1Academic Journal
Authors: Rodriguez, Ivan E., Asher, Zachary P., Klingenberg, Katherine, Wright, Franklin L., Nydam, Trevor L., Adams, Megan A., Bababekov, Yanik J., Peltz, Eric, Smith, Jason W., Saben, Jessica L., Kennealey, Peter, Pomposelli, James J., Pomfret, Elizabeth A., Moore, Hunter B.
Source: In The American Journal of Surgery December 2024 238
2Academic Journal
Authors: Kukreja, Naveen, Rodriguez, Ivan E., Moore, Hunter B., LaRiviere, Wells, Crouch, Cara, Stewart, Erin, Nydam, Trevor L., Kennealey, Peter, Hendrickse, Adrian D., Pomfret, Elizabeth A., Fernandez-Bustamante, Ana
Source: In The American Journal of Surgery December 2023 226(6):817-822
3Academic Journal
Authors: Jiang, Jessie G., Ferrell, Tanner, Sauaia, Angela, Rodriguez, Ivan E., Yoeli, Dor, Nydam, Trevor L., Kennealey, Peter T., Pomposelli, James J., Pomfret, Elizabeth A., Moore, Hunter B.
Source: In The American Journal of Surgery December 2022 224(6):1432-1437
4Academic Journal
Authors: Rodriguez, Ivan E., Yoeli, Dor, Ferrell, Tanner, Jiang, Jessie G., Truong, Ronald, Nydam, Trevor L., Adams, Megan A., Cullen, J. Michael, Pomfret, Elizabeth A., Moore, Hunter B.
Source: In The American Journal of Surgery December 2022 224(6):1455-1459
5Academic Journal
Authors: Rodriguez, Ivan E.1,2 (AUTHOR), Saben, Jessica L.1,2 (AUTHOR), Moore, Ernest E.2,3 (AUTHOR) hunter.moore@cuanschutz.edu, Knudson, M. Margaret4 (AUTHOR), Moore, Peter K.5 (AUTHOR) hunter.moore@cuanschutz.edu, Pieracci, Fredric2,3 (AUTHOR), Sauaia, Angela3 (AUTHOR), Moore, Hunter B.1,2,6 (AUTHOR) hunter.moore@cuanschutz.edu
Source: Surgical Infections. Mar2024, Vol. 25 Issue 2, p87-94. 8p.
Subject Terms: *INJURY risk factors, *HEMORRHAGIC shock, *TISSUE plasminogen activator, *FIBRINOLYSIS, *BRAIN injuries, *INTENSIVE care units
6Academic Journal
Authors: Bababekov, Yanik J., Ha, Anna H., Nydam, Trevor L., Goncalves, Carlos, Choudhury, Rashikh, Shinsako, JoLynn, Baimas-George, Maria, Reynolds, David M., Yoshida, Cassidy, Racke, Caroline A., Grewal, Han, Pomposelli, Sophia, Rodriguez, Ivan E., Hoffman, Jordan R.H., Schold, Jesse D., Kaplan, Bruce, Pomfret, Elizabeth A., Pomposelli, James J.
Source: Transplantation Direct; Mar2025, Vol. 11 Issue 3, pe1767-e1767, 1p
7Academic Journal
Authors: Rodriguez, Ivan E.1, Trinh, Becky B.1, Deleyiannis, Frederic W-B.1 fred.deleyiannis@gmail.com
Source: ePlasty: Open Access Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2018, Vol. 18, p214-219. 6p.
Subject Terms: *PERFORATOR flaps (Surgery), *FIBULA, *MANDIBLE, *TIBIAL arteries, *FREE flaps, *SQUAMOUS cell carcinoma, *SKIN
8Academic Journal
Authors: Rodrı́guez, Iván E, Zheng, Alex, Malone, Michael F *
Source: In Chemical Engineering Science 2004 59(7):1589-1600
9Academic Journal
Authors: Rodrı́guez, Iván E., Zheng, Alex, Malone, Michael F. *
Source: In Chemical Engineering Science 2001 56(16):4737-4745
10Academic Journal
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11Academic Journal
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Authors: Rodriguez, Ivan E., Deleyiannis, Frederic W-B
Source: Plastic and reconstructive surgery.Global open. 5(7):e1416-e1416
Source: In JPRAS Open June 2018 16:93-97
14Academic Journal
Authors: Rodriguez, Ivan E1, Yoeli, Dor1, Ferrell, Tanner1, Adams, Megan A1, Nydam, Trevor L1, Moore, Hunter1
Source: Journal of the American College of Surgeons (2563-9021). 2022 Supplement, Vol. 235, pS97-S97. 1p.
Subject Terms: *ISCHEMIA, *BLOOD coagulation tests, *BLOOD transfusion, *THROMBELASTOGRAPHY, *CONFERENCES & conventions, *LIVER transplantation, *REPERFUSION injury
Geographic Terms: CALIFORNIA
Authors: Langlais, Robert P., Rodriguez, Ivan E., Maselle, Ivan
Source: Dental Clinics of North America; January 1994, Vol. 38 Issue: 1 p1-12, 12p