Source: Methods in molecular biology. 1766:15-30
2Academic Journal
Authors: Rose, Nathan R., Klose, Robert J.
Source: In BBA - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms December 2014 1839(12):1362-1372
3Academic Journal
Authors: Hillringhaus, Lars, Yue, Wyatt W., Rose, Nathan R., Ng, Stanley S., Gileadi, Carina, Loenarz, Christoph, Bello, Simon H., Bray, James E., Schofield, Christopher J., Oppermann, Udo
Source: In Journal of Biological Chemistry 2 December 2011 286(48):41616-41625
Authors: Olasupo, Idris, Rose, Nathan R., Klein, Rosalyn, Adams, Luqman A., Familoni, Oluwole B., Kaye, Perry T.
Source: Synthetic communications. 44(2):251-258
5Academic Journal
Authors: Kawamura, Akane, Tumber, Anthony, Rose, Nathan R., King, Oliver N.F., Daniel, Michelle, Oppermann, Udo, Heightman, Tom D., Schofield, Christopher
Source: In Analytical Biochemistry 2010 404(1):86-93
6Academic Journal
Authors: Blackledge, Neil P.1, Rose, Nathan R.1, Klose, Robert J.1
Source: Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. Nov2015, Vol. 16 Issue 11, p643-649. 7p. 4 Diagrams.
Subject Terms: *POLYCOMB group proteins, *GENOMICS, *VERTEBRATES, *PROTEINS, *RNA
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9Academic Journal
Authors: Ng, Stanley S., Kavanagh, Kathryn L., McDonough, Michael A., Butler, Danica, Pilka, Ewa S., Lienard, Benoit M. R., Bray, James E., Savitsky, Pavel, Gileadi, Opher, von Delft, Frank, Rose, Nathan R., Offer, John, Scheinost, Johanna C., Borowski, Tomasz, Sundstrom, Michael, Schofield, Christopher J., Oppermann, Udo
Source: Nature. 7/5/2007, Vol. 448 Issue 7149, p87-91. 5p. 3 Diagrams, 1 Graph.
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