Authors: Petrou, M. N., Ribeiro, M., Koh, R. G. L., Jabban, L., Metcalfe, B. W.
Source: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE) Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE), 2024 IEEE International Conference on. :988-993 Oct, 2024
Relation: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE)
2Academic Journal
Authors: Petrou, M., Pradas, D., Royer, M., Lochin, E.
Source: IEEE Access Access, IEEE. 12:39978-39994 2024
3Academic Journal
Authors: Soleimani, M., Dingley, G., Semaj, E., Petrou, M.
Source: IEEE Sensors Journal IEEE Sensors J. Sensors Journal, IEEE. 23(20):25234-25241 Oct, 2023
4Academic Journal
Authors: Tanner, J., Brierley Jones, L., Westwood, N., Rochon, M., Wloch, C., Vaja, R., Rogers, L.J., Dearling, J., Wilson, K., Kirmani, B.H., Bhudia, S.K., Rajakaruna, C., Petrou, M., Bailes, L., Jawarchan, A., Baker, M., Murphy, G.J.
Source: In Journal of Hospital Infection July 2024 149:119-125
5Academic Journal
Authors: Boyle, M., Vaja, R., Rochon, M., Luhana, S., Gopalaswamy, M., Bhudia, S., Raja, S., Petrou, M., Quarto, C.
Source: In Journal of Hospital Infection April 2024 146:52-58
6Academic Journal
Authors: Taggart, D., Ratnatunga, Westaby, S., Cook, J., Wallis, C., Wos, S., Jasinski, M., Deja, M., Widenka, K., Blach, A., Gocol, R., Hudziak, D., Zurek, P., Bachowski, R., Mrozek, R., Kargul, T., Domarardzki, W., Frackiewicz, J., Zamvar, V., Ezakadan, D., Buxton, B., Seevanayagam, S., Matalanis, G., Rosalion, A., Negri, J., Moten, S., Atkinson, V., Newcomb, A., Polidano, P., Pana, R., Gerbo, S., O'Keefe, P., von Oppell, U., Mehta, D., Azzu, A., Szafranek, A., Kulatilake, E., Evans, J., Martin, N., Banner, D., Trivedi, U., Forsyth, A., Hyde, J., Cohen, A., Lewis, M., Gardner, E., MacKenzie, A., Cooter, N., Joyce, E., Parker, J., Champney, F., Clark, S., Dark, J., Tocewicz, K., Pillay, T., Rowling, S., Adams-Hall, J., Bochenek, A., Cisowski, M., Bolkowski, M., Morawski, W., Guc, M., Krejca, M., Wilczynski, M., Duralek, A., Gerber, W., Skarysz, J., Shrestha, R., Swiech, W., Szmagala, X., Krzych, L., Pawlak, A., Kepa, K., Hasan, R., Keenan, D., Prendergast, B., Odom, N., McLaughlin, K., Cummings-Fosong, G., Mathew, C., Iles-Smith, H., Oomen, A., Desai, J., El-Gamel, A., John, L., Wendler, O., Andrews, M., Rance, K., Williams, R., Hogervorst, V., Gregory, J., Jessup, J., Knighton, A., Hoare, A., Ritchie, A., Choong, C., Nair, S., Sudarshan, C., Jenkins, D., Large, S., Barman, M., Dhital, K., Routledge, T., Rosengard, B., Munday, H., Rintoul, K., Jarrett, E., Lao-Sirieix, S., Wilkinson, A., Garner, L., Osmond, J., Holcombe, H., Cale, A., Griffin, S., Dickson, J., Spyt, T., Gershlick, A., Hickey, M., Sosnowski, A., Peek, G., Szostek, J., Hadjinikalaou, L., Logtens, E., Oakley, M., Leji, S., Gaer, J., Amrani, M., Dreyfus, G., Bahrami, T., de Robertis, F., Baig, K., Asimakopoulos, G., Vohra, H., Pai, V., Tadjkarimi, S., Soleimani, G., Stavri, G., Bull, H., Collappen, H., Sadowksi, J., Kapelak, B., Gaweda, B., Rudzinski, P., Stolinski, J., Konstanty-Kalandyk, J., Moraes, F., Moraes, C., Wanderley, J., Pepper, J., De Souza, A., Petrou, M., Trimlett, R., Morgan, T., Gavino, J., Wang, S.F., Chandrasekaran, V., Kanagasaby, R., Sarsam, M., Ryan, H., Billings, L., Ruddick, L., Achampong, A., Forster, E., Mohama, E., McDonnell, P., Pawlaczyk, R., Siondalski, P., Rogowski, J., Roszak, K., Jarmoszewicz, K., Jagielak, D., Gafka, S., Mannam, G., Naguboyin, Sajja, L. Rao, Dandu, B., Peddireddy, J., Adepu, A., Briffa, N., Braidley, P., Cooper, G., Allen, K., Sangha, G., Bridge, C., McMellon, H., Shaw, P., Casabona, R., Dato, G. Actis, Bardi, G., Del Ponte, S., Forsennati, F., Parisi, F., Punta, G., Flocco, R., Sansone, F., Zingarelli, E., Demartino, A., Dihmis, W., Kuduvali, M., Prince, C., Rogers, H., McQuade, L., Duran-Rosas, A., Anisimowicz, L., Bokszanski, M., Pawliszak, W., Kolakowski, J., Lau, G., Ogorzeja, W., Gumanska, I., Kulinski, P., Podesser, B., Trescher, K., Bernecker, O., Holzinger, C., Binder, K., Schor, I., Bergmann, P., Kassal, H., Dunkel, E., Motovova, B., Trehan, N., Meharwal, Z., Malhotra, R., Goel, M., Kumer, B., Bazaz, S., Bake, N., Singh, A., Mishka, Y., Gupta, R., Basumatary, S., Zembala, M., Szafron, B., Pacholewicz, J., Krason, M., Farmas, Wojarski, Zych, Szymanik, I., Kolwca, M., Mazur, W., Kurowicki, A., Zurek, S., Stacel, T., Jaworska, I., Gaudino, Mario, Audisio, Katia, Rahouma, Mohamed, Robinson, N. Bryce, Soletti, Giovanni J., Cancelli, Gianmarco, Masterson Creber, Ruth M., Gray, Alastair, Lees, Belinda, Gerry, Stephen, Benedetto, Umberto, Flather, Marcus, Taggart, David P.
Source: In The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery August 2023 166(2):532-539
Source: 2011 3rd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS) Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), 2011 3rd Workshop on. :1-4 Jun, 2011
Relation: 2011 3rd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS)
Authors: Toderici, G., Passalis, G., Zafeiriou, S., Tzimiropoulos, G., Petrou, M., Theoharis, T., Kakadiaris, I. A.
Source: 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010 IEEE Conference on. :2721-2728 Jun, 2010
Relation: 2010 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Authors: Kovalev, V.A., Petrou, M.
Source: 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) Pattern Recognition, 2006. ICPR 2006. 18th International Conference on. 3:830-833 2006
Relation: 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
Authors: Papathanassiou, C., Petrou, M.
Source: Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005. IGARSS '05. Geoscience and remote sensing Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005. IGARSS '05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International. 8:5655-5658 2005
Relation: IGARSS 2005 - IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Authors: Petrou, M., Mohanna, F., Kovalev, V.
Source: Proceedings. 2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2004. 3DPVT 2004. 3D data processing, visualization, and transmission 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2004. 3DPVT 2004. Proceedings. 2nd International Symposium on. :970-978 2004
Relation: Proceedings. 2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission
Authors: Kadyrov, A., Petrou, M.
Source: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. Pattern recognition Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on. 2:64-67 Vol.4 2004
Relation: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
Authors: Ibrahim, H., Petrou, M., Wells, K., Doran, S., Olsen, O.
Source: IEEE Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science 2004. Nuclear science symposium Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2004 IEEE. 5:2783-2787 2004
Relation: 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
Authors: Ming Xu, Rong-Chun Zhao, Petrou, M.
Source: Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (IEEE Cat. No.04EX826) Machine learning and cybernetics Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2004. Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on. 6:3967-3972 vol.6 2004
Relation: Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics
Authors: Papathanassiou, C., Petrou, M.
Source: 2002 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing Proceedings. DSP 2002 (Cat. No.02TH8628) Digital signal processing Digital Signal Processing, 2002. DSP 2002. 2002 14th International Conference on. 2:761-764 vol.2 2002
Relation: Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002)
Authors: Kokkinou, E., Wells, K., Petrou, M., Bailey, A.
Source: 2002 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record Nuclear science symposium Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2002 IEEE. 3:1607-1611 vol.3 2002
Relation: 2002 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
Authors: Ablameyko, S., Kirillov, V., Lagunovsky, D., Patsko, O., Paramonova, N., Petrou, M., Tchij, O.
Source: Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Pattern recognition Pattern Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on. 1:763-766 vol.1 2002
Relation: Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
Authors: Kadyrov, A., Petrou, M.
Source: Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Pattern recognition Pattern Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on. 2:798-801 vol.2 2002
Relation: Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
Authors: Llado, X., Petrou, M.
Source: Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Pattern recognition Pattern Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on. 2:909-912 vol.2 2002
Relation: Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
20Academic Journal
Authors: Zafeiriou, S., Atkinson, G. A., Hansen, M. F., Smith, W. A. P., Argyriou, V., Petrou, M., Smith, M. L., Smith, L. N.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security IEEE Trans.Inform.Forensic Secur. Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on. 8(1):121-135 Jan, 2013