1Academic Journal
Authors: Fong, C., Patel, B., Peckitt, C., Bourmpaki, E., Satchwell, L., Cromarty, S., Kidd, S., von Loga, K., Uhlik, M., Begum, R., Rana, T., Waddell, T., Darby, S., Bradshaw, A., Roques, T., Morgan, C., Rees, C., Herbertson, R., Das, P., Thompson, C., Hewish, M., Petty, R., Thistlethwaite, F., Rao, S., Starling, N., Chau, I., Cunningham, D.
Source: In ESMO Open July 2024 9(7)
2Academic Journal
Authors: Moorcraft, S.Y., Gonzalez de Castro, D., Cunningham, D., Jones, T., Walker, B.A., Peckitt, C., Yuan, L.C., Frampton, M., Begum, R., Eltahir, Z., Wotherspoon, A., Teixeira Mendes, L.S., Hulkki Wilson, S., Gillbanks, A., Baratelli, C., Fotiadis, N., Patel, A., Braconi, C., Valeri, N., Gerlinger, M., Rao, S., Watkins, D., Chau, I., Starling, N. *
Source: In Annals of Oncology January 2018 29(1):230-236
3Academic Journal
Authors: Sclafani, F., Brown, G., Cunningham, D. *, Wotherspoon, A., Tait, D., Peckitt, C., Evans, J., Yu, S., Sena Teixeira Mendes, L., Tabernero, J., Glimelius, B., Cervantes, A., Thomas, J., Begum, R., Oates, J., Chau, I.
Source: In Annals of Oncology August 2016 27(8):1557-1565
4Academic Journal
Authors: Sclafani, F., Chau, I., Cunningham, D., Peckitt, C., Lampis, A., Hahne, J.C., Braconi, C., Tabernero, J., Glimelius, B., Cervantes, A., Begum, R., Gonzalez De Castro, D., Hulkki Wilson, S., Eltahir, Z., Wotherspoon, A., Tait, D., Brown, G., Oates, J., Valeri, N. *
Source: In Annals of Oncology September 2015 26(9):1936-1941
Authors: Gleeson, M., Arias, C., Cunningham, D., Peckitt, C., Du, Y., Hujairi, N., To, Y. M., Chen, H.-C., Patel, S., Chau, I., Johnson, P., Ardeshna, K. M., Wotherspoon, A., Attygalle, A., Hawkes, E. A., Macheta, M. P., Collins, G. P., Radford, J., Forbes, A., Hart, A., Montoto, S., McKay, P., Benstead, K., Morley, N., Kalakonda, N., Hasan, Y., Turner, D., Chua, S.
Source: HemaSphere. 6:1073-1074
6Academic Journal
Authors: Sclafani, F., Gonzalez, D., Cunningham, D., Hulkki Wilson, S., Peckitt, C., Giralt, J., Glimelius, B., Roselló Keränen, S., Wotherspoon, A., Brown, G., Tait, D., Oates, J., Chau, I.
Source: In European Journal of Cancer May 2014 50(8):1430-1436
Authors: Dolly, S. O., Kalaitzaki, E., Puglisi, M., Stimpson, S., Hanwell, J., Fandos, S. S., Stapleton, S., Ansari, T., Peckitt, C., Kaye, S.
Source: CANCER -PHILADELPHIA THEN HOBOKEN-. 122(22):3501-3508
Authors: Fontana, E., Smyth, E. C., Cunningham, D., Rao, S., Watkins, D., Allum, W. H., Thompson, J., Waddell, T., Peckitt, C., Chau, I.
Source: GASTRIC CANCER. 19(4):1114-1124
Authors: Smyth, E. C., Tarazona, N., Peckitt, C., Armstrong, E., Mansukhani, S., Cunningham, D., Chau, I.
Authors: Grenader, T., Waddell, T., Peckitt, C., Oates, J., Starling, N., Cunningham, D., Bridgewater, J.
Source: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 27(4):687-692
11Academic Journal
Authors: Sclafani, F., Roy, A., Cunningham, D. *, Wotherspoon, A., Peckitt, C., Gonzalez de Castro, D., Tabernero, J., Glimelius, B., Cervantes, A., Eltahir, Z., Oates, J., Chau, I.
Source: In Annals of Oncology December 2013 24(12):3123-3128
Authors: Barton, S., Hawkes, E. A., Cunningham, D., Peckitt, C., Chua, S., Wotherspoon, A., Attygalle, A., Horwich, A., Potter, M., Ethell, M.
13Academic Journal
Authors: Gordon, A., Rajan, Z., Fong, C.Y.K., Peckitt, C., Satchwell, L., Cromarty, S., Kidd, S., Piadel, K., Leamon, B., Zhitkov, O., Davidson, M., Thompson, J., Maisey, N.R., Darby, S., Waddell, T.S., Morgan, C., Bradshaw, A., Starling, N., Chau, I., Cunningham, D.
Source: In Annals of Oncology September 2024 35 Supplement 2:S888-S888
14Academic Journal
Authors: Chapman KR, Fogarty CM, Peckitt C, Lassen C, Jadayel D, Dederichs J, Dalvi M, Kramer B
Source: International Journal of COPD, Vol 2011, Iss default, Pp 353-363 (2011)
Subject Terms: Diseases of the respiratory system, RC705-779
File Description: electronic resource
Authors: Moorcraft, S. Y., Khan, K., Peckitt, C., Watkins, D., Rao, S., Cunningham, D., Chau, I.
Authors: Hawkes, E. A., Barton, S., Cunningham, D., Peckitt, C., Chua, S., Wotherspoon, A., Horwich, A., Potter, M., Ethel, M., Dearden, C.
Source: ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY. 93(5):827-834
Authors: Moorcraft, S. Y., Chau, I., Peckitt, C., Cunningham, D., Rao, S., Yim, K. L., Walther, A., Jackson, C. G., Stamp, G., Webb, J.
Source: INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUGS. 31(5):1339-1344
Authors: Mahler, D.A., D Urzo, A., Bateman, E.D., Ozkan, S.A., White, T., Peckitt, C., Lassen, C., Kramer, B., INTRUST-1 and INTRUST-2 study investigators
Source: THORAX -LONDON-. 67(9):781-788
Authors: Siergiejko, Z., SŚwiebocka, E., Smith, N., Peckitt, C., Leo, J., Peachey, G., Maykut, R.
Authors: Bousquet, J., Siergiejko, Z., wiebocka, E., Humbert, M., Rabe, K. F., Smith, N., Leo, J., Peckitt, C., Maykut, R., Peachey, G.
Source: ALLERGY -COPENHAGEN-. 66(5):671-678