1Academic Journal
Authors: Kaufman, Dixon B. 1, ⁎, Akkina, Sanjeev K. 2, Stegall, Mark.D. 3, Piper, James B. 4, Gaber, A. Osama 5, Asch, William S. 6, Busque, Stephan 7, Stites, Erik 8, De Vera, Michael 9, Srinivas, Titte R. 10, Alonso, Diane 10, Shah, Ashesh 11, Patel, Anup 12, Mai, Martin L. 13, Chavin, Kenneth D. 14, DebRoy, Meelie 14, Jittirat, Arksarapuk 14, Costa, Nadiesda 15, Cooper, Matthew 15, Vranic, Gayle 15, Laftavi, Mark R. 16, Saidi, Reza F. 16, Collette, Suzon 17, Brennan, Daniel C. 18
Source: In American Journal of Transplantation January 2025
2Academic Journal
Authors: Piper, James B
Source: In Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2001 192(1):124-129
3Academic Journal
Authors: During, Alexandrine *, Smith, Michelle K, Piper, James B, Smith, J.Cecil
Source: In The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 2001 12(11):640-647
Authors: Collins, Devon, Piper, James B., Patel, Jay A., Karzai, Shkala, Jonsson, Johann, Siskind, Eric J., Emery, Erica, Wali, Ravinder, Rogers, Ashley, Liu, Chang
Source: Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 227(S2):e151-e151
Authors: Collins, Devon, Piper, James B., Patel, Jay A., Karzai, Shkala, Jonsson, Johann, Siskind, Eric J., Emery, Erica, Wali, Ravinder, Rogers, Ashley, Liu, Chang
Source: Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 227(S2):e226-e226
6Academic Journal
Authors: Patel, Jay A., Piper, James B., Wang, Brant G.
Source: BMJ Case Reports; 2/8/2018, Vol. 2018, p1-3, 3p, 1 Color Photograph, 1 Black and White Photograph, 1 Diagram
7Academic Journal
Source: BMJ Case Reports; 7/18/2016, Vol. 2016, p1-3, 3p, 2 Color Photographs, 2 Black and White Photographs, 1 Diagram
8Academic Journal
Authors: Newell, Kenneth A., Bruce, David S., Cronin, David C., Woodle, E. Steve, Millis, J. Michael, Piper, James B., Huss, Emer, Thistlethwaite Jr., J. Richard
Source: Transplantation; Nov1996, Vol. 62 Issue 9, p1353-1356, 4p
9Academic Journal
Authors: Woodle, E. Steve, Cronin, David, Newell, Kenneth A., Millis, J. Michael, Bruce, David S., Piper, James B., Haas, Mark, Josephson, Michelle A., Thistlethwaite, J. Richard
Source: Transplantation; Oct1996, Vol. 62 Issue 7, p906-910, 5p
10Academic Journal
Authors: Millis, J. Michael, Seaman, David S., Piper, James B., Alonso, Estella M., Kelly, Sue, Hackworth, Craig A., Newell, Kenneth A., Bruce, David S., Woodle, E. Steve, Thistlethwaite, J. Richard, Whitington, Peter F.
Source: Transplantation; Sep1996, Vol. 62 Issue 6, p748-754, 7p
11Academic Journal
Authors: Bruce, David S., Newell, Kenneth A., Josephson, Michelle A., Woodle, E. Steve, Piper, James B., Millis, J. Michael, Seaman, David S., Carnrike Jr., C. L. M., Huss, Emer, Thistlethwaite Jr., J. Richard
Source: Transplantation; Aug1996, Vol. 62 Issue 4, p451-456, 6p
12Academic Journal
Authors: Newell, Kenneth A., Alonso, Estella M., Whitington, Peter F., Bruce, David S., Millis, J. Michael, Piper, James B., Woodle, E. Steve, Kelly, Susan M., Koeppen, Hartmut, Hart, John, Rubin, Charles M., Thistlethwaite Jr., J. Richard
Source: Transplantation; Aug1996, Vol. 62 Issue 3, p370-375, 6p
13Academic Journal
Authors: Millis, J. Michael, Woodle, E. Steve, Piper, James B., Bruce, David S., Newell, Kenneth A., Seaman, David S., Baker, Alfred L., Hart, John, Dasgupta, Kathy, Thistlethwaite Jr., J. Richard
Source: Transplantation; May1996, Vol. 61 Issue 9, p1365-1369, 5p
14Academic Journal
Authors: Stevens, Larry H., Emond, Jean C., Piper, James B., Heffron, Thomas G., Thistlethwaite, J. Richard, Whitington, Peter F., Broelsch, Christoph E.
Source: Transplantation; Feb1992, Vol. 53 Issue 2, p396-399, 4p
15Academic Journal
Source: Seminars in Liver Disease; 1994, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p303-317, 15p
Authors: Woodle, E. Steve, Bruce, David S., Josephson, Michelle, Cronin, David, A.Newell, Kenneth, Millis, J. Michael, Piper, James B., O'Laughlin, Rita, Thistlethwaite, J. Richard
Source: Clinical Transplantation; August 1996, Vol. 10 Issue: 4 p389-395, 7p
Authors: Woodle, E. Steve, Bruce, David S., Josephson, Michelle, Newell, Kenneth A., Piper, James B., Millis, J. Michael, Cronin, David, Whitman, Greg, Ruebe, Margaret, Thistlethwaite, J. Richard
Source: Clinical Transplantation; August 1996, Vol. 10 Issue: 4 p323-332, 10p
Source: Transplantation; February 1992, Vol. 53 Issue: 2 p396-399, 4p
Authors: Millis2, J. Michael, Seaman, David S., Piper, James B., Alonso3, Estella M., Kelly3, Sue, Hackworth4, Craig A., Newell, Kenneth A., Bruce, David S., Woodle, E. Steve, Thistlethwaite, J. Richard, Whitington3, Peter F.
Source: Transplantation; September 1996, Vol. 62 Issue: 6 p748-754, 7p
20Academic Journal
Authors: Seaman, David S., Newell, Kenneth A., Piper, James B., Bruce, David S., Woodle, E. Steve, Cronin2 Ii, David C., Alonso, Estella M., Whitington, Peter F., Thistlethwaite, J. Richard, Millis, J. Michael
Source: Transplantation; Oct1996, Vol. 62 Issue 7, p1034-1036, 3p