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    Source: IGARSS 2001. Scanning the Present and Resolving the Future. Proceedings. IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (Cat. No.01CH37217) IGARSS 2001. geoscience and remote sensing Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2001. IGARSS '01. IEEE 2001 International. 3:1458-1461 vol.3 2001

    Relation: IGARSS 2001. Scanning the Present and Resolving the Future. Proceedings. IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

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    Academic Journal

    Authors: Achuthan, R, Adwan, I, Aggarwal, S, Ahmed, M, Akelund, M, Akolekar, D, Al-Jibury, O, Amanita, M, Appleton, D, Archampong, D, Asgiersson, K, Athwal, R, Augusti, A, Ayaani, S, Bains, S, Baker, B, Baker, E, Baldota, S, Banerjee, D, Barker, S, Barr, L, Barry, P, Basu, N, Bathla, S, Bishop, N, Boland, G, Branford, O A, Bright-Thomas, R, Brindle, R, Brock, L, Brown, V, Bux, F, Byrne, G, Cain, H, Caldon, L, Callaghan, M, Carbone, A, Carpenter, R, Cawthorn, S, Chagla, L, Challoner, T, Chalmers, C, Chalmers, R, Chambers, S, Chana, M, Chand, N, Chandran, V, Chandrashekar, M, Charfare, H, Chatterjee, J, Chatterjee, S, Chattopadhyay, R, Chaudry, A, Chin, K, Chong, K, Chouhan, A, Choy, C, Christopoulos, P, Clarke, D, Clarke, S, Clayton, E, Clifford, R, Cocker, D, Collin, T, Collis, N, Conroy, F, Constantinou, C, Conway, A, Cook, J, Coombs, N, Cox, K, Critchley, A, Dakka, M, Dani, M, Daoud, R, Darragh, L, Darvesh, S, Dash, I, Datta, S, Davies, E, Dawson, S, De Sousa, E, Debnath, D, Deol, H, Devalia, H, Di Micco, R, Dicks, JR, Dickson, J, Dobner, N, Dobson, G, Dunne, N, Egbeare, D, El Sharief, D, Elfadl, D, Eltigani, E, Enver, D, Erel, E, Evans, A, Exarchos, G, Fage, E, Fatayer, H, Fenn, C, Ferguson, D, Foulkes, R, Franks, J, Fung, V, Galea, M, Gandamihardja, T, Gandhi, A, Garnsey, C, Gateley, C, Gattuso, J, Gawne, S, Geerthan, N, Ghattura, A, Giaramadze, A, Gill, J, Godden, AR, Goh, S, Govindarajulu, S, Goyal, S, Graja, T, Granger, S, Green, M, Grover, K, Gui, G, Gurung, R, Gutteridge, E, Hakim, A, Halka, A, Hamilton-Burke, W, Hamo, I, Harding-Mackean, C, Hargreaves, A, Harries, S, Harris, K, Harris, P, Harrison, S, Harvey, J, Hashem, M, Hassan, U, Henderson, J, Henton, J, Hignett, S, Hodgkins, K, Horgan, K, Horn, S, Hu, J, Hussain, A, Iddon, J, Iqbal, A, Irri, R, Irvine, T, Irwin, G, Iskender, A, Ismail, A, Ives, C, James, K, James, R, Jiwa, N, Jobson, M, Joglekar, S, Johnson, L, Johnson, R, Jones, L, Ju Hwang, M, Kalles, V, Kanesalingam, K, Karat, I, Kaushik, M, Kennedy, K, Khalifa, E, Khan, H, Khanbhai, M, Khawaja, S, Khout, H, Kiernan, T, Kim, B, Kirkpatrick, K, Kiruparan, P, Kirwan, C, Kishore, M, Kneeshaw, P, Knight, A, Kohlhardt, S, Krupa, J, Krupa, K, Kuruvilla, R, Laban, C, Lai, LM, Laidlaw, I, Lambert, K, Langlands, F, Lansdown, M, Laurence, N, Laws, S, Ledwidge, S, Lefemine, V, Lennon, H, Linforth, R, Little, K, Luangsomboon, A, Lund, J, Maalo, J, MacLennan, L, Macmillan, RD, MacNeil, F, Mahapatra, TK, Mallidis, E, Mallon, P, Manoloudakis, N, Maraqa, L, Marla, S, Masood, S, Massey, J, Masudi, T, Matey, P, Mazari, F, McCulley, S, McEvoy, K, Mcintosh, J, McIntosh, S, McKenzie, S, McManus, P, McNicholas, J, Michalakis, I, Mills, N, Mitchell, G, Monib, S, Mullan, M, Murphy, C, Murphy, G, Murphy, J, Murthy, B, Musa, S, Nagra, G, Nangalia, R, Narayanan, S, Nasr, R, Navin, C, Newton, R, Nicholson, S, Nuru, N, O'Connell, R, O'Donoghue, J, Ogedegbe, A, Olayinka, OS, Olsen, S, Osborn, G, Osborne, C, Osman, H, Otieno, C, Pakzad, F, Park, A, Parker, S, Partlett, P, Parvaiz, A, Parvanta, L, Patel, G, Peel, A, Peiris, L, Pennick, M, Peppe, A, Perry, D, Pilgrim, S, Piper, J, Poonawalla, S, Popa, E, Pope, V, Pugh, P, Rainsbury, D, Ramsey, K, Rasheed, T, Rathinaezhil, R, Rattay, T, Ravichandran, D, Reed, M, Refsum, S, Remoundos, D, Rigby, K, Robertson, S, Robinson, A, Robinson, J, Roche, N, Roy, PJ, Runkel, M, Rusby, J, Saha, S, Saidan, Z, Salab, M, Saleh, M, Salem, F, Sami, A, Samlalsingh, S, Sarfraz, N, Shah, R, Shaheed, S, Sharaiha, Y, Shetty, G, Shotton, R, Sircar, T, Skene, E, Sloan, S, Smith, B, Smith, J, Soldanova, L, Soliman, F, Soumian, S, Stevens, J, Steventon, C, Stewart-Parker, E, Stringfellow, T, Sutaria, R, Sutton, R, Sweetland, H, Swiech, B, Tadiparthi, S, Tafazal, H, Taheri, N, Tait, C, Tan, M, Tang, S, Tansley, A, Tate, S, Tayeh, S, Taylor, A, Taylor, J, Thawdar, P, Thomas, C, Thomas, S, Thomson, S, Thorne, A, Tillett, R, Tolkien, Z, Tomlins, A, Topps, A, Tsang, F, Turner, EJ, Turton, P, Udayasankar, S, Ugolini, F, Vaughan Williams, E, Vidya, R, Vijaynagar, B, Vinayagam, R, Volleamere, A, Voynov, V, Waheed, S, Walker, T, Walsh, U, Warner, R, Waters, R, Wilkins, A, Williams, K, Wilson, G, Wiltsher, M, Wooler, B, Wright, C, Wright, M, Wyld, L, Youssef, M, Zabkiewicz, C, Zammit, C, Zeidan, B, Zheng, D, Potter, Shelley, Conroy, Elizabeth J, Cutress, Ramsey I, Williamson, Paula R, Whisker, Lisa, Thrush, Steven, Skillman, Joanna, Barnes, Nicola L P, Mylvaganam, Senthurun, Teasdale, Elisabeth, Jain, Abhilash, Gardiner, Matthew D, Blazeby, Jane M, Holcombe, Chris

    Source: In The Lancet Oncology February 2019 20(2):254-266

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