilitation; Sep2024, Vol. 33 Issue 7, p531-541, 11p
4Academic Journal
Authors: Demir Benli, Merve1, mdbenli@gmail.com, Arslan, Beyza2
Source: Journal of Sport Rehabilitation; May2024, Vol. 33 Issue 4, p297-300, 4p
5Academic Journal
Authors: Beato, Marco, Jaward, Mohamed Hisham, Nassis, George P., Figueiredo, Pedro, Clemente, Filipe Manuel, Krustrup, Peter
Source: International Journal of Sports Physiology & Performance; Feb2025, Vol. 20 Issue 2, p183-191, 9p
6Academic Journal
Authors: Mayer, McKenzie A.1,2, Deliso, Marisa1,2, Hong, Ian S.1,2, Saltzman, Bryan M.3,4, Longobardi, Raphael S.5, DeLuca, Peter F.5, Rizio, Louis5 drrizio@gmail.com
Source: American Journal of Sports Medicine. Jan2025, Vol. 53 Issue 1, p217-227. 11p.
Subject Terms: *SOCCER injuries, *MEDICAL rehabilitation, *SPORTS re-entry, *ANTERIOR cruciate ligament injuries, *MEDICAL information storage & retrieval systems, *ANTERIOR cruciate ligament surgery, *BODY mass index, *SPORTS injuries, *SEX distribution, *AGE distribution, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *SYSTEMATIC reviews, *MEDLINE, *STATURE, *SURGICAL complications, *INFERENTIAL statistics, *ONLINE information services, *DATA analysis software, *CONFIDENCE intervals, *KNEE surgery, *REHABILITATION
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
7Academic Journal
Authors: Ryo Ohtsubo1, otbr1593@akane.waseda.jp, Hiromi Saito1, hiromisaito.physio@gmail.com, Norikazu Hirose2, toitsu_hirose@waseda.jp
Source: Journal of Sports Science & Medicine; Sep2024, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p656-662, 7p
8Academic Journal
Authors: Tsilimigkras, Theodoros1,2, thtsilim@gmail.com, Kakkos, Ioannis1, ikakkos@biomed.ntua.gr, Matsopoulos, George K.1, gmatsopoulos@biomed.ntua.gr, Bogdanis, Gregory C.2,3, gbogdanis@phed.uoa.gr
Source: Journal of Sports Science & Medicine; Sep2024, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p537-547, 11p
9Academic Journal
Authors: Ruiz-Rios, Maitane, Setuain, Igor, Cadore, Eduardo L., Izquierdo, Mikel, Garcia-Tabar, Ibai
Source: International Journal of Sports Physiology & Performance; Dec2024, Vol. 19 Issue 12, p1355-1366, 12p
10Academic Journal
Source: International Journal of Sports Physiology & Performance; Oct2024, Vol. 19 Issue 10, p1068-1075, 8p
Subject Terms: SKELETAL muscle injuries, SPORTS, RUNNING, ACCELERATION (Mechanics), PHYSICAL training & conditioning, PHYSIOLOGIC strain, SPORTS events, SOFT tissue injuries, SOCCER injuries, SPRINTING, PHYSIOLOGICAL effects of acceleration
Geographic Terms: PORTUGAL
11Academic Journal
Authors: Iyengar, Karthikeyan P.1,2 (AUTHOR), Sharma, Gaurav Kant2 (AUTHOR), Botchu, Rajesh3 (AUTHOR) drbrajesh@yahoo.com
Source: Indian Journal of Radiology & Imaging. Oct2023, Vol. 33 Issue 4, p555-559. 5p.
Subject Terms: *MUSCLE injuries, *SOCCER injuries, *ANKLE injury treatment, *SKELETAL muscle injuries, *MAGNETIC resonance imaging, *ULTRASONIC imaging, *PLATELET-rich plasma, *TREATMENT effectiveness, *ANKLE injuries, *PAIN, *ANKLE joint, *MYOFASCIAL pain syndrome treatment, *DISEASE complications
12Academic Journal
Authors: Kellis, Eleftherios1, ekellis@phed-sr.auth.gr, Kekelekis, Afxentios1, akekelekis@gmail.com, Drakonaki, Eleni E.2, drakonakielena@gmail.com
Source: Journal of Sports Science & Medicine; Jun2024, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p436-444, 9p
13Academic Journal
Authors: Wahlquist, Victoria E.1 vwahlq@udel.edu, Buckley, Thomas A.1 tbuckley@udel.edu, Caccese, Jaclyn B.2 Jaclyn.Caccese@osumc.edu, Glutting, Joseph J.3 glutting@udel.edu, Royer, Todd D.1 royer@udel.edu, Kaminski, Thomas W.1 kaminski@udel.edu
Source: Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. Sep2023, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p591-596. 6p.
Subject Terms: *SOCCER injuries, *AGE distribution, *QUANTITATIVE research, *SEX distribution, *COMPARATIVE studies, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *BRAIN concussion, *HEAD injuries, *VIDEO recording, *CHILDREN, *ADOLESCENCE
Geographic Terms: MIDWEST (U.S.)
14Academic Journal
Authors: Algaba-Del-Castillo, José1 (AUTHOR) algaba@us.es, Castro-Méndez, Aurora1 (AUTHOR) aperez30@us.es, Pérez-Belloso, Ana Juana1 (AUTHOR) mcohena@us.es, Garrido-Barragán, José Gabriel2 (AUTHOR) josegabrielgarrido@outlook.es, Aguilar Sánchez, Alberto2 (AUTHOR) badaspodologia@gmail.com, Coheña-Jiménez, Manuel1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Life (2075-1729). Jul2023, Vol. 13 Issue 7, p1574. 12p.
Subject Terms: *SOCCER injuries, *FOOT movements, *SOCCER players, *FOOT, *PILOT projects, *SUPINATION, *POSTURE
15Academic Journal
Authors: González, Juan R., Cáceres, Alejandro, Ferrer, Eva, Balagué-Dobón, Laura, Escribà-Montagut, Xavier, Sarrat-González, David, Quintás, Guillermo, Rodas, Gil
Source: International Journal of Sports Physiology & Performance; Jul2024, Vol. 19 Issue 7, p661-669, 9p
Subject Terms: SOCCER, PREDICTION models, ELITE athletes, MULTIOMICS, PSYCHOLOGY of women, GLOBAL Positioning System, LONGITUDINAL method, GENETIC polymorphisms, METABOLOMICS, PSYCHOSOCIAL factors, SOCCER injuries, EMPLOYEES' workload
Geographic Terms: SPAIN
Authors: Gregory, Sean (AUTHOR)
Source: TIME Magazine. 6/3/2019, Vol. 193 Issue 21/22, p76-87. 12p. 11 Color Photographs.
Subjects: MORGAN, Alex, 1989-, WOMEN soccer players, SOCCER players -- Salaries, wages, etc., GENDER inequality in sports, VEGANS, SOCCER injuries, SPOKESPERSONS, ATHLETES
17Academic Journal
Authors: Kwakye, Samuel Koranteng1 (AUTHOR) kwamed88@gmail.com, Mostert, Karien1 (AUTHOR), Garnett, Daniel2 (AUTHOR), Masenge, Andries3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Scientific Reports. 5/18/2023, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p1-10. 10p.
Subject Terms: *SOCCER injuries, *EQUILIBRIUM testing, *INJURY risk factors, *BODY mass index, *PILOT projects
Geographic Terms: GHANA
18Academic Journal
Authors: De-la-Cruz-Torres, Blanca1, bcruz@us.es, Romero-Rodríguez, Beatriz1, Romero-Morales, Carlos2
Source: Journal of Sport Rehabilitation; Mar2023, Vol. 32 Issue 3, p265-271, 7p, 2 Diagrams, 2 Charts
19Academic Journal
Authors: Corrigan, John1 (AUTHOR) john.corrigan23@mail.dcu.ie, O'Keeffe, Sinéad1 (AUTHOR), Whyte, Enda1 (AUTHOR), O'Connor, Siobhán1 (AUTHOR)
Source: PLoS ONE. 2/15/2023, Vol. 18 Issue 2, p1-19. 19p.
Subject Terms: *SOCCER injuries, *PREVENTION of injury, *EDUCATIONAL planning, *WELL-being, *CONSTRUCTIVISM (Education), *FOOD preferences, *ADOPTION
20Academic Journal
Authors: Piłka, Tomasz1,2 (AUTHOR) tomasz.pilka@amu.edu.pl, Grzelak, Bartłomiej1,2 (AUTHOR), Sadurska, Aleksandra1 (AUTHOR), Górecki, Tomasz1 (AUTHOR), Dyczkowski, Krzysztof1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Sensors (14248220). Feb2023, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p1227. 15p.
Subject Terms: *SOCCER injuries, *WEARABLE technology, *ACQUISITION of data, *MACHINE learning, *FORECASTING, *DECISION making