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    Academic Journal

    Authors: Rhodes, K., Sagan, V.

    Source: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Mag. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, IEEE. 10(1):289-319 Mar, 2022

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    Authors: O'Carroll, J. E., Zucco, L., Warwick, E., Arbane, G., Moonesinghe, S. R., El‐Boghdadly, K., Guo, N., Carvalho, B., Sultan, P., Abayasinghe, C, Abeywardana, C, Adams, L, Aduse‐Poku, M, Agarwal, M, Ahmed, D, Ahuja, P, Ali, H, Allen, G, Aly, H, Anderson, H, Annamalai, P, Appiah, S, Arbane, G, Arch, A, Armstrong, S, Ashraf, A, Athorn‐Wright, D, Atkinson, R, Austin, L, Badal, B, Bajaj, S, Baker, M, Balogun, O, Bampoe, S, Banni, D, Barnes, H, Barnes, L, Barot, N, Barr, R, Bassi, R, Baxendale, L, Beadle, S, Beard, H, Beatty, F, Beeby, S, Bell, J, Bell, S, Benlloch, R, Benn, T, Bennett, H, Beranova, E, Berry, S, Bethell, H, Bhatia, K, Bhattacharyya, S, Bhattari, B, Bhimanaboina, R, Bigwood, M, Bircham, S, Biss, J, Bland, J, Blightman, O, Botchway, P, Bouras, L, Bowditch, J, Boyle, H, Bradshaw, M, Brady, L, Brain, J, Brathwaite‐Shirley, C, Brayshaw, S, Bressington, C, Brewer, F, Bromley, D, Brown, E, Brown, J, Brown, N, Brown, B, Bruynseels, D, Buckley, R, Bukowska, I, Burnard, S, Burnell, R, Burnish, R, Busby, C, Butler, J, Camburn, T, Campbell, R, Campbell, N, Canclini, L, Cannons, V, Cantliffe, J, Carey, A, Carpenter, J, Carrington, R, Carta, S, Cassin, R, Castle, G, Chadderton, I, Chadwick, K, Challifour, C, Cheong, K, Cherian‐McIvor, V, Chirvasuta, R, Christmas, T, Christopolou, A, Clarey, E, Cochran, D, Coker, N, Colhoun, A, Colling, K, Collins, E, Collins, J, Collins, V, Colville, G, Connelly, S, Connolly, A, Conolloy, K, Cooper, C, Cope, S, Coppel, J, Cormack, C, Cortaville, R, Cottam, D, Cotterell, S, Cousins, S, Coutts, P, Cowan, A, Craig, C, Crail, C, Critchley, J, Crosby, R, Cross, C, Crossingham, G, Crossland, C, Cervera, T Cruz, Cummin, O, Curtis, S, Cusick, S, Das, A, Davenport, G, David, X, Davies, R, Davies, J, Davies, H, Iglesia, C, Dean, T, Dearden, J, Death, K, Deery, J, Denford, C, Derby, E, Desai, J, Diaz, C, Dissanayake, M, Dixon, C, Doleman, B, Donlon, S, Dooks, E, Downs, B, Duckham, E, Dudhill, H, Dunning, J, Eka, I, Eke, Z, Elam, L, Elfaioumy, A, Ellis, R, Ellis, C, Ellison, A, Elton, C, Endersby, D, Essien, S, Evans, K, Evans, J, Evans, L, Finlay, E, Finn, J, Fishwick, R, Fisk, S, Flood, O, Fludder, V, Flynn‐Batham, M, Foreman, K, Forsey, M, Foulds, A, Fox, C, Freeman, N, Fronda, R, Froud, O, Fulton, L, Gaines, M, Gallop, F, Garden, L, Garnder, A, Garner, Z, Garvey, G, Gautam, N, Gavin, J, Gentle, L, Gerth, A, Goel, R, Gohil, B, Goodman, B, Gosal, A, Gott, E, Gowans, S, Graham, C, Grant, H, Greaves, R, Greenwood, J, Griffiths, H, Grindey, J, Grindley, Z, Guanco, M, Guirguis, N, Gulati, A, Hall, T, Hammond, B, Hammond, S, Hania, A, Harish Dave, A, Harkett, L, Harris, S, Hart, E, Haslam, J, Hawes, R, Hayat, F, Hazeldine, S, Hazelton, T, Heard, R, Helley, L, Hemantha, H, Hemeson, C, Hendy, S, Henry, S, Henwood, M, Hickson, M, Hill, A, Hillen, J, Hindle, E, Hird, S, Hobden, G, Holcombe‐Law, R, Hollands, H, Holmes, R, Holmwood, X, Hooper, J, House, K, Howells, S, Hoyland, K, Hudsmith, J, Hughes, A, Hughes, D, Hunt, C, Hunt, A, Huson, C, Hussain, C, Hussey, T, Hyrniv, R, Ibrahim, H, Iliff, H, Imam, L, Ingram, H, Innes, E, Ions, R, Isherwood, A, Jackson, P, Jacques, N, Jain, V, Jain, P, Jama, R, Jarvis, M, Jennings, J, Jennison, H, Jesty, R, Joakim, B, Johal, J, John, G, John, N, Johnston, B, Johnston, J, Jones, B, Jones, S, Jones, K, Jones, R, Kalam‐Sakit, E, Kamath, P, Kapoor, A, Kaul, A, Kavanagh, L, Kearns, R, Kelkar, A, Kennedy, N, Kent, S, Kenworthy, J, Kenyon, C, Keown, T, Keskar, M, Kestner, S, Khan, A, Khanvelkar, G, Khorasanee, R, Kimber‐Craig, S, Kirby, G, Klukowski, M, Knight, G, Knights, S, Kostroglou, A, Kreppel, S, Kumar, A, Kurunaratne, N, Lake, K, Lakhani, R, Lalabekyan, B, Lally, B, Lanaghan, C, Landers, G, Langcake, T, Law, M, Laxton, V, Le Bas, J, Leach, S, Lewis, T, Lie, J, Liggett, S, Lindsay, H, Lloyd‐Davies, E, Lowden, V, Lucas, R, MacAfee, B, Maclachlan, K, Madhavan, B, Major, J, Mak, K, Malik, A, Manteigas, H, Maquinana, M, Marsh, C, Marta, M, Martin, N, Martir, G, Mathew, T, Mathews, A, Mawathage, M, McCague, M, McCartney, D, McCaul, C, McClune, G, Mccretton, D, McDowell, L, McGrath, C, McGuirk, S, McIlroy, A, McLeavey, S, McLoughlin, N, McNally, O, McNamara, H, Meadows, E, Medniuk, A, Melia, A, Metodiev, Y, Milewczyk, S, Miller, S, Mills, A, Milner, M, Miltsios, K, Mitchell, L, Mittal, M, Mohd Azmil, A, Moon, A, Moore, C, Moore, D, Morgan, A, Mostyn, R, Mowat, C, Muir, C, Mullington, C, Nabayego, P, Nagari Radhakrishna, J, Nalwaya, P, Napier, S, Nevis, A, Ng, S, Nicholson, A, Nicklin, A, Norman, K, Nugent, S, O'Connor, G, O'gara, B, Obiozo, C, Ochoa‐Ferraro, R, Odedra, P, Ogbomo, M, Onwochei, D, Ord, C, Oshodi, L, Pai, S, Pallab, R, Pankhadiwala, P, Papageorgiou, C, Papoutsos, C, Parker, J, Parker, R, Parrish, A, Patel, M, Patel, K, Pearson, H, Peers, B, Penacerrada, M, Pepper, S, Perkins, G, Peroos, S, Peshimam, K, Phillips, R, Phillips, S, Pike, J, Pillai, A, Plachikkattle Velu, R, Plunkett, E, Poole, M, Poon, S, Powell, R, Powell, L, Prabhakaran, R, Prince, B, Prince, C, Prior, Y, Pullen, J, Purvis, S, Puttaswamy, R, Qaiser, A, Quasim, S, Quinn, A, Qureshi, N, Radford, J, Rahim, S, Rai, S, Rand, A, Reed, B, Rehman, A, Retief, J, Reyes, A, Reynolds, J, Rhodes, L, Rhodes, K, Rice, E, Rich, M, Richards, N, Rimmer, C, Rishton, C, Ritzema, J, Robbins, L, Roberts, S, Roberts, B, Roberts, E, Robins, K, Robinson, K, Robley, R, Roche, M, Rochester, J, Rodal‐Prieto, N, Rohit, R, Rosser, H, Rothwell, J, Sach, L, Saha, S, Saji, B, Salmon, K, Salota, V, Salvana, A, Sanderson, A, Sanderson, L, Sandhar, R, Sarwar, Z, Sawyerr, A, Scale, R, Scott, A, Searle, E, Sellers, H, Seraj, S, Shankar, R, Sharafudeen, S, Sharieff, I, Sharp, T, Sharp, A, Shaw, J, Shekar, M, Shelton, C, Shelton, B, Sherwin, M, Short, J, Short, A, Simpson, M, Singh, A, Singler, V, Sinha, A, Sinnott, M, Sivaramakrishnan, S, Smee, E, Smith, K, Smith, R, Solly, R, Soundararajan, A, Sousi, E, Spence, K, Squires, P, Stephenson, L, Stewart, J, Stoddard, K, Stone, S, Stubbs, M, Sturmey, A, Suddick, G, Suleymanova, G, Sundararajan, V, Sundayi, S, Supermanian, S, Surgey, P, Swaminathan, L, Swettenham, K, Swift, P, Syson, J, Tamhane, P, Tamilselvan, P, Tanqueray, T, Tanqueray, E, Tanton, E, Taylor, S, Taylor, L, Taylor, C, Thomas, S, Thomas, C, Thompson, E, Thomson, A, Tim, O, Tipper, J, Towning, J, Townsend, C, Traves, M, Turney, S, Turnock, V, Twiss, S, Uduwela, C, Ufton, L, Uncles, D, Underhill, E, Usher, M, Vaidya, M, Van‐Hien, A, Varadan, R, Venkatesh, H, Verma, P, Vickers, L, Victoria, M, Volikas, I, Volk, R, Waddell, E, Waddington, H, Wagstaff, J, Walker, J, Wallace, G, Walters, M, Walton, E, Ware, A, Warren, R, Watson, R, Wells, E, Weston, C, Wheeler‐Davies, S, Whelan, C, White, N, Whitehouse, K, Wickramasinghe, N, Wieder, T, Wikner, M, Wild, H, Wilkinson, J, Wilkinson, D, Williams, L, Williams, B, Williams, C, Willsher, L, Wilson, S, Wilson, J, Wimalaratne, A, Windle, A, Wise, A, Wixted, D, Woollaston, J, Woolnough, M, Wooten, T, Wyatt, C, Wyatt, P, Wyndham, D, Yousef, A, Yoxall, P, Zawadzka, M, Zhao, X, Zucco, L

    Source: Anaesthesia. 78(9):1071-1080

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    Source: The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Engineering in Medicine and biology Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2004. IEMBS '04. 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 2:3730-3733 2004

    Relation: Conference Proceedings. 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

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    Authors: Rhodes, K.

    Source: Digest of Papers COMPCON Spring 1992 Compcon Spring '92. Thirty-Seventh IEEE Computer Society International Conference, Digest of Papers.. :12-14 1992

    Relation: COMPCON Spring 1992

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    Authors: Rhodes, K.

    Source: CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. December, 2023, Vol. 61 Issue 4, p447, 1 p.

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    Authors: Rhodes, K.

    Source: CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. August, 2023, Vol. 60 Issue 12, p1192, 1 p.

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