Showing 1 - 20 results of 652 Refine Results
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    Academic Journal
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    Academic Journal
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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on. 69(4):1170-1178 Apr, 2020

    Linked Full Text
  12. 12

    Source: 2018 29th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC) SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), 2018 29th Annual. :89-93 Apr, 2018

    Relation: 2018 29th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC)

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    Source: 2015 International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition (iWEM) Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition (iWEM), 2015 International Workshop on. :1-2 Nov, 2015

    Relation: 2015 International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition (iWEM)

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    Source: 5th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, 2005. Nanotechnology Nanotechnology, 2005. 5th IEEE Conference on. :435-437 vol. 1 2005

    Relation: 2005 5th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology

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    Source: 4th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, 2004. Nanotechnology Nanotechnology, 2004. 4th IEEE Conference on. :544-546 2004

    Relation: 2004 4th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology

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    Source: Proceedings of the IEEE 2001 International Interconnect Technology Conference (Cat. No.01EX461) Interconnect technology conference Interconnect Technology Conference, 2001. Proceedings of the IEEE 2001 International. :195-197 2001

    Relation: Proceedings of the IEEE 2001 International Interconnect Technology Conference

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Mag. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, IEEE. 17(3):45-48 Jun, 1998

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect., Freq. Contr. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, IEEE Transactions on. 43(2):312-318 Mar, 1996