1Academic Journal
Authors: Esther A. R. Hartman, Wim G. Groen, Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Morten Lindbæk, Sigurd Høye, Sara Sofia Lithén, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Sofia Sundvall, Egill Snaebjörnsson Arnljots, Ronny Gunnarsson, Anna Kowalczyk, Maciej Godycki-Cwirko, Alma C. van de Pol, Tamara N. Platteel, Annelie A. Monnier, Theo J. M Verheij, Cees M. P. M. Hertogh
Source: Trials, Vol 25, Iss 1, Pp 1-13 (2024)
Subject Terms: Urinary tract infections, Older adults, Antibiotic stewardship, Process evaluation, Medicine (General), R5-920
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1745-6215
2Academic Journal
Authors: Veronica Frey Esgård, Ida Lindman, Anja Maria Braend, Guro Haugen Fossum, Thorbjörn Lundberg, Anna Moberg, Lena Nordeman, Chrysoula Papachristodoulou, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, Vol 42, Iss 4, Pp 532-537 (2024)
Subject Terms: Acute otitis media, AOM, general practice, primary care, diagnostic methods, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
3Academic Journal
Authors: Patrycja Woldan-Gradalska, Wojciech Gradalski, Ronny K. Gunnarsson, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Karin Rystedt
Source: International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol 145, Iss , Pp 107100- (2024)
Subject Terms: Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Throat Swab, Predictive Value of Tests, Meta-Analysis, Infectious and parasitic diseases, RC109-216
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1201971224001711; https://doaj.org/toc/1201-9712
4Academic Journal
Authors: Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Lene Lunde, Anja Maria Brænd, Ivan Spehar, Sigurd Høye, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Guro Haugen Fossum, Jørund Straand, Mette Bech Risør
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, Vol 42, Iss 1, Pp 214-224 (2024)
Subject Terms: COVID-19, qualitative research, public health, crisis management, municipality chief medical officers, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
5Academic Journal
Authors: Kevin L. Schwartz, Alice X. T. Xu, Sarah Alderson, Lars Bjerrum, Jamie Brehaut, Benjamin C. Brown, Heiner C. Bucher, An De Sutter, Nick Francis, Jeremy Grimshaw, Ronny Gunnarsson, Sigurd Hoye, Noah Ivers, Donna M. Lecky, Morten Lindbæk, Jeffrey A. Linder, Paul Little, Benedikte Olsen Michalsen, Denise O’Connor, Celine Pulcini, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Pia Touboul Lundgren, Jan Y. Verbakel, Theo J. Verheij
Source: Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control, Vol 12, Iss 1, Pp 1-10 (2023)
Subject Terms: Infectious and parasitic diseases, RC109-216
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/2047-2994
6Academic Journal
Authors: Karin Rystedt, Katarina Hedin, Mia Tyrstrup, Gunilla Skoog-Ståhlgren, Charlotta Edlund, Christian G. Giske, Ronny Gunnarsson, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, Vol 41, Iss 1, Pp 91-97 (2023)
Subject Terms: Streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis, rapid antigen detection test, primary care, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
7Academic Journal
Authors: Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Lene Lunde, Anja Maria Brænd, Ivan Spehar, Sigurd Høye, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Guro Haugen Fossum, Jørund Straand, Mette Bech Risør
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, Vol 41, Iss 1, Pp 2-12 (2023)
Subject Terms: COVID-19, general practice, organization and management strategies, practice management, qualitative research, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
8Academic Journal
Authors: Melanie E. Hoste, Marta Wanat, Nina Gobat, Marilena Anastasaki, Femke Böhmer, Sławomir Chlabicz, Annelies Colliers, Karen Farrell, Maria-Nefeli Karkana, John Kinsman, Christos Lionis, Ludmila Marcinowicz, Katrin Reinhardt, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Akke Vellinga, Herman Goossens, Christopher C. Butler, Alike van der Velden, Sarah Tonkin-Crine, Sibyl Anthierens
Source: European Journal of General Practice, Vol 29, Iss 2 (2023)
Subject Terms: Qualitative research, SARS-CoV-2, patients, primary care, testing, Medicine (General), R5-920
File Description: electronic resource
9Academic Journal
Authors: David Tell, Mia Tyrstrup, Charlotta Edlund, Karin Rystedt, Gunilla Skoog Ståhlgren, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Katarina Hedin
Source: BMC Infectious Diseases, Vol 22, Iss 1, Pp 1-9 (2022)
Subject Terms: Pharyngotonsillitis, Centor Score 3 and 4, Phenoxymethylpenicillin, Primary care, Infectious and parasitic diseases, RC109-216
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1471-2334
10Academic Journal
Authors: Nicolay Jonassen Harbin, Karin Rystedt, Morten Lindbaek, Ruta Radzeviciene, Johan Westin, Ronny Gunnarsson, Christopher C. Butler, Alike W. van der Velden, Theo J. Verheij, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, Vol 39, Iss 4, Pp 527-532 (2021)
Subject Terms: c-reactive protein, influenza-like illness, recovery time, antiviral treatment, respiratory tract infections, primary health care, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
11Academic Journal
Authors: Cees M P M Hertogh, Anna Kowalczyk, Maciek Godycki-Cwirko, Morten Lindbaek, Ronny Gunnarsson, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Theo J M Verheij, Nils Grude, Wim G Groen, Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Sigurd Hoye, Egill Snaebjörnsson Arnljots, Tamara N Platteel, Hilde A M Koning, Christina Åhrén
Source: BMJ Open, Vol 12, Iss 11 (2022)
Subject Terms: Medicine
File Description: electronic resource
12Academic Journal
Authors: Karin Rystedt, Nicolay Jonassen Harbin, Morten Lindbaek, Ruta Radzeviciene, Ronny Gunnarsson, Robert Eggertsen, Christopher C. Butler, Alike W. van der Velden, Theo J. Verheij, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, Vol 38, Iss 4, Pp 447-453 (2020)
Subject Terms: c-reactive protein, influenza in humans, point-of-care testing, respiratory tract infections, primary health care, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
13Academic Journal
Authors: Elina Lampi, Fredrik Carlsson, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Marcela Jaime Torres, Peter Ulleryd, Christina Åhrén, Gunnar Jacobsson
Source: BMC Health Services Research, Vol 20, Iss 1, Pp 1-11 (2020)
Subject Terms: Health services research, Primary healthcare, Quality improvement, Antibiotics, Intervention, Self-evaluation, Public aspects of medicine, RA1-1270
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12913-020-05732-2; https://doaj.org/toc/1472-6963
14Academic Journal
Authors: Marta Wanat, Melanie Eugenie Hoste, Nina Helene Gobat, Marilena Anastasaki, Femke Böhmer, Slawomir Chlabicz, Annelies Colliers, Karen Farrell, Sophie Hollerbach, Maria-Nefeli Karkana, John Kinsman, Christos Lionis, Ludmila Marcinowicz, Katrin Reinhardt, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Akke Vellinga, Herman Goossens, Christopher C Butler, Alike van der Velden, Sibyl Anthierens, Sarah Tonkin-Crine
Source: BJGP Open, Vol 6, Iss 2 (2022)
Subject Terms: primary health care, remote consultations, telemedicine, covid-19, Medicine (General), R5-920
File Description: electronic resource
15Academic Journal
Authors: Cees M P M Hertogh, Anna Kowalczyk, Morten Lindbaek, Ronny Gunnarsson, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Nicolaas P A Zuithoff, Theo J M Verheij, Esther A R Hartman, Wim G Groen, Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Sigurd Hoye, Ingmarie Skoglund, Egill Snaebjörnsson Arnljots, Maciej Godycki-Cwirko, Tamara N Platteel, Annelie A Monnier, Alma C van de Pol
Source: BMJ Open, Vol 11, Iss 10 (2021)
Subject Terms: Medicine
File Description: electronic resource
16Academic Journal
Authors: Rebeka Arnljots, Egill Snaebjörnsson Arnljots, Jörgen Thorn, Marie Elm, Michael Moore, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Source: BMC Geriatrics, Vol 19, Iss 1, Pp 1-8 (2019)
Subject Terms: Vitamin D, Bacteriuria, Urinary tract infections, Homes for the aged, Nursing homes, Frail elderly, Geriatrics, RC952-954.6
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1471-2318
17Academic Journal
Source: BMC Family Practice, Vol 20, Iss 1, Pp 1-8 (2019)
Subject Terms: Acute otitis media, Children, Primary health care, Guidelines, Diagnosis, Medicine (General), R5-920
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12875-019-1018-4; https://doaj.org/toc/1471-2296
18Academic Journal
Authors: Marta Wanat, Melanie Hoste, Nina Gobat, Marilena Anastasaki, Femke Böhmer, Slawomir Chlabicz, Annelies Colliers, Karen Farrell, Maria-Nefeli Karkana, John Kinsman, Christos Lionis, Ludmila Marcinowicz, Katrin Reinhardt, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Akke Vellinga, Herman Goossens, Christopher C. Butler, Alike van der Velden, Sibyl Anthierens, Sarah Tonkin-Crine
Source: Frontiers in Medicine, Vol 8 (2021)
Subject Terms: primary care/general practice, setting of care, qualitative analysis, remote, patient-centred care, healthcare profession, Medicine (General), R5-920
File Description: electronic resource
19Academic Journal
Authors: Nelly Kanberg, Joel Simrén, Arvid Edén, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, Nicholas J. Ashton, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Bengt Nellgård, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Magnus Gisslén
Source: EBioMedicine, Vol 70, Iss , Pp 103512- (2021)
Subject Terms: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, CNS, NfL, GFAp, GDF-15, Medicine, Medicine (General), R5-920
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352396421003054; https://doaj.org/toc/2352-3964
20Academic Journal
Source: BMJ Open, Vol 11, Iss 6 (2021)
Subject Terms: Medicine
File Description: electronic resource