Authors: Knight, Elizabeth P., Prettyman, Allen V.
Source: Journal of nursing education. 59(5):274-277
2Academic Journal
Source: In The Journal for Nurse Practitioners September 2018 14(8):e157-e163
3Academic Journal
Authors: Greaney, Jody L., Ray, Chester A., Prettyman, Allen V.
Source: American Journal of Physiology; October 2010 pt2, Vol. 299 Issue 4, pR1091-R1096, 6p
4Academic Journal
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5Academic Journal
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6Academic Journal
Source: Journal of Applied Physiology; Oct2005, Vol. 99 Issue 4, p1545-1551, 7p, 4 Graphs
Subject Terms: BLOOD pressure, SODIUM in the body, CARDIAC output, SALT, HEMATOCRIT, HEMODYNAMICS
7Academic Journal
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8Academic Journal
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9Academic Journal
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10Academic Journal
Authors: Prettyman, Allen V.
Source: DNA Reporter; 2014, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p7-7, 1p
11Academic Journal
Authors: Wenner, Megan M.1, Delaney, Erin P.1, Prettyman, Allen V.1, Stillabower, Michael E.1, Farquhar, William B.1
Source: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise; 2007 Supplement, Vol. 39, pS19-S20, 2p
12Academic Journal
Authors: Delaney, Erin P.1, Wenner, Megan M.1, Rose, William1, E, Michael1, r, Stillabowe1, Prettyman, Allen V.1, Farquhar, William B.1
Source: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise; 2007 Supplement, Vol. 39, pS454-S454, 1p