1Academic Journal
Authors: Bohlin, Jon1,2 (AUTHOR) Jon.Bohlin@fhi.no, Håberg, Siri E.2,3 (AUTHOR) SiriEldevik.Haberg@fhi.no, Magnus, Per2 (AUTHOR) PerMinor.Magnus@fhi.no, Gjessing, Håkon K.2,3 (AUTHOR) hakon.gjessing@uib.no
Source: BMC Bioinformatics. 12/18/2024, Vol. 25 Issue 1, p1-22. 22p.
Subject Terms: *PARSIMONIOUS models, *AGE, *PREDICTION models, *CAUSAL inference, *BIRTH weight
2Academic Journal
Authors: Gardete, Pedro M.1 (AUTHOR) pedro.gardete@novasbe.pt, Hunter, Megan2 (AUTHOR) megan.hunter@bc.edu
Source: Marketing Science. Sep/Oct2024, Vol. 43 Issue 5, p1052-1080. 29p.
Subject Terms: *Electronic commerce, *Parsimonious models, *Product attributes, *Decision trees, *Consumer education
Authors: Chib, Siddhartha1 chib@wustl.edu, Smith, Simon C.2 simon.c.smith@frb.gov
Source: Working Papers: U.S. Federal Reserve Board's Finance & Economic Discussion Series. May2024, p1-45. 46p.
Subject Terms: *Parsimonious models, *Investment policy, *Financial markets, *Portfolio management (Investments), *Economic research
4Academic Journal
Authors: Feizabadi, Reza1 (AUTHOR), Bagherian, Mehri1 (AUTHOR) mbagherian@guilan.ac.ir, Vaziri, Hamidreza2 (AUTHOR), Salahi, Maziar1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Supercomputing. Apr2024, Vol. 80 Issue 6, p8236-8258. 23p.
Subject Terms: *MIXED integer linear programming, *PARSIMONIOUS models, *HAPLOTYPES, *COMPUTATIONAL biology, *HEURISTIC algorithms, *HEART abnormalities
5Academic Journal
Authors: Petursdottir, Anna Ingeborg1, a.petursdottir@tcu.edu
Source: Psychological Record; Dec2024, Vol. 74 Issue 4, p367-381, 15p
6Academic Journal
Authors: Jiao, Shuhao1 (AUTHOR) shuhao.jiao@cityu.edu.hk, Chan, Ngai-Hang1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of the American Statistical Association. Oct2024, p1-14. 14p. 8 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *Parsimonious models, *Regression analysis, *Functional analysis, Sugar analysis, Homogeneity
7Academic Journal
Authors: Gibbs, Christopher G.1 (AUTHOR) christopher.gibbs@sydney.edu.au, Vasnev, Andrey L.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Forecasting. Oct2024, Vol. 40 Issue 4, p1734-1751. 18p.
Subject Terms: *Phillips curve, *Parsimonious models, *Forecasting, *Price inflation, Futurologists
8Academic Journal
Authors: de Paula, Letícia Chiara Baldassio1,2 (AUTHOR) leticia.baldassio@gmail.com, Dios, Rodrigo de Vilhena Perez2 (AUTHOR), Gudin, Filipe Macedo2 (AUTHOR), de Santis, Marcelo Domingos2,3 (AUTHOR), Alvarez‐Garcia, Deivys Moises2,4 (AUTHOR), Antunes Júnior, Manuel2 (AUTHOR), Freire, Beatriz Vieira2 (AUTHOR), Marques, Fernando Portella de Luna2 (AUTHOR), Lahr, Daniel José Galafasse2 (AUTHOR), Nihei, Silvio Shigueo2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Cladistics. Feb2024, Vol. 40 Issue 1, p64-81. 18p.
9Academic Journal
Authors: Wheeler, Ward C.1 (AUTHOR) wheeler@amnh.org, Washburn, Alexander2 (AUTHOR), Crowley, Louise M.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Cladistics. Feb2024, Vol. 40 Issue 1, p97-105. 9p.
Subject Terms: *PLANT hybridization, *PARSIMONIOUS models, *HEREDITY, *TREES, *ALGORITHMS
10Academic Journal
Authors: Dai, Junyan1 (AUTHOR), Rubel, Tobias1 (AUTHOR), Han, Yunheng1 (AUTHOR), Molloy, Erin K.1,2 (AUTHOR) ekmolloy@umd.edu
Source: Algorithms for Molecular Biology. 1/8/2024, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p1-17. 17p.
Subject Terms: *PARSIMONIOUS models, *DYNAMIC programming, *ALGORITHMS, *HEURISTIC
11Academic Journal
Authors: Andrews, David1, Hanna, Alexis1, Flores-Robles, Grace2, Jones, Daniel N.1 Djones2@unr.edu
Source: Social & Personality Psychology Compass. Jan2024, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p1-4. 4p.
12Academic Journal
Authors: Singh, Rahul1 (AUTHOR) sirahul@iitk.ac.in, Misra, Neeraj1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Statistical Papers. Dec2023, Vol. 64 Issue 6, p2137-2160. 24p.
Subject Terms: *Distribution (Probability theory), *Parsimonious models
13Academic Journal
Authors: Siedlarek, Jan-Peter1 (AUTHOR) jan-peter.siedlarek@clev.frb.org
Source: International Journal of Game Theory. Dec2023, Vol. 52 Issue 4, p1037-1076. 40p.
Subject Terms: *Parsimonious models, *Rent, Multicasting (Computer networks)
14Academic Journal
Authors: Cappelli, Francesco1 (AUTHOR) francesco.cappelli@unitus.it, Volpi, Elena2 (AUTHOR), Langousis, Andreas3 (AUTHOR), Deidda, Roberto4 (AUTHOR), Perdios, Anastasios3,4 (AUTHOR), Furcolo, Pierluigi5 (AUTHOR), Grimaldi, Salvatore1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment. Jan2025, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p1-19. 19p.
Subject Terms: *PARSIMONIOUS models, *MATHEMATICAL statistics, *TIME series analysis, *SAMPLE size (Statistics), *CALIBRATION
15Academic Journal
Authors: Nolan, Daniel1 (AUTHOR) dnolan2@nd.edu
Source: Nous. Dec2023, Vol. 57 Issue 4, p763-783. 21p.
Subject Terms: *PARSIMONIOUS models, *ACCOUNTING standards, *SPACETIME
16Academic Journal
Authors: Brower, Andrew V. Z. (AUTHOR)
Source: Systematics & Biodiversity. Dec2023, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p1-6. 6p.
Subject Terms: *PARSIMONIOUS models, *BIOLOGICAL classification, *SCIENTIFIC method, *COMPARATIVE biology, *CLADISTIC analysis
17Academic Journal
Authors: Randáková, Alena1 (AUTHOR), Nelic, Dominik1 (AUTHOR), Jakubík, Jan1 (AUTHOR) jan.jakubik@fgu.cas.cz
Source: Scientific Reports. 10/16/2023, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p1-15. 15p.
18Academic Journal
Authors: Wheeler, Ward C.1 (AUTHOR) wheeler@amnh.org, Washburn, Alexander J.2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Cladistics. Oct2023, Vol. 39 Issue 5, p456-474. 19p.
Subject Terms: *PARSIMONIOUS models, *SUBGRAPHS, *NUCLEIC acids
19Academic Journal
Authors: Albert, Erin1, erin.albert28@gmail.com, Petrie, Trent A.1, G. Moore, E. Whitney2
Source: International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology; May2024, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p681-696, 16p
20Academic Journal
Authors: Klembara, Jozef1,2 (AUTHOR) jozef.klembara@uniba.sk, Ruta, Marcello3 (AUTHOR), Anderson, Jason4 (AUTHOR), Mayer, Taran5 (AUTHOR), Hain, Miroslav2 (AUTHOR), Valaška, Daniel6 (AUTHOR)
Source: PLoS ONE. 9/21/2023, Vol. 18 Issue 9, p1-31. 31p.
Geographic Terms: CZECH Republic