Showing 1 - 20 results of 576 Refine Results
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    Authors: Stahlschmidt, A., Passos, S. C., Cardoso, G. R., Schuh, G. J., Gutierrez, C. S., Castro, S. M. J., Caumo, W., Pearse, R. M., Stefani, L. C., Moraes, K., Santos, H. D., Dalcin, T., Caberlon, A., Felix, E., Aguzzoli, A., Braulio, G., Gamermann, P., Schiavo, C., Alves, V., Sturm, A., Martins, A., Schmit, A., Schwalbert, A., Prates, A., Wolmeister, A., Oliveira, P., Novelo, B., Borges, B., Neto, J., Bortolini, M., Bressan, C., Bortolozzo, C., Alboim, C., Mendanha, C., Pando, C., Filho, C., Bevilacqua, T., Abel, C., Vicente, E., Mallmann, E., Petry, F., Vieira, F., Feijo, A., Paniz, F., Lima, F., Grillo, F., Lemmertz, D., Fritz, F., Somm, G., Bauzon, G., Migliore, A., Sá, G., Santos, G., Dornelles, I., Sirtoli, I., Ribeiro, H., Correa, J., Viesi, J., Crestani, J., Ebersol, J., Pasa, J., Guimarães, J., Biavatti, K., Schneider, L., Schultz, L., Oliveira, L., Rosa, L., Sachett, L., Schönell, L., Fernandes, L., Borges, L., Monteiro, L., Bravo, M., Souza, M., Menezes, L., Jacobsen, M., Ferreira, M., Pereira, N., Dotto, N., Savaris, N., Brathwaite, O., Barone, P., Faccin, P., Homrich, P., Coral, R., Vidal, R., Franco, R., Martin, R., Costa, R., Minuzzi, R., Passos, S., Molin, S., Petry, S., Guske, M., Morisso, S., Lima, T., Schuch, T., Moreira, V., Piccoli, V., Damiani, V., Rocha, V., Nogueira, V., Vieira, W., Rosa, C., Evaldt, C., Deggerone, D., Martins, G., Silva, L., Ferreira, L., Nabarros, L., Guimarães, M., Nolasco, M., Paludo, N., Júnior, N., Rodríguez, V., Vilaverde, A., Henkemaier, A., Blanco, J., Barbosa, L., Okabayashi, L., Spader, M., Lizott, M., Gastal, O., Kliemann, R., Schlosser, R., Brandão, R., Coelli, S., Giaretta, V., Neto, B., Cavazzola, L., Osvaldt, A., Gurski, T., Contu, R., Polanczyk, C., Biolo, A., Clausell, N., Buttelli, T., Boniatti, M., Furian, T., Azeredo, A., Neto, P., Medanha, C., Soares, T., Dornelles, D., Brandão, M., Marangon, G., Sbrissa, G., Dasqueve, M., Costa, T., Almeida, F., Travi, N., Geronimo, A., Trost, D., Volkmer, N., Rauber, N., Brito, L., Souza, C., Guzinski, C., Riboldi, C., Silva, K., Borges, M., Melo, T., Mandicaju, A., Schnath, F., Trasel, M., Dreyer, G., Brandolt, C., Pereira, S., Oliveira, C., Silva, A., Costa, F., Martins, F., Rodrigues, D., Antunes, F., Dalmoro, M., Camargo, G.

    Source: Anaesthesia. 77(4):416-427

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    Source: 2013 Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting (IFSA/NAFIPS) IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting (IFSA/NAFIPS), 2013 Joint. :386-389 Jun, 2013

    Relation: 2013 Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting (IFSA/NAFIPS)

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 22(5):1151-1161 Oct, 2014

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 22(4):949-957 Aug, 2014

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    Source: NAFIPS 2005 - 2005 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society North American fuzzy information processing society Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 2005. NAFIPS 2005. Annual Meeting of the North American. :181-186 2005

    Relation: NAFIPS 2005. 2005 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society

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    Source: Oceans 2003. Celebrating the Past ... Teaming Toward the Future (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37492) Oceans 2003 OCEANS 2003. Proceedings. 2:1025-1029 Vol.2 2003

    Relation: Oceans 2003. Celebrating the Past ... Teaming Toward the Future

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    Authors: Ladner, R., Petry, F.

    Source: OCEANS '02 MTS/IEEE OCEANS '02 OCEANS '02 MTS/IEEE. 2:1264-1270 vol.2 2002

    Relation: Oceans 2002 Conference and Exhibition. Conference Proceedings

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    Source: 2002 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Proceedings. NAFIPS-FLINT 2002 (Cat. No. 02TH8622) Fuzzy information processing Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 2002. Proceedings. NAFIPS. 2002 Annual Meeting of the North American. :389-394 2002

    Relation: 2002 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Proceedings

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    Source: Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications. ICCIMA 2001 Computational intelligence and multimedia applications Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, 2001. ICCIMA 2001. Proceedings. Fourth International Conference on. :313-317 2001

    Relation: Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications. ICCIMA 2001

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 20(2):248-261 Apr, 2012

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 18(2):348-361 Apr, 2010

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 16(2):299-308 Apr, 2008

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    Authors: Perrin, P., Petry, F.

    Source: Proceedings of 6th International Fuzzy Systems Conference Fuzzy systems Fuzzy Systems, 1997., Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on. 3:1549-1554 vol.3 1997

    Relation: Proceedings of 6th International Fuzzy Systems Conference

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    Source: Proceedings of 6th International Fuzzy Systems Conference Fuzzy systems Fuzzy Systems, 1997., Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on. 2:857-862 vol.2 1997

    Relation: Proceedings of 6th International Fuzzy Systems Conference

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 14(6):767-780 Dec, 2006

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    Academic Journal
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    Source: NAFIPS 2007 - 2007 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 2007. NAFIPS '07. Annual Meeting of the North American. :307-312 Jun, 2007

    Relation: 2007 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society