1Academic Journal
Authors: Biener, V., Farzinnejad, F., Schuster, R., Tabaei, S., Lindlein, L., Hu, J., Nouri, N., Dudley, J.J., Krlstensson, P.O., Muller, J., Grubert, J.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics IEEE Trans. Visual. Comput. Graphics Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 30(5):2796-2806 May, 2024
2Academic Journal
Authors: Nouri, N., Fazel, F., Abouei, J., Plataniotis, K.N.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing IEEE Trans. on Mobile Comput. Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on. 22(3):1615-1632 Mar, 2023
3Academic Journal
Authors: Mokhtari, S., Nouri, N., Abouei, J., Avokh, A., Plataniotis, K.N.
Source: IEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE Internet Things J. Internet of Things Journal, IEEE. 9(23):24541-24559 Dec, 2022
4Academic Journal
Authors: Biener, V., Kalamkar, S., Nouri, N., Ofek, E., Pahud, M., Dudley, J.J., Hu, J., Kristensson, P.O., Weerasinghe, M., Pucihar, K.C., Kljun, M., Streuber, S., Grubert, J.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics IEEE Trans. Visual. Comput. Graphics Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 28(11):3810-3820 Nov, 2022
5Academic Journal
Three-Dimensional Multi-UAV Placement and Resource Allocation for Energy-Efficient IoT Communication
Source: IEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE Internet Things J. Internet of Things Journal, IEEE. 9(3):2134-2152 Feb, 2022
Authors: Barati, M., Nouri, N., Manavizadeh, N.
Source: 2020 28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2020 28th Iranian Conference on. :1-5 Aug, 2020
Relation: 2020 28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)
7Academic Journal
Authors: Noori, A., Zhang, Y., Nouri, N., Hajivand, M.
Source: IEEE Access Access, IEEE. 9:46911-46926 2021
8Academic Journal
Authors: Nouri, T., Nouri, N., Vosoughi, N.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on. 67(8):6505-6516 Aug, 2020
9Academic Journal
Authors: Nouri, N., Entezari, A., Abouei, J., Jaseemuddin, M., Anpalagan, A.
Source: IEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE Internet Things J. Internet of Things Journal, IEEE. 7(4):2763-2776 Apr, 2020
10Academic Journal
Authors: Nouri, N., Abouei, J., Jaseemuddin, M., Anpalagan, A.
Source: IEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE Internet Things J. Internet of Things Journal, IEEE. 7(2):1531-1547 Feb, 2020
11Academic Journal
Authors: Noori, A., Zhang, Y., Nouri, N., Hajivand, M.
Source: IEEE Access Access, IEEE. 8:162180-162195 2020
12Academic Journal
Authors: Nouri, N., Rashedi, Gh., Nourbakhsh, Z.
Source: In Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 15 December 2023 588 Part A
Authors: Sun, Xuan, Adamek, E., Allgeier, B., Bagdasarova, Y., Berguno, D. B., Blatnik, M., Bowles, T. J., Broussard, L. J., Brown, M. A. -P., Carr, R., Clayton, S., Cude-Woods, C., Currie, S., Dees, E. B., Ding, X., Filippone, B. W., García, A., Geltenbort, P., Hasan, S., Hickerson, K. P., Hoagland, J., Hong, R., Holley, A. T., Ito, T. M., Knecht, A., Liu, C. -Y., Liu, J., Makela, M., Mammei, R., Martin, J. W., Melconian, D., Mendenhall, M. P., Moore, S. D., Morris, C. L., Nepal, S., Nouri, N., Pattie Jr., R. W., Galván, A. Pérez, Phillips II, D. G., Picker, R., Pitt, M. L., Plaster, B., Salvat, D. J., Saunders, A., Sharapov, E. I., Sjue, S., Slutsky, S., Sondheim, W., Swank, C., Tatar, E., Vogelaar, R. B., VornDick, B., Wang, Z., Wei, W., Wexler, J. W., Womack, T., Wrede, C., Young, A. R., Zeck, B. A.
Source: Phys. Rev. C 101, 035503 (2020)
Subject Terms: Nuclear Experiment
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1911.05829
Authors: Ahmed, M. W., Alarcon, R., Aleksandrova, A., Baessler, S., Barron-Palos, L., Bartoszek, L. M., Beck, D. H., Behzadipour, M., Berkutov, I., Bessuille, J., Blatnik, M., Broering, M., Broussard, L. J., Busch, M., Carr, R., Cianciolo, V., Clayton, S. M., Cooper, M. D., Crawford, C., Currie, S. A., Daurer, C., Dipert, R., Dow, K., Dutta, D., Efremenko, Y., Erickson, C. B., Filippone, B. W., Fomin, N., Gao, H., Golub, R., Gould, C. R., Greene, G., Haase, D. G., Hasell, D., Hawari, A. I., Hayden, M. E., Holley, A., Holt, R. J., Huffman, P. R., Ihloff, E., Imam, S. K., Ito, T. M., Karcz, M., Kelsey, J., Kendellen, D. P., Kim, Y. J., Korobkina, E., Korsch, W., Lamoreaux, S. K., Leggett, J., Leung, K. K. H., Lipman, A., Liu, C. Y., Long, J., MacDonald, S. W. T., Makela, M., Matlashov, A., Maxwell, J. D., Mendenhall, M., Meyer, H. O., Milner, R. G., Mueller, P. E., Nouri, N., O'Shaughnessy, C. M., Osthelder, C., Peng, J. C., Penttila, S. I., Phan, N. S., Plaster, B., Ramsey, J. C., Rao, T. M., Redwine, R. P., Reid, A., Saftah, A., Seidel, G. M., Silvera, I., Slutsky, S., Smith, E., Snow, W. M., Sondheim, W., Sosothikul, S., Stanislaus, T. D. S., Sun, X., Swank, C. M., Tang, Z., Dinani, R. Tavakoli, Tsentalovich, E., Vidal, C., Wei, W., White, C. R., Williamson, S. E., Yang, L., Yao, W., Young, A. R.
Source: Journal of Instrumentation, Vol 14, P11017, 2019
Subject Terms: Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors, Nuclear Experiment
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1908.09937
Authors: Plaster, B., Adamek, E., Allgeier, B., Anaya, J., Back, H. O., Bagdasarova, Y., Berguno, D. B., Blatnik, M., Boissevain, J. G., Bowles, T. J., Broussard, L. J., Brown, M. A. -P., Carr, R., Clark, D. J., Clayton, S., Cude-Woods, C., Currie, S., Dees, E. B., Ding, X., Du, S., Filippone, B. W., Garcia, A., Geltenbort, P., Hasan, S., Hawari, A., Hickerson, K. P., Hill, R., Hino, M., Hoagland, J., Hoedl, S. A., Hogan, G. E., Hona, B., Hong, R., Holley, A. T., Ito, T. M., Kawai, T., Kirch, K., Kitagaki, S., Knecht, A., Lamoreaux, S. K., Liu, C. -Y., Liu, J., Makela, M., Mammei, R. R., Martin, J. W., Meier, N., Melconian, D., Mendenhall, M. P., Moore, S. D., Morris, C. L., Mortensen, R., Nepal, S., Nouri, N., Pattie, R. W., Galvan, A. Perez, Phillips, D. G., Pichlmaier, A., Picker, R., Pitt, M. L., Ramsey, J. C., Rios, R., Russell, R., Sabourov, K., Sallaska, A. L., Salvat, D. J., Saunders, A., Schmid, R., Seestrom, S. J., Servicky, C., Sharapov, E. I., Sjue, S. K. L., Slutsky, S., Smith, D., Sondheim, W. E., Sun, X., Swank, C., Swift, G., Tatar, E., Teasdale, W., Terai, C., Tipton, B., Utsuro, M., Vogelaar, R. B., VornDick, B., Wang, Z., Wehring, B., Wexler, J., Womack, T., Wrede, C., Xu, Y. P., Yan, H., Young, A. R., Yuan, J., Zeck, B. A.
Subject Terms: Nuclear Experiment, Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1904.05432
16Academic Journal
Authors: Nouri, N., Nourbakhsh, Z., Rashedi, Gh.
Source: In Physica B: Condensed Matter 15 June 2023 659
Authors: Leung, K. K. H., Ahmed, M., Alarcon, R., Aleksandrova, A., Baeßler, S., Barrón-Palos, L., Bartoszek, L., Beck, D. H., Behzadipour, M., Bessuille, J., Blatnik, M. A., Broering, M., Broussard, L. J., Busch, M., Carr, R., Chu, P. -H., Cianciolo, V., Clayton, S. M., Cooper, M. D., Crawford, C., Currie, S. A., Daurer, C., Dipert, R., Dow, K., Dutta, D., Efremenko, Y., Erickson, C. B., Filippone, B. W., Fomin, N., Gao, H., Golub, R., Gould, C. R., Greene, G. L., Haase, D. G., Hasell, D., Hawari, A. I., Hayden, M. E., Holley, A. T., Holt, R. J., Huffman, P. R., Ihloff, E., Ito, T. M., Kelsey, J., Kim, Y. J., Koivuniemi, J., Korobkina, E., Korsch, W., Lamoreaux, S. K., Leggett, E., Lipman, A., Liu, C. -Y., Long, J., MacDonald, S. W. T., Makela, M., Matlashov, A., Maxwell, J., McCrea, M., Mendenhall, M., Meyer, H. O., Milner, R., Mueller, P., Nouri, N., O'Shaughnessy, C. M., Osthelder, C., Peng, J. -C., Penttila, S., Phan, N. S., Plaster, B., Ramsey, J., Rao, T., Redwine, R. P., Reid, A., Saftah, A., Seidel, G. M., Silvera, I. F., Slutsky, S., Smith, E., Snow, W. M., Sondheim, W., Sosothikul, S., Stanislaus, T. D. S., Sun, X., Swank, C. M., Tang, Z., Dinani, R. Tavakoli, Tsentalovich, E., Vidal, C., Wei, W., White, C. R., Williamson, S. E., Yang, L., Yao, W., Young, A. R.
Subject Terms: Nuclear Experiment, Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1903.02700
18Academic Journal
Authors: Hakimi Raad, N., Karimmirza, E., Yousefizad, M., Nouri, N., Sharifpour, H., Nadimi, E., Ahmadi Zeidabadi, M., Manavizadeh, N.
Source: In Thin Solid Films 1 February 2023 766
Authors: Sun, X., Adamek, E., Allgeier, B., Blatnik, M., Bowles, T. J., Broussard, L. J., Brown, M. A. -P., Carr, R., Clayton, S., Cude-Woods, C., Currie, S., Dees, E. B., Ding, X., Filippone, B. W., García, A., Geltenbort, P., Hasan, S., Hickerson, K. P., Hoagland, J., Hong, R., Hogan, G. E., Holley, A. T., Ito, T. M., Knecht, A., Liu, C. -Y., Liu, J., Makela, M., Mammei, R., Martin, J. W., Melconian, D., Mendenhall, M. P., Moore, S. D., Morris, C. L., Nepal, S., Nouri, N., Pattie, Jr., R. W., Galván, A. Pérez, Phillips II, D. G., Picker, R., Pitt, M. L., Plaster, B., Ramsey, J. C., Rios, R., Salvat, D. J., Saunders, A., Sondheim, W., Sjue, S., Slutsky, S., Swank, C., Swift, G., Tatar, E., Vogelaar, R. B., VornDick, B., Wang, Z., Wei, W., Wexler, J., Womack, T., Wrede, C., Young, A. R., Zeck, B. A.
Source: Phys. Rev. C 97, 052501 (2018)
Subject Terms: Nuclear Experiment, Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1803.10890
Authors: Davar, H., Nouri, N. M., Navidbakhsh, M., Sekhavat, S., Ansari, A.
Source: Experimental heat transfer. 35(4):533-552