Authors: Gomez-Candon, David, Sanchez-Virosta, Alvaro, Perez, Yeray, Sanchez, Juan M., Gonzalez-Piqueras, Jose, Galve, Joan M.
Source: IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International. :2803-2806 Jul, 2024
Relation: IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Authors: Sanchez, Alejandro-Martin Simon, Piqueras, Jose Gonzalez, De La Ossa, Luis, Arellano, Irene, Sanchez, David, Calera, Alfonso, Sanchez, Juan Manuel
Source: IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International. :7564-7567 Jul, 2024
Relation: IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Authors: Galve, Joan Miquel, Manuel Sanchez, Juan, Garrido-Rubio, Jesus, Villodre, Julio, Lopez, Maria Llanos, Balbontin, Claudio, Calera, Alfonso, Gonzalez-Piqueras, Jose
Source: IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International. :3582-3585 Jul, 2023
Relation: IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Authors: Sanchez, Juan M., Gonzalez-Piqueras, Jose, Galve, Joan M., Simon, Llanos, Lopez-Urrea, Ramon
Source: IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International. :2811-2814 Jul, 2023
Relation: IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
5Academic Journal
Authors: Lima, Rodrigo Antunes, Breet, Elsie, Garnefski, Nadia, Jacobs, Karen, Kraaij, Vivian, Munro, Lonna, Munthali, Richard J., Prescivalli, Ana Paula, Rebagliato, Marisa, Roca, Miquel, Salemink, Elske, van der Heijde, Claudia, Mason, Andre a, b, Rapsey, Charlene a, Sampson, Nancy c, Lee, Sue c, Albor, Yesica d, Al-Hadi, Ahmad N. e, Alonso, Jordi f, g, h, Al-Saud, Nouf i, Altwaijri, Yasmin i, Andersson, Claes j, Atwoli, Lukoye k, Auerbach, Randy P. l, Ayuya, Caroline m, Báez-Mansur, Patricia M. n, Ballester, Laura g, h, Bantjes, Jason o, p, Baumeister, Harald q, Bendtsen, Marcus r, Benjet, Corina d, Berman, Anne H. s, Bootsma, Erik t, Chan, Silver C.N. u, Cohut, Irina v, Covarrubias Díaz Couder, María Anabell w, Cuijpers, Pim x, David, Oana y, Dong, Dong z, Ebert, David D. aa, Nobrega, Mireia Felez ab, ac, Gaete, Jorge ad, ae, Forero, Carlos García af, Gili, Margalida ag, Gutiérrez-García, Raúl ah, Haro, Josep Maria ab, ac, Hasking, Penelope ai, Hudec, Kristen aj, Hunt, Xanthe ak, Hurks, Petra al, Husky, Mathilde am, Jaguga, Florence an, Jansen, Leontien t, Kählke, Fanny aa, Klinkenberg, Elisabeth ao, Küchler, Ann-Marie q, Langer, Álvaro I. ad, ap, Léniz, Irene aq, Liu, Yan ar, Mac-Ginty, Scarlett ad, as, Martínez, Vania ad, at, Mathai, Muthoni au, McLafferty, Margaret av, Miranda-Mendizabal, Andrea ab, bk, Murray, Elaine aw, Musyoka, Catherine M. au, Nedelcea, Catalin ax, Ngai, Chun Ho z, Núñez, Daniel ad, ay, O'Neill, Siobhan az, Piqueras, Jose A. ba, Popescu, Codruta A. bb, Robinson, Kealagh bc, Rodriguez-Jimenez, Tiscar bd, Scarf, Damian be, Siu, Oi Ling bf, Stein, Dan J. p, bg, Struijs, Sascha Y. x, Tomoiaga, Cristina y, Valdés-García, Karla Patricia bh, van Luenen, Sanne bi, Vigo, Daniel V. aj, Wang, Angel Y. aj, Wiers, Reinout bj, Wong, Samuel Y.S. z, Kessler, Ronald C. c, ⁎, Bruffaerts, Ronny t
Source: In Journal of Psychiatric Research March 2025 183:225-236
6Academic Journal
Authors: Sueiro, José L Fernández aa, Pinto-Tasende, José A. aa, de Rábago, Eugenia González aa, Fernández, María J. González ab, Codina, Ramón Huguet ab, Yoldi, Beatriz ab, Ramentol, Mercedes ab, Marsal, Sara ac, Ávila, Gabriela ac, Alegre, Cayetano ac, Steiner, Martina ad, Cobo, Tatiana ad, Muñoz, Santiago ad, Gamero, Fernando ae, Torón, José García ae, Gil, María P. Moreno ae, Mas, Antonio J. ae, Espiño, Pilar af, Ros, Inmaculada af, Ibáñez, Mónica af, Tornero, Jesús ag, Piqueras, José A. ag, Sanmartí, Raimon ah, Berman, Horacio ah, Patón, Oscar Fontseré ai, Gutiérrez, Benjamín Fernández ai, Abasolo, Lydia ai, Salvador, José M. Pina aj, Fábregas, María D. aj, Romera, Montserrat ak, Nolla, Joan M. ak, Uriarte-Ecenarro, Miren al, Arias, Miriam García al, Vadillo, Jesús A. García al, de Vicuña, Rosario García al, Carmona, Eugenio Chamizo am, Nebro, Antonio Fernández. an, Ureña, Inmaculada an, Belmonte, María A. an, Irigoyen, María V. an, González, Olga Martínez ao, Gómez, Rebeca Belmonte ap, Bautista, Pastora Granados ap, Sanz, Azucena Hernández ap, Rey, José Santos ap, González, Carmen O. Sánchez aq, Bachiller, Javier ar, Zea, Antonio ar, Manero, Francisco J. as, Audera, Chesús Beltrán as, Medrano, Marta as, Pecondón, Ángela as, Erausquin, Celia at, Ojeda, Soledad at, Rodríguez-Lozano, Carlos at, Herraiz, Jesús Babío au, Longo, Francisco J. López av, Monteagudo, Indalecio av, del Pino, Javier aw, González, Ruth López aw, González-Gay, Miguel A. ax, Corrales, Alfonso ax, Peiró, María Enriqueta ax, Senabre, José M. ay, Rosas, José C. ay, Rotés, Isabel az, Moreno, Estefanía az, Erra, Alba az, Calvo, Javier ba, Rueda, Amalia ba, Möller, Ingrid bb, Rodríguez, Isabel bb, Barbadillo, Carmen bc, Raya, Enrique bd, Morales, Pilar bd, Nieto, Ana bd, Escribano, Ana Ruibal be, Gómez, Carmen García bf, Expósito, Sergio Ros bg, Nievas, Ginés Sánchez bh, Navarro, Enrique Júdez bh, Fernández, Manuela Sianes bh, Pardo, Silvia Martínez bi, Pujol, Manel bi, Alvarez, Beatriz Gónzález bj, Cantabrana, Alberto bj, Bustabad, Sagrario bk, Delgado, Esmeralda bk, Muñoz, Alejandro bl, Montero, Sergio Rodríguez bl, Redondo, Javier Rivera bm, Hernández, Teresa González bm, Polo, Francisco J. González. bn, Almagro, Raúl Menor bo, Moreno, José M. bp, Serret, Emilio Giner bp, Méndez, Laura Cebrián bq, Navío, María Teresa bq, Penalva, Teresa Pedraz br, Carballido, Cristina Fernández br, Pagán, Encarnación bs, del Castillo, Pablo Mesa bs, Naredo, Esperanza bt, Cruz, Ana bt, Turrión, Ana bu, Gómez, Ana Pérez bu, Sánchez, Julio bv, Galindo, María bv, Collantes, Eduardo bw, Ruíz, Desireé bw, Font, Pilar bw, Bonilla, Gema bx, Meseguer, Antonio López by, Moreno, Manuel J. bz, Linares, Luis F. bz, Morcillo, Mercedes ca, Gómez, María L. González ca, Aramburu, José M. cb, Rivera, Natalia A. cb, Berrizbeitia, Olaia Fernández. cb, Park, Hye Sang cc, Riera, Manel cc, León, Yolanda María cc, Pérez-García, Carolina cd, Maymó, Joan cd, Amirall, Miriam cd, Fiter, Jordi ce, Melón, Julia Fernández ce, Espadaler, Luis ce, Belzunegui, Joaquín cf, Bañegil, Inmaculada cf, Díaz, César cg, Valls, Ramón ch, Castellví, Iván ci, Bonet, María ci, Alen, Jaime Calvo cj, Sandoval, Trinidad Pérez ck, Evrard, Eva Revuelta cl, Godo, Javier R. cm, Fernández, José Antonio González cn, Miranda-Filloy, José A. co, Llorca, Javier a, 1, 2, ⁎, Ferraz-Amaro, Iván b, c, Castañeda, Santos d, Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Luis f, Rodríguez-Montero, Sergio g, Sánchez-Nievas, Ginés h, López-Meseguer, Antonio i, Plaza, Zulema j, Sánchez-Alonso, Fernando j, García-Gómez, Carmen k, González-Juanatey, Carlos l, m, González-Gay, Miguel Ángel n, o, p, 1, ⁎⁎
Source: In Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism June 2025 72
7Academic Journal
Authors: Galán, Manuel a, b, Pineda, David b, ⁎, Rico-Bordera, Pilar b, c, Piqueras, Jose A. b, Muris, Peter d
Source: In Personality and Individual Differences May 2025 238
8Academic Journal
Authors: Giordano, Raffaele a, ⁎, Osann, Anna b, Henao, Esteban b, López, Maria Llanos b, Piqueras, José González c, Nikolaidis, Nikolaos P. d, Lilli, Maria d, Coletta, Virginia Rosa a, e, Pagano, Alessandro a, e
Source: In Journal of Hydrology April 2025 650
9Academic Journal
Authors: Sánchez-Daniel, Ángel, Garrido-Rubio, Jesús, Molina-Medina, Antonio Jesús, Gil-García, Laura, Sapino, Francesco, González-Piqueras, José, Pérez-Blanco, C. Dionisio
Source: In Water Resources and Economics October 2024 48
10Academic Journal
Remote sensing-based green and blue agricultural water footprint estimation at the river basin scale
Authors: Garrido-Rubio, Jesús a, ⁎, González-Piqueras, José a, Calera, Alfonso a, Osann, Anna b
Source: In Ecological Indicators October 2024 167
11Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Representation of suicide risk and its exploration in a simulation conducted by medical students (English)
Authors: Rojo-Bofill, Luis Miguel, Bellver Pradas, Francisco, Benavent Rodríguez, Pilar, González-Piqueras, Jose Carlos, Saiz Alarcón, Vanessa, Iranzo Tatay, Carmen, Aguilar García-Iturrospe, Eduardo Jesús
Source: In Psiquiatria Biologica July-September 2024 31(3)
12Academic Journal
Authors: Roldán-Espínola, Lorenzo a, Riera-Serra, Pau a, b, Roca, Miquel a, b, c, García-Toro, Mauro a, b, c, Coronado-Simsic, Victoria a, Castro, Adoración a, b, d, ⁎, Navarra-Ventura, Guillem a, b, c, Vilagut, Gemma e, f, Alayo, Itxaso e, f, Ballester, Laura e, f, Blasco, María Jesús e, f, Almenara, José g, Cebrià, Ana Isabel h, i, Echeburúa, Enrique j, Gabilondo, Andrea k, Lagares, Carolina g, Piqueras, José Antonio l, Soto-Sanz, Victoria l, Mortier, Philippe e, m, Kessler, Ronald C. n, Alonso, Jordi e, f, Forteza-Rey, Inés a, b, Gili, Margalida a, b, d
Source: In The European Journal of Psychiatry July-September 2024 38(3)
13Academic Journal
Authors: Navarra-Ventura, Guillem a, b, c, d, Riera-Serra, Pau b, c, Roca, Miquel a, b, c, Gili, Margalida b, c, e, ⁎, García-Toro, Mauro a, b, c, Vilagut, Gemma f, g, Alayo, Itxaso f, h, Ballester, Laura f, g, Blasco, Maria Jesús i, Castellví, Pere j, Colom, Joan k, Casajuana, Cristina k, Gabilondo, Andrea l, Lagares, Carolina m, Almenara, José n, Miranda-Mendizabal, Andrea o, p, Mortier, Philippe f, g, Piqueras, José Antonio q, Soto-Sanz, Victoria q, Alonso, Jordi f, g, r
Source: In Journal of Affective Disorders 1 July 2024 356:424-435
14Academic Journal
Authors: Martínez-González, Agustín E. (ORCID
0000-0002-9576-7348 ), Cervin, Matti (ORCID0000-0003-1188-8706 ), Piqueras, Jose A. (ORCID0000-0002-3604-5441 )Source: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Oct 2022 52(10):4519-4527.
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 9
Descriptors: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Emotional Response, Self Control, Grade Repetition, Social Behavior, Interpersonal Communication, Behavior Patterns, Self Destructive Behavior, Injuries, Behavior Problems, Repetition
15Academic Journal
Authors: Miranda-Mendizabal, Andrea, Castellví, Pere, Vilagut, Gemma, Alayo, Itxaso, Almenara, José, Ballester, Laura, Echeburúa, Enrique, Gabilondo, Andrea, Gili, Margalida, Mortier, Philippe, Piqueras, José Antonio, Roca, Miquel, Auerbach, Randy P., Bruffaerts, Ronny, Kessler, Ronald C., Alonso Caballero, Jordi
Source: In Journal of Affective Disorders 15 May 2024 353:52-59
Source: 2017 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS) Information and Communication Systems (ICICS), 2017 8th International Conference on. :1-6 Apr, 2017
Relation: 2017 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS)
17Academic Journal
Source: In Engineering Failure Analysis December 2022 142
18Academic Journal
Source: In Journal of Affective Disorders 1 August 2022 310:228-234
19Academic Journal
Authors: Ballester, Laura, Alayo, Itxaso, Vilagut, Gemma, Mortier, Philippe, Almenara, José, Cebrià, Ana Isabel, Echeburúa, Enrique, Gabilondo, Andrea, Gili, Margalida, Lagares, Carolina, Piqueras, José Antonio, Roca, Miquel, Soto-Sanz, Victoria, Blasco, Maria Jesús, Castellví, Pere, Miranda-Mendizabal, Andrea, Bruffaerts, Ronny, Auerbach, Randy P., Nock, Matthew K., Kessler, Ronald C., Alonso, Jordi
Source: In Journal of Affective Disorders 1 July 2022 308:432-441
20Academic Journal
Source: In Research in Developmental Disabilities September 2021 116