1Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE. 20:1-5 2023
2Academic Journal
Authors: Lopez, R.N., Sanchez-Rama, B., Santalla del Rio, V., Barbosa, S., Narciso, P., Perez-Santalla, R., Pettazzi, A., Pinto, P., Salson, S., Viegas, T.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on. 61:1-14 2023
Source: 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2020 14th European Conference on. :1-5 Mar, 2020
Relation: 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
Authors: del Rio, V. Santalla, Lopez, R. Nocelo, Sanchez-Rama, B.
Source: 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2020 14th European Conference on. :1-3 Mar, 2020
Relation: 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
5Academic Journal
Authors: Santalla del Rio, V., Vera-Isasa, M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on. 57(7):5098-5107 Jul, 2019
Authors: Barré, Tangui, Zucman, David, Marcellin, Fabienne, Ramier, Clémence, Protopopescu, Camelia, Tardieu, Raphaëlle, Ory, Karine, Salmon‐Céron, Dominique, Carrieri, Patrizia, Salmon, D., Wittkop, L., Sogni, P., Carrieri, P., Spire, B., Ory, K., Trimoulet, P., Izopet, J., Serfaty, L., Alric, L., Valantin, M.A., Pialoux, G., Chas, J., Barange, K., Naqvi, A., Rosenthal, E., Bicart‐See, A., Bouchaud, O., Gervais, A., Lascoux‐Combe, C., Goujard, C., Lacombe, K., Duvivier, C., Neau, D., Morlat, P., Bani‐Sadr, F., Boufassa, F., Solas, C., Fontaine, H., Piroth, L., Simon, A., Zucman, D., Boué, F., Miailhes, P., Billaud, E., Aumaître, H., Rey, D., Peytavin, G., Zaeglel‐Faucher, O., Usubillaga, R., Bienvenu, B., Launay‐Puybasset, O., Bernasconi, C., Brunet, A., Silbermann, B., Boucher, H., Rollot, F., Zak Dit Zbar, O., Pol, S., Le Jeunne‐Ballif, C., Louergue, P., Mehawej, H., Merine‐Belardi, L., Almasi, F., Benammar, N., Alagna, L., Chaussade, S., Guillevin, L., Terris, B., Norgeux, C., Katlama, C., Stitou, H., Caby, F., Paris, L., Schneider, L., Tubiana, R., Roudière, L., Benveniste, O., Breton, G., Bonmarchand, M., Kirstetter, M., Charlotte, F., Capron, F., Calvez, V., Thibaut, V., Soulie, C., Abdi, B., Lambert‐Niclot, S., Bregigeon‐Ronot, S., Zaegel‐Faucher, O., Laroche, H., Menard, A., Gaubert‐Marechal, E., Thirée, S., Tamalet, C., Hakimi, C., Poluzzi, J.C., Lassel, L., Lyavanc, T., Le Nagat, S., Slama, L., Canesti, A., Callard, P., Bachour, B., Sigur, N., Bonnet, D., Guivarch, M., Peron, J.M., Massip, P., Cuzin, L., Obada, M., Bonnet, E., Alvarez, M., Labau, E., Mularczyk, M., Bourdoncle, N., Penecy, J., Porte, L., Busato, F., Khatibi, S., Bernard, J., Selves, J., Larroquette, F., Ferrer, V., Chiabrandon, J., Pradier, C., Mondain, V., Dellamonica, P., Roger, P.M., Ferrando, S., Ceppi, C., Rio, V., Dunais, B., Prouvost, B., De Salvadore‐Guillouet, F., Prebost, I., Durant, J., Pugliese, P., Michels, J.F., Saint‐Paul, M.C., Partouche, C., Nerini, K., Abgrall, S., Zamord, I., Bidegain, F., Azghay, M., Rouyer, C., Tatay, M., Mechai, F., Martin, A., Baazia, Y., Iwaka‐Bande, V., Gerber, A., Garipuy, D., Ferro‐Collados, M.J., Gaches, F., Abravanel, F., Yazdanpanah, Y., Henin, D., Bertine, M., Onambele, M., Kandel, T., Pintado, C., Molina, J.M., Gatey, C., Gallien, S., Rozenbaum, W., Lafaurie, M., Munier, A.L., Ponscarme, D., Previllon, M., Colin De Verdière, N., Tateo, M.G., Palmer, P., Gabassi, A., Amarsy, R., Mazeron, MC., Krause, J., Ingiliz, P., Girard, P.M., Lefebvre, B., Valin, N., Mehoyas, M.C., Fournier, S., Meynard, J.L., Ouazene, Z., Guyon, H., Roussard, P., Lallemand, F., Raguin, G., Bollens, D., Tourneur, M., Bideault, H., Fonquernie, L., Pacanowski, J., Wendum, D., Fofana, D., Thithuthuon, T., Quertainmont, Y., Teicher, E., Escaut, L., Derradji, O., Pallier, C., Veillet, F., Mouna, L., Lortholary, O., Rouzaud, C., Shoai Tehrani, M., Boucly, S., Obenga, G., Viard, J.P., Gardiennet, E., Mélard, A., Ochoa, A., Blanchard, E., Cazanave, C., Dupon, M., Dutronc, H., Dauchy, F., Wille, H., Bioulac‐Sage, P., Lacoste, D., Bonnet, F., Bernard, N., Hessamfar, M., Paccalin, F., Martell, C., Pertusa, M. C., Vandenhende, M., Mercié, P., Pistone, T., Receveur, M.C., Méchain, M., Duffau, P., Rivoisy, C., Faure, I., Malvy, D., Roger‐Schmeltz, J., Dondia, D., Pellegrin, J.L., Lazzaro, E., Foch, Hôpital, Majerholc, C., Kahn, J.E., Hilaire, S., Brollo, M., Béclère, Antoine, Polo Devoto, J., Kansau, I., Chambrin, V., Pignon, C., Favier, M., Deback, C., Vauloup, C., Pailler, C., Lopez Zaragoza, J.L., Lévy, Y., Lelièvre, J.D., Lascaux, A.S., Scerra, S., Bouvier‐Alias, M., Raffi, F., Allavena, C., Reliquet, V., Boutoille, D., Biron, C., Lefebvre, M., Hall, N., Bouchez, S., Bernaud, C., Mounoury, O., Rodallec, A., Le Guen, L., Peyramond, D., Chidiac, C., Ader, F., Biron, F., Boibieux, A., Cotte, L., Ferry, T., Perpoint, T., Amiri, M., Valour, F., Koffi, J., Zoulim, F., Bailly, F., Lack, P., Maynard, M., Radenne, S., Augustin‐Normand, C., Vassel, E., Le‐Thi, T.T., Chavanet, P., Duong Van Huyen, M., Buisson, M., Waldner‐Combernoux, A., Mahy, S., Fillion, A., Jean, M., Eden, A., Medus, M., Saada, M., Gaba, S., Lambert, D., Nguyen, Y., Berger, J.L., Rouger, C., Brodard, V., Rey, D, Partasani, M., Cheneau, C., Priester, M., Bernard‐Henry, C., de Mautort, E., Ertle, A., Jegou, F., Fush, A., Gantner, P., Fafi‐Kremer, S., Pinheiro, L., Roustand, F., Kmiec, I., Traore, L., Le Puil, S., Tateo, MG., Benothame, S., Pomes, C., Louisin, C., Mole, M., Adda, A., Thibaut, P., Poirier, S., Ben Rayana, R., Pietri, MP., Le Baut, V., Cuvillier, Y., Alabatanah, M., Barret, F., Juster, F., Chesnel, C., Beniken, D., Sebire‐Le Cam, M., Monard, R., Badji, F, Caldato, S., Rojas Rojas, T., Ritleng, AS., Ivanova, A., Chalal, L., Julia, Z., Cavellec, M., Chevalier, C., Paredes‐Manyari, E., Breau, S., Boughdiri, N., Fischer, P., Charles, C., Ogoudjobi, S., Brochier, C., Thoirain‐Galvan, V., Chaussee, S., Benothmane, S., Sondro, A., Camou, O., Godard, V., Kai, M., Gilbert, C., Pailler, M., Merchadou, L, Esterle, L., Gillet‐Rousseau, S., Khan, C, Abbad, L, Chalouni, M., Conte, V., Marcellin, F., Knight, R., Mora, M., Protopopescu, C., Roux, P., Barré, T
Source: Journal of viral hepatitis. 30(11):897-900
Authors: del Rio, V. Santalla, Vera-Isasa, M.
Source: 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC) URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), 2018 2nd. :1-3 May, 2018
Relation: 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC)
8Academic Journal
Authors: Pidre, J.M., Vera Isasa, M., Santalla del Rio, V.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on. 55(5):2682-2692 May, 2017
Authors: Lajaunie, Rébecca, Cuzin, Lise, Palich, Romain, Makinson, Alain, Bani‐Sadr, Firouzé, Duvivier, Claudine, Arvieux, Cedric, Rey, David, Poizot‐Martin, Isabelle, Delpierre, Cyril, Delobel, Pierre, Martin‐Blondel, Guillaume, Chirouze, C., Drobacheff‐Thiébaut, C., Foltzer, A., Bouiller, K., Hustache‐ Mathieu, L., Lepiller, Q., Bozon, F., Babre, O, Brunel, AS., Muret, P., Chevalier, E., Jacomet, C., Laurichesse, H., Lesens, O., Vidal, M., Mrozek, N., Aumeran, C., Baud, O., Corbin, V., Goncalvez, E., Mirand, A, Brebion, A, Henquell, C, Lamaury, I., Fabre, I., Curlier, E., Ouissa, R., Herrmann‐Storck, C., Tressieres, B., Receveur, MC., Boulard, F., Daniel, C., Clavel, C., Roger, PM., Markowicz, S., Chellum Rungen, N., Merrien, D., Perré, P., Guimard, T., Bollangier, O., Leautez, S., Morrier, M., Laine, L., Boucher, D., Point, P., Cotte, L., Ader, F., Becker, A., Boibieux, A., Brochier, C., Brunel‐Dalmas, F., Cannesson, O., Chiarello, P., Chidiac, C., Degroodt, S., Ferry, T., Godinot, M., Livrozet, J.M., Makhloufi, D., Miailhes, P., Perpoint, T., Perry, M., Pouderoux, C., Roux, S., Triffault‐Fillit, C., Valour, F., Charre, C., Icard, V., Tardy, J.C., Trabaud, M.A., Ravaux, I., Ménard, A., Belkhir, AY., Colson, P., Dhiver, C., Madrid, A., Martin‐Degioanni, M., Meddeb, L., Mokhtari, M., Motte, A., Raoux, A., Toméi, C., Tissot‐Dupont, H., Poizot‐Martin, I., Brégigeon, S., Zaegel‐Faucher, O., Obry‐Roguet, V., Laroche, H, Orticoni, M., Soavi, M.J., Ressiot, E., Ducassou, M.J., Jaquet, I., Galie, S., Colson, H., Ritleng, A.S., Ivanova, A., Debreux, C., Lions, C., Rojas‐Rojas, T, Cabié, A., Abel, S., Bavay, J., Bigeard, B., Cabras, O., Cuzin, L., Dupin de Majoubert, R., Fagour, L., Guitteaud, K., Marquise, A., Najioullah, F., Pierre‐François, S., Pasquier, J., Richard, P., Rome, K., Turmel, JM, Varache, C., Atoui, N., Bistoquet, M., Delaporte, E, Le Moing, V., Makinson, A., Meftah, N., Merle de Boever, C., Montes, B., Montoya Ferrer, A., Tuaillon, E., Reynes, J., Lefèvre, B., Jeanmaire, E., Hénard, S., Frentiu, E., Charmillon, A., Legoff, A., Tissot, N., André, M., Boyer, L., Bouillon, MP., Delestan, M., Goehringer, F., Bevilacqua, S., Rabaud, C., May, T., Raffi, F., Allavena, C., Aubry, O., Billaud, E., Biron, C., Bonnet, B., Bouchez, S., Boutoille, D., Brunet‐Cartier, C., Deschanvres, C., Gaborit, B.J., Grégoire, A., Grégoire, M., Grossi, O., Guéry, R., Jovelin, T., Lefebvre, M., Le Turnier, P., Lecomte, R., Morineau, P., Reliquet, V., Sécher, S., Cavellec, M., Paredes, E., Soria, A., Ferré, V., André‐Garnier, E., Rodallec, A., Pugliese, P., Breaud, S., Ceppi, C., Chirio, D., Cua, E., Dellamonica, P., Demonchy, E., De Monte, A., Durant, J., Etienne, C., Ferrando, S., Garraffo, R., Michelangeli, C., Mondain, V., Naqvi, A., Oran, N., Perbost, I., Carles, M., Klotz, C., Maka, A., Pradier, C., Prouvost‐Keller, B., Risso, K., Rio, V., Rosenthal, E., Touitou, I., Wehrlen‐Pugliese, S., Zouzou, G., Hocqueloux, L., Prazuck, T., Gubavu, C., Sève, A., Giaché, S., Rzepecki, V., Colin, M., Boulard, C., Thomas, G., Cheret, A., Goujard, C., Quertainmont, Y., Teicher, E., Lerolle, N., Jaureguiberry, S., Colarino, R., Deradji, O., Castro, A., Barrail‐Tran, A., Yazdanpanah, Y., Landman, R., Joly, V., Ghosn, J., Rioux, C., Lariven, S., Gervais, A., Lescure, FX., Matheron, S., Louni, F., Julia, Z., Le Gac, S., Charpentier, C., Descamps, D., Peytavin, G., Duvivier, C., Aguilar, C., Alby‐Laurent, F., Amazzough, K., Benabdelmoumen, G., Bossi, P., Cessot, G., Charlier, C., Consigny, P.H., Jidar, K., Lafont, E., Lanternier, F., Leporrier, J., Lortholary, O., Louisin, C., Lourenco, J., Parize, P., Pilmis, B., Rouzaud, C., Touam, F., Valantin, MA., Tubiana, R., Agher, R., Seang, S., Schneider, L., Palich, R., Blanc, C., Katlama, C., Bani‐Sadr, F., Berger, JL., N'Guyen, Y., Lambert, D., Kmiec, I., Hentzien, M., Brunet, A., Romaru, J., Marty, H., Brodard, V., Arvieux, C., Tattevin, P., Revest, M., Souala, F., Baldeyrou, M., Patrat‐Delon, S., Chapplain, J.M., Benezit, F., Dupont, M., Poinot, M., Maillard, A., Pronier, C., Lemaitre, F., Morlat, C., Poisson‐Vannier, M., Sinteff, JP., Gagneux‐Brunon, A., Botelho‐Nevers, E., Frésard, A., Ronat, V., Lucht, F., Rey, D., Fischer, P., Partisani, M., Cheneau, C., Priester, M., Batard, ML., Mélounou, C, Bernard‐Henry, C., de Mautort, E., Fafi‐Kremer, S., Delobel, P., Alvarez, M., Biezunski, N., Debard, A., Delpierre, C., Gaube, G., Lansalot, P., Lelièvre, L., Marcel, M., Martin‐Blondel, G., Piffaut, M., Porte, L., Saune, K., Robineau, O., Ajana, F., Aïssi, E., Alcaraz, I., Alidjinou, E., Baclet, V., Bocket, L., Boucher, A., Digumber, M., Huleux, T., Lafon‐Desmurs, B., Meybeck, A., Pradier, M., Tetart, M., Thill, P., Viget, N., Valette, M.
Source: HIV medicine. 23(3):301-306
10Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Quality of life after a social-physical activity community intervention in elderly people with social risk. Clinical trial (English)
Authors: López-Téllez, A., Río Ruiz, J., López-Martí, H., Calderón Río, V., Molinero Torres, F., López-Martí, A.M.
Source: In Medicina de Familia. SEMERGEN September 2022 48(6):394-402
11Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE. 12(4):751-755 Apr, 2015
Source: 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology Phased Array Systems & Technology, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on. :611-615 Oct, 2013
Relation: 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology (ARRAY 2013)
Source: 2011 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC), 2011 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on. :367-370 Sep, 2011
Relation: 2011 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications
Authors: del Rio, V. Santalla, Nocelo-Lopez, R., Vera-Isasa, M., Garcia-Sanchez, M., Cuinas, I., Vazquez-Alejos, A., Torio, P., de Lorenzo, E.
Source: 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC) URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), 2018 2nd. :1-1 May, 2018
Relation: 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC)
15Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on. 52(9):5783-5789 Sep, 2014
16Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Functional physical condition after a multi-component community intervention of active aging: Pragmatic clinical trial (English)
Authors: López-Martí, A.M., López-Martí, H., Calderón Río, V., Molinero Torres, F., Río Ruiz, J., López-Téllez, A.
Source: In Medicina de Familia. SEMERGEN November-December 2021 47(8):531-538
Authors: Santalla-del-Rio, V.
Source: Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005. IGARSS '05. Geoscience and remote sensing Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005. IGARSS '05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International. 3:2038-2041 2005
Relation: IGARSS 2005 - IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
18Academic Journal
Authors: Himmatul Khasanah, Joaquin Rio V. Torres, Joseph F Dela Cruz, Listya Purnamasari, Desy Cahya Widianingru,
Source: Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis, Vol 12, Iss 3 (2022)
Subject Terms: GMO, Feed, Broiler, Egg production, Meat quality, Feed safety, Science, Veterinary medicine, SF600-1100
File Description: electronic resource
Authors: Nino-de-Rivera, L., Romo, M.A., Alcala, A.D., Calzda S., R., Loaiza, J.A., del Rio V., J.L., Rashkovan, V.M.
Source: (ICEEE). 1st International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2004. 'Photonics and Microsystems' Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2004. (ICEEE). 1st International Conference on. :510-513 2004
Relation: Proceedings of 2004 International Students and Young Scientists Workshop 'Photonics and Microsystems'
Source: 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE International. :5802-5804 Jul, 2012
Relation: IGARSS 2012 - 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium