Showing 1 - 20 results of 32 Refine Results
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    Source: Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference Particle accelerators Particle Accelerator Conference, 1995., Proceedings of the 1995. 3:1690-1692 vol.3 1995

    Relation: Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference

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    Source: Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference Particle accelerators Particle Accelerator Conference, 1995., Proceedings of the 1995. 3:1687-1689 vol.3 1995

    Relation: Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference

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    Source: Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators Particle accelerator Particle Accelerator Conference, 1993., Proceedings of the 1993. :1294-1296 vol.2 1993

    Relation: Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators

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    Source: Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators Particle accelerator Particle Accelerator Conference, 1993., Proceedings of the 1993. :1013-1015 vol.2 1993

    Relation: Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators

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    Source: Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators Particle accelerator Particle Accelerator Conference, 1993., Proceedings of the 1993. :766-768 vol.2 1993

    Relation: Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators

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    Source: Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 1991. Accelerator Science and Technology., Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE. :2281-2283 vol.4 1991

    Relation: 1991 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference

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    Authors: Lindl, J. D., Landen, O. L., Edwards, J., Moses, E. I., Adams, J., Amendt, P. A., Antipa, N., Arnold, P. A., Atherton, L. J., Azevedo, S., Barker, D., Barrios, M. A., Bass, I., Baxamusa, S. H., Beeler, R., Beeman, B. V., Bell, P. M., Benedetti, L. R., Bernstein, L., Berzak Hopkins, L., Bhandarkar, S. D., Biesiada, T., Bionta, R. M., Bleuel, D. L., Bond, E. J., Borden, M., Bowers, M. W., Bradley, D. K., Browning, D., Brunton, G. K., Bude, J., Burkhart, S. C., Burr, R. F., Butlin, B., Caggiano, J. A., Callahan, D. A., Carpenter, A. C., Carr, C. W., Casey, D. T., Castro, C., Celeste, J., Celliers, P. M., Cerjan, C. J., Chang, J., Chiarappa-Zucca, M., Choate, C., Clancy, T. J., Clark, D. S., Cohen, S. J., Collins, G. W., Conder, A., Cox, J. R., Datte, P. S., Deis, G. A., Dewald, E. L., Di Nicola, P., Di Nicola, J. M., Divol, L., Dixit, S. N., Döppner, T., Draggoo, V., Drury, O., Dylla-Spears, R., Dzenitis, E. G., Dzenitis, J. M., Eckart, M. J., Eder, D. C., Eggert, J. H., Ehrlich, R. B., Erbert, G. V., Fair, J., Farley, D. R., Fedorov, M., Felker, B., Finucane, R., Fisher, A., Fittinghoff, D. N., Folta, J., Fortner, R. J., Frazier, T., Frieders, G., Frieders, S., Friedrich, S., Fry, J., Gaylord, J., Glenn, S. M., Glenzer, S. H., Golick, B., Gururangan, G., Guss, G., Haan, S. W., Haid, B. J., Hammel, B., Hamza, A. V., Hartouni, E. P., Hatarik, R., Hatch, B. W., Hatchett, S. P., Hawley, R., Haynam, C., Heebner, J., Heestand, G., Hermann, M. R., Hernandez, V. J., Hicks, D. G., Hinkel, D. E., Ho, D. D., Holder, J. P., Holunga, D., Honig, J., Horner, J., House, R. K., Hutton, M., Izumi, N., Jackson, M. C., Jancaitis, K. S., Jedlovec, D. R., Johnson, M. A., Jones, O. S., Kalantar, D. H., Kauffman, R. L., Kegelmeyer, L., Kerbel, G., Key, M., Khan, S. F., Kimbrough, J. R., Kirkwood, R., Klingman, J. J., Koch, J. A., Kohut, T. R., Koning, J. M., Knittel, K. M., Kozioziemski, B. J., Krauter, G. W., Krauter, K., Kritcher, A., Kroll, J., Kruer, W. L., LaCaille, G., LaFortune, K. N., Lagin, L. J., Land, T. A., Langdon, A. B., Langer, S. H., Larson, D. W., Latray, D. A., Laurence, T., LePape, S., Lerche, R. A., Liao, Z., Liebman, J., London, R. A., Lowe-Webb, R. R., Ma, T., MacGowan, B. J., MacKinnon, A. J., MacPhee, A. G., Malsbury, T. N., Manes, K., Manuel, A. M., Mapoles, E. R., Marinak, M. M., Marshall, C. D., Mason, D., Masters, N., Mathisen, D. G., Matthews, I., McCarville, T., McNaney, J. M., Meeker, D. J., Meezan, N. B., Menapace, J., Michel, P., Miller, P. E., Milovich, J. L., Mintz, M., Montesanti, R., Monticelli, M., Moody, J. D., Moran, M. J., Moreno, J. C., Munro, D. H., Negres, R. A., Nelson, J. R., Norton, M., Nostrand, M., O'Brien, M., Opachich, Y. P., Orth, C., Pak, A. E., Palma, E. S., Palmer, J. N. E., Parham, T. G., Park, H.-S., Patel, P. K., Patterson, R. W., Peterson, J. E., Peterson, J. L., Phillips, T., Prasad, R., Primdahl, K., Prisbrey, S. T., Qiu, S. R., Ralph, J. E., Raman, K. S., Ravizza, F., Raymond, B., Remington, B. A., Rever, M. A., Reynolds, J., Richardson, M. J., Riddle, A. C., Rittmann, B., Rosen, M. D., Ross, J. S., Rygg, J. R., Sacks, R. A., Salmon, J. T., Salmonson, J. D., Sater, J. D., Saunders, R. L., Sawicki, R., Schaffers, K., Schneider, D. H., Schneider, M. B., Scott, H. A., Sepke, S. M., Seugling, R., Shaughnessy, D. A., Shaw, M. J., Shelton, R., Shen, N., Shingleton, N., Simanovskaia, N., Smalyuk, V., Smauley, D. A., Spaeth, M., Spears, B. K., Speck, D. R., Spinka, T. M., Springer, P. T., Stadermann, M., Stoeffl, W., Stolken, J., Stolz, C., Storm, E., Strozzi, D. J., Suratwala, T., Suter, L. J., Taylor, J. S., Thomas, C. A., Tietbohl, G. L., Tommasini, R., Trummer, D., VanWonterghem, B., Von Rotz, R., Wallace, R. J., Walters, C. F., Wang, A., Warrick, A. L., Weaver, S., Weber, S. V., Wegner, P. J., Widmann, K., Widmayer, C. C., Williams, E. A., Whitman, P. K., Wilhelmsen, K., Witte, M., Wong, L., Wood, R. D., Yang, S., Yeamans, C., Young, B. K., Yoxall, B., Zacharias, R. A., Zimmerman, G. B., Batha, S., Danly, C. R., Fatherley, V., Grim, G. P., Guler, N., Herrmann, H. W., Kim, Y., Kline, J. L., Kyrala, G. A., Leeper, R. J., Martinson, D., Merrill, F. E., Olson, R. E., Wilde, C., Wilke, M. D., Wilson, D. C., Chandler, G. A., Cooper, G. W., Hahn, K. D., Peterson, K. J., Ruiz, C. L., Chen, K. C., Dorsano, N., Emerich, M., Gibson, C., Hoover, D., Hoppe, M., Kilkenny, J. D., Moreno, K., Wilkens, H., Woods, S., Frenje, J. A., Johnson, M. G., Li, C. K., Petrasso, R. D., Rinderknecht, H., Rosenberg, M., Séguin, F. H., Zylstra, A., Garbett, W., Graham, P., Guymer, T., Moore, A. S., Bourgade, J.-L., Gauthier, P., Leidinger, J.-P., Masse, L., Philippe, F., Scott, R. H. H.

    Source: Physics of plasmas. 21(12)

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