1Academic Journal
Authors: Cârciumaru, Radu1 radu.carciumaru@gmail.com
Source: Annals of the University of Craiova. History / Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Istorie. 2018, Vol. 33 Issue 1, p149-160. 12p.
2Academic Journal
Authors: Dragomir, Elena1
Source: Historical Research. May2015, Vol. 88 Issue 240, p355-379. 25p. 3 Charts.
Subject Terms: *HISTORY of international economic relations, *COMMUNISM, *HISTORY, ROMANIAN history, 1944-1989
Geographic Terms: ROMANIA
Company/Entity: COUNCIL for Mutual Economic Assistance , PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania)
3Academic Journal
Authors: COJANU, Adrian1 adrianmarius12@yahoo.com
Source: Valahian Journal of Historical Studies. 2015, Issue 23/24, p149-159. 11p.
4Academic Journal
Authors: LAKATOS, Artur1 lakatos_artur_lorand@yahoo.com
Source: Philobiblon: Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities. Jul-Dec2014, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p447-468. 22p. 1 Black and White Photograph, 2 Charts.
Subject Terms: *LAND reform, *RIGHT & left (Political science), *COALITION governments, *TWENTY-first century, ROMANIAN politics & government
Company/Entity: PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania)
5Academic Journal
Authors: PĂDUREŢU, Alexandrina1 alexandrina_paduretu@yahoo.com
Source: Revista de Stiinte Politice / Revue des Sciences Politiques. 2013, Issue 39, p111-116. 6p.
Subject Terms: *FREEDOM of religion, *CHURCH & state, *RELIGIOUS education, *COMMUNISM
Geographic Terms: ROMANIA
Company/Entity: PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania) , ORTHODOX Eastern Church
6Academic Journal
Authors: SUCEA, Nicoleta Carmen1 carmen_sucea@yahoo.co.uk
Source: Revista de Stiinte Politice / Revue des Sciences Politiques. 2013, Issue 39, p38-43. 8p.
Subject Terms: *PERESTROIKA, *DEMOCRACY, *POLITICAL elites, ROMANIAN Revolution, 1989
Company/Entity: PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania)
People: CEAUSESCU, Nicolae, 1918-1989
7Academic Journal
Authors: Báthory, Dalia1 dalia.bathory@iiccmer.ro
Source: History of Communism in Europe. 2021/2022, Vol. 12/13, p71-88. 18p.
8Academic Journal
Authors: Visconti, Antonio
Source: Eunomia. 2013, Vol. 2 Issue 1, p297-322. 26p.
Geographic Terms: ROMANIA
Company/Entity: PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania)
9Academic Journal
Alternate Title: History and Politics. The 60 Years Celebration of 1918 *Great Union*.
Authors: Roman, Cristina1
Source: Arhivele Totalitarismului. 2012, Vol. 20 Issue 3/4, p230-241. 12p. 2 Black and White Photographs.
Subject Terms: *FILIBUSTERS (Political science), *COMMUNISM & philosophy, *IDEOLOGY, *ETHICS
Geographic Terms: ROMANIA
Company/Entity: PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania)
People: CEAUSESCU, Nicolae, 1918-1989
10Academic Journal
Authors: Moisa, Gabriel1 gabimoisa@hotmail.com
Source: Romanian Review on Political Geography / Revista Română de Geografie Politică. 2012, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p51-60. 10p.
Geographic Terms: ROMANIA
Company/Entity: PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania)
11Academic Journal
Authors: Mihai, Florin-Răzvan
Source: Arhivele Totalitarismului. 2012, Vol. 20 Issue 1/2, p261-266. 6p. 1 Black and White Photograph.
Geographic Terms: BUCHAREST (Romania), ROMANIA
Company/Entity: PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania)
People: RADULESCU, Gheorghe
12Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Fightings on the Ideological Front in Soviet Moldova, II.
Authors: Cojocaru, Gheorghe E.1
Source: Arhivele Totalitarismului. 2012, Vol. 20 Issue 1/2, p216-233. 18p. 2 Black and White Photographs.
Subject Terms: *IDEOLOGICAL conflict, ROMANIA-Soviet Union relations
Geographic Terms: SOVIET Union, MOLDAVIA (Romania), ROMANIA
Company/Entity: KOMMUNISTICHESKAIA partiia Sovetskogo Soiuza , PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania)
13Academic Journal
Alternate Title: The Comintern's Legacy. The Romanian Communists and the unity of World Communist Movement, 1967-1969.
Authors: Stanciu, Cezar1
Source: Arhivele Totalitarismului. 2012, Vol. 20 Issue 1/2, p122-137. 16p.
Subject Terms: *COMMUNISM & international relations, ROMANIA-Soviet Union relations
Geographic Terms: ROMANIA, SOVIET Union
Company/Entity: PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania)
14Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Romanian Touristic and Cultural External Image between 1960-1975. The Nomenklatura Involvement and Strategies.
Authors: ROBU, Lucian1
Source: Studia Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series Historica. 2011, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p117-131. 15p.
15Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Tema colectivizării în romanul „obsedantului deceniu“.
Authors: Iancu, Mihaela mihaelaclaudiaiancu@yahoo.com
Source: Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Philology Series. Jun2010, Vol. 62 Issue 1, p99-106. 8p.
Subject Terms: *COLLECTIVE farming, *PROPAGANDA, *COMMUNISM, *CENSORSHIP, *AUTHORS, *MANNERS & customs, *COLD War, 1945-1991, *POLITICAL participation, ROMANIAN politics & government
Geographic Terms: ROMANIA
Company/Entity: PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania)
People: CEAUSESCU, Nicolae, 1918-1989
16Academic Journal
Authors: Ciobanu, Monica (AUTHOR)
Source: Europe-Asia Studies. Nov2014, Vol. 66 Issue 9, p1452-1481. 30p.
Subjects: ANTI-communist movements, STALINISM, RESISTANCE to government -- History, COLLECTIVE memory, PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania), POSTCOMMUNISM, DEMOCRACY, PARTIDUL National-Taranesc (Political party : Romania), POLITICAL parties, GUERRILLAS, ROMANIAN history, 1944-1989, HISTORY of the Soviet Union, TWENTIETH century, HISTORY
Geographic Terms: ROMANIAReport Available
17Academic Journal
Authors: ȚIU, ILARION1
Source: Sphere of Politics / Sfera Politicii. ian/feb2014, Vol. 22 Issue 1, p58-60. 3p.
Subject Terms: *GOVERNMENT publications, *NATIONAL archives, *ARMED Forces
Geographic Terms: ROMANIA
Company/Entity: PARTIDUL Comunist Roman (Political party : Romania)
People: SPIROIU, Nicolae
18Academic Journal
Authors: Radu, Sorin1 sorin.radu@ulbsibiu.ro
Source: Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte. Jan2021, Vol. 69 Issue 1, p55-83. 29p.
19Academic Journal
Authors: Marginean, Mara
Source: Comparativ: Leipziger Beiträge zur Universalgeschichte und Vergleichenden Gesellschaftsforschung. 2023, Vol. 33 Issue 5/6, p603-621. 19p.
20Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Un cambio de régimen sangriento y tres paradojas políticas. La revolución rumana de 1989 y su legado.
Authors: Petrescu, Dragoş1 dragos.petrescu@unibuc.ro
Source: Cuadernos de Historia Contemporanea. 2020, Vol. 42, p117-140. 24p.