Authors: Stan, O., Sirdey, R., Gouy-Pailler, C., Blanchart, P., BenHamida, A., Zayani, M.-H.
Source: 2018 2nd Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet) Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet), 2018 2nd. :1-8 Oct, 2018
Relation: 2018 2nd Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet)
Authors: Barré, Tangui, Zucman, David, Marcellin, Fabienne, Ramier, Clémence, Protopopescu, Camelia, Tardieu, Raphaëlle, Ory, Karine, Salmon‐Céron, Dominique, Carrieri, Patrizia, Salmon, D., Wittkop, L., Sogni, P., Carrieri, P., Spire, B., Ory, K., Trimoulet, P., Izopet, J., Serfaty, L., Alric, L., Valantin, M.A., Pialoux, G., Chas, J., Barange, K., Naqvi, A., Rosenthal, E., Bicart‐See, A., Bouchaud, O., Gervais, A., Lascoux‐Combe, C., Goujard, C., Lacombe, K., Duvivier, C., Neau, D., Morlat, P., Bani‐Sadr, F., Boufassa, F., Solas, C., Fontaine, H., Piroth, L., Simon, A., Zucman, D., Boué, F., Miailhes, P., Billaud, E., Aumaître, H., Rey, D., Peytavin, G., Zaeglel‐Faucher, O., Usubillaga, R., Bienvenu, B., Launay‐Puybasset, O., Bernasconi, C., Brunet, A., Silbermann, B., Boucher, H., Rollot, F., Zak Dit Zbar, O., Pol, S., Le Jeunne‐Ballif, C., Louergue, P., Mehawej, H., Merine‐Belardi, L., Almasi, F., Benammar, N., Alagna, L., Chaussade, S., Guillevin, L., Terris, B., Norgeux, C., Katlama, C., Stitou, H., Caby, F., Paris, L., Schneider, L., Tubiana, R., Roudière, L., Benveniste, O., Breton, G., Bonmarchand, M., Kirstetter, M., Charlotte, F., Capron, F., Calvez, V., Thibaut, V., Soulie, C., Abdi, B., Lambert‐Niclot, S., Bregigeon‐Ronot, S., Zaegel‐Faucher, O., Laroche, H., Menard, A., Gaubert‐Marechal, E., Thirée, S., Tamalet, C., Hakimi, C., Poluzzi, J.C., Lassel, L., Lyavanc, T., Le Nagat, S., Slama, L., Canesti, A., Callard, P., Bachour, B., Sigur, N., Bonnet, D., Guivarch, M., Peron, J.M., Massip, P., Cuzin, L., Obada, M., Bonnet, E., Alvarez, M., Labau, E., Mularczyk, M., Bourdoncle, N., Penecy, J., Porte, L., Busato, F., Khatibi, S., Bernard, J., Selves, J., Larroquette, F., Ferrer, V., Chiabrandon, J., Pradier, C., Mondain, V., Dellamonica, P., Roger, P.M., Ferrando, S., Ceppi, C., Rio, V., Dunais, B., Prouvost, B., De Salvadore‐Guillouet, F., Prebost, I., Durant, J., Pugliese, P., Michels, J.F., Saint‐Paul, M.C., Partouche, C., Nerini, K., Abgrall, S., Zamord, I., Bidegain, F., Azghay, M., Rouyer, C., Tatay, M., Mechai, F., Martin, A., Baazia, Y., Iwaka‐Bande, V., Gerber, A., Garipuy, D., Ferro‐Collados, M.J., Gaches, F., Abravanel, F., Yazdanpanah, Y., Henin, D., Bertine, M., Onambele, M., Kandel, T., Pintado, C., Molina, J.M., Gatey, C., Gallien, S., Rozenbaum, W., Lafaurie, M., Munier, A.L., Ponscarme, D., Previllon, M., Colin De Verdière, N., Tateo, M.G., Palmer, P., Gabassi, A., Amarsy, R., Mazeron, MC., Krause, J., Ingiliz, P., Girard, P.M., Lefebvre, B., Valin, N., Mehoyas, M.C., Fournier, S., Meynard, J.L., Ouazene, Z., Guyon, H., Roussard, P., Lallemand, F., Raguin, G., Bollens, D., Tourneur, M., Bideault, H., Fonquernie, L., Pacanowski, J., Wendum, D., Fofana, D., Thithuthuon, T., Quertainmont, Y., Teicher, E., Escaut, L., Derradji, O., Pallier, C., Veillet, F., Mouna, L., Lortholary, O., Rouzaud, C., Shoai Tehrani, M., Boucly, S., Obenga, G., Viard, J.P., Gardiennet, E., Mélard, A., Ochoa, A., Blanchard, E., Cazanave, C., Dupon, M., Dutronc, H., Dauchy, F., Wille, H., Bioulac‐Sage, P., Lacoste, D., Bonnet, F., Bernard, N., Hessamfar, M., Paccalin, F., Martell, C., Pertusa, M. C., Vandenhende, M., Mercié, P., Pistone, T., Receveur, M.C., Méchain, M., Duffau, P., Rivoisy, C., Faure, I., Malvy, D., Roger‐Schmeltz, J., Dondia, D., Pellegrin, J.L., Lazzaro, E., Foch, Hôpital, Majerholc, C., Kahn, J.E., Hilaire, S., Brollo, M., Béclère, Antoine, Polo Devoto, J., Kansau, I., Chambrin, V., Pignon, C., Favier, M., Deback, C., Vauloup, C., Pailler, C., Lopez Zaragoza, J.L., Lévy, Y., Lelièvre, J.D., Lascaux, A.S., Scerra, S., Bouvier‐Alias, M., Raffi, F., Allavena, C., Reliquet, V., Boutoille, D., Biron, C., Lefebvre, M., Hall, N., Bouchez, S., Bernaud, C., Mounoury, O., Rodallec, A., Le Guen, L., Peyramond, D., Chidiac, C., Ader, F., Biron, F., Boibieux, A., Cotte, L., Ferry, T., Perpoint, T., Amiri, M., Valour, F., Koffi, J., Zoulim, F., Bailly, F., Lack, P., Maynard, M., Radenne, S., Augustin‐Normand, C., Vassel, E., Le‐Thi, T.T., Chavanet, P., Duong Van Huyen, M., Buisson, M., Waldner‐Combernoux, A., Mahy, S., Fillion, A., Jean, M., Eden, A., Medus, M., Saada, M., Gaba, S., Lambert, D., Nguyen, Y., Berger, J.L., Rouger, C., Brodard, V., Rey, D, Partasani, M., Cheneau, C., Priester, M., Bernard‐Henry, C., de Mautort, E., Ertle, A., Jegou, F., Fush, A., Gantner, P., Fafi‐Kremer, S., Pinheiro, L., Roustand, F., Kmiec, I., Traore, L., Le Puil, S., Tateo, MG., Benothame, S., Pomes, C., Louisin, C., Mole, M., Adda, A., Thibaut, P., Poirier, S., Ben Rayana, R., Pietri, MP., Le Baut, V., Cuvillier, Y., Alabatanah, M., Barret, F., Juster, F., Chesnel, C., Beniken, D., Sebire‐Le Cam, M., Monard, R., Badji, F, Caldato, S., Rojas Rojas, T., Ritleng, AS., Ivanova, A., Chalal, L., Julia, Z., Cavellec, M., Chevalier, C., Paredes‐Manyari, E., Breau, S., Boughdiri, N., Fischer, P., Charles, C., Ogoudjobi, S., Brochier, C., Thoirain‐Galvan, V., Chaussee, S., Benothmane, S., Sondro, A., Camou, O., Godard, V., Kai, M., Gilbert, C., Pailler, M., Merchadou, L, Esterle, L., Gillet‐Rousseau, S., Khan, C, Abbad, L, Chalouni, M., Conte, V., Marcellin, F., Knight, R., Mora, M., Protopopescu, C., Roux, P., Barré, T
Source: Journal of viral hepatitis. 30(11):897-900
Authors: Pailler, C., Gandrille, N., Poterre, M., Cottu, P., Delaloge, S.
Source: Bulletin du cancer. 110(4):463-466
Authors: Ansari, R., Campagne, J. E, Charlet, D., Moniez, M., Pailler, C., Perdereau, O., Taurigna, M., Martin, J. M., Rigaud, F., Colom, P., Abbon, Ph., Magneville, Ch., Pezzani, J., Viou, C., Torchinsky, S. A., Huang, Q., Zhang, J.
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1910.07956
Authors: Harle, F., Chatelain, F., Gouy-Pailler, C., Achard, S.
Source: 2014 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2014 Proceedings of the 22nd European. :1337-1341 Sep, 2014
Relation: 2014 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
Authors: Deschamps, H., Viou, C., Pezzani, J., Abbon, P., Ansari, R., Beigbeder, C., Breton, D., Caceres, T., Charlet, D., Flouzat, C., Kestener, P., Magneville, C., Mansoux, B., Pailler, C., Taurigna, M., Yeche, C.
Source: 2012 18th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference Real Time Conference (RT), 2012 18th IEEE-NPSS. :1-6 Jun, 2012
Relation: 2012 IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference (RT 2012)
Authors: Chatelain, F., Achard, S., Michel, O., Gouy-Pailler, C.
Source: 2011 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP) Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), 2011 IEEE. :817-820 Jun, 2011
Relation: 2011 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP)
Authors: Gouy-Pailler, C., Congedo, M., Jutten, C., Brunner, C., Pfurtscheller, G.
Source: 2008 16th European Signal Processing Conference Signal Processing Conference, 2008 16th European. :1-5 Aug, 2008
Relation: 2008 16th European Signal Processing Conference
Authors: Soriano, T., Van Hien, N., Pailler, C.
Source: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2003 Industrial technology Industrial Technology, 2003 IEEE International Conference on. 1:146-151 Vol.1 2003
Relation: 2003 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
10Academic Journal
Authors: Deschamps, H., Viou, C., Pezzani, J., Abbon, P., Ansari, R., Beigbeder, C., Breton, D., Caceres, T., Charlet, D., Flouzat, C., Kestener, P., Magneville, C., Mansoux, B., Pailler, C., Taurigna, M., Yeche, C.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on. 60(5):3620-3626 Oct, 2013
11Academic Journal
Authors: Charlet, D., Abbon, P., Ansari, R., Beigbeder, C., Breton, D., Caceres, T., Deschamps, H., Flouzat, C., Kestener, P., Magneville, C., Mansoux, B., Pailler, C., Taurigna, M., Yeche, C.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on. 58(4):1833-1837 Aug, 2011
12Academic Journal
Authors: Gouy-Pailler, C., Congedo, M., Brunner, C., Jutten, C., Pfurtscheller, G.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 57(2):469-478 Feb, 2010
13Academic Journal
Authors: Harle, F., Chatelain, F., Gouy-Pailler, C., Achard, S.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing IEEE Trans. Signal Process. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 64(16):4351-4362 Aug, 2016
14Academic Journal
Authors: Isaac, Y., Barthélemy, Q., Gouy-Pailler, C., Sebag, M., Atif, J.
Source: In Signal Processing January 2017 130:389-402
Authors: Gouy-Pailler, C., Sameni, R., Congedo, M., Jutten, C.
Authors: Gouy-Pailler, C., Zijp-Rouzier, S., Vidal, S., Chene, D.
17Academic Journal
Authors: Barthélemy, Q., Gouy-Pailler, C., Isaac, Y., Souloumiac, A., Larue, A., Mars, J.I.
Source: In Journal of Neuroscience Methods 30 April 2013 215(1):19-28
Authors: Pailler, C.
Authors: Sameni, R., Gouy-Pailler, C.
Authors: Gouy-Pailler, C., Sebag, M., Larue, A., Souloumiac, A.