1Academic Journal
Authors: King K, McGuinness S, Watson N, Norton C, Chalder T, Czuber-Dochan W
Source: Patient Preference and Adherence, Vol Volume 17, Pp 3265-3303 (2023)
Subject Terms: ibd, ms, ra, treatment, medicine, drug, concordance., Medicine (General), R5-920
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://www.dovepress.com/what-do-we-know-about-medication-adherence-interventions-in-inflammato-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-PPA; https://doaj.org/toc/1177-889X
2Academic Journal
Authors: Fortkamp, J., Henderson, G., Owoc, J., Garber, D., Norton, C.
Source: Waste management. 3:2268-2279
4Academic Journal
Authors: Carroll, C. a, b, Conway, R. a, b, ∗, O'Donnell, D. b, Norton, C. b, Hogan, E. b, c, Browne, M. b, c, Buckley, C.M. b, d, Kavanagh, P. b, e, f, Martin, J. b, c, Doyle, S. b
Source: In Public Health January 2021 190:147-151
Authors: Norton, C. E., Grunz-Borgmann, E. A., Hart, M. L., Jones, B. W., Franklin, C. L., Boerman, E. M.
Source: American journal of physiology. 320(5):H1887-H1902
Authors: Combes, S, Nicholson, C, Gillett, K, Norton, C
Source: Age and ageing. 50(1):i1-i6
Authors: Norton, C., Marshall, D., Ameen, M., Whiteside, D., Hallock, J., Becknell, A.
Source: 2000 International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings. Ion Implantation Technology - 2000 (Cat. No.00EX432) Ion implantation technology Ion Implantation Technology, 2000. Conference on. :813-816 2000
Relation: 2000 International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings. Ion Implantation Technology - 2000
Authors: Rubin, L., Whiteside, D., Norton, C., Stevenson, A., Ukah, C.
Source: 2000 International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings. Ion Implantation Technology - 2000 (Cat. No.00EX432) Ion implantation technology Ion Implantation Technology, 2000. Conference on. :817-820 2000
Relation: 2000 International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings. Ion Implantation Technology - 2000
Authors: Brozek, T., Norton, C.
Source: 2000 IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop. ASMC 2000 (Cat. No.00CH37072) Advanced semiconductor manufacturing Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop, 2000 IEEE/SEMI. :387-391 2000
Relation: 2000 IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop
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Authors: Brozek, T., Norton, C.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manufact. Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on. 15(4):383-392 Nov, 2002
Authors: Keane, C., Fearnhead, N. S., Bordeianou, L., Christensen, P., Espin Basany, E., Laurberg, S., Mellgren, A., Messick, C., Orangio, G. R., Verjee, A., Wing, K., Bissett, I., An, V., Bryant, A., Byrne, C., Chen, T., Clark, D., Croft, S., Dinning, P., Gladman, M., Heriot, A., Kariappa, S., Keck, J., Lubowski, D., Khera, A., Kirkwood, K., Petersen, D., Sloots, K., Totten, B., Weston, M., Andersen, P., Bachmann, C., Barht, H., Emmertsen, K., Faaborg, P., Gögenur, I., Ingerslev, P., Isaksen, D., Iversen, H., Iversen, L., Jacobsen, K., Jansen, T., Jocobsen, I., Juul, T., Kjær, D., Krogh, K., Majgaard, M., Mynster, A., Neuenschwander, A., Nielsen, C., Nielsen, M., Nielsen, R., Nielsen, T., Olsen, J., Poulsen, B., Rahr, H., Snedker, B., Sørensen, G., Stolzenburg, T., Vaabengaard, P., Acheson, A., Andreyev, J., Bach, S., Battersby, N., Bradbury, J., Brown, S., Cecil, T., Chapman, M., Chapman, S., Chave, H., Cook, T., Cuffy, L., Davies, J., Dawson, C., Dixon, J., Duff, S., Edwards, C., Geh, I., Hamilton, C., Hancock, L., Harji, D., Hill, J., Holtham, S., Jenkins, J., Johnston, R., Kapur, S., Maxwell‐Armstrong, C., McArthur, D., Moran, B., Norton, C., Nugent, K., Pateman, L., Perston, Y., Rockall, T., Sagar, P., Saunders, M., Sebag‐Montefiore, D., Senapati, A., Singh, B., Skaife, P., Smart, N., Sykes, H., Taylor, C., Thorpe, G., Tierney, G., Voyce, S., Walsh, C., Warren, O., Wheeler, J., Woodward, A., Winter, D., Abbott, S., Beban, V., Bennett, M., Chadwick, T., Collinson, R., Corbett, S., Dennett, E., Eglinton, T., Fraser, A., Glue, J., Hohaia, D., Menzi, E., O'Connor, M., Stevenson, D., Wells, C., Wolyncewicz, S., Woodfield, J., Bence, K., Boutros, M., Brueseke, M., DeKorte, J., Floruta, C., Francone, T., Frederick, F., Grasso, J., Gurland, B., Higgins, K., Hull, T., Keller, D., Laffan, A., Lovett, S., Marlatt, J., McAdams, D., McCarthy, C., Milch, H., Natale, S., Pappou, E., Paquette, I., Pulskamp, S., Rich, M., Savitt, L., Shafi, M., Steele, S., Stein, S., Tolbert, M., Varma, M., Vogler, S., Vuong, T., Wells, K., Wexner, S., Wo, J., Wright, J., Wunderlich, C., Campbell, K., Lim, M., Moug, S., Oliphant, R., Araujo‐Ferreiro, M., Ballester, C., Belen‐Bueno, A., Blanco‐Colino, R., Carrillo‐Moreno, J., Castillo, J., Codina‐Cazador, A., Enriquez‐Navascuez, J. M., Gallego‐García, M., Jerez, J., Jimenez, L. M., Labaka‐Aretaga, I., Martin‐Fernández, M., Martinez‐Sanchez, C., Muñoz, A., Paniagua‐Cayetano, G., Pascual‐Damieta, M., de la Portilla, F., Ramirez, L., Sanchez‐García, C., Vaquer‐Casas, G., Vico‐García, E., Vigorita, V., Adams, R., Cornish, J., Davies, M., Evans, M., Torkington, J., Turner, J.
Source: Colorectal disease. 22(3):331-341
Authors: Combes, S, Gillett, K, Norton, C, Nicholson, C J
Source: Age and ageing. 50(2):ii5-ii7
14Academic Journal
Authors: Lear, R., Godfrey, A.D., Riga, C., Norton, C., Vincent, C., Bicknell, C.D.
Source: In European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery July 2017 54(1):79-93
15Academic Journal
Source: ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, Vol Volume 9, Pp 241-249 (2017)
Subject Terms: Pelvic radiotherapy, Algorithmic care, Gastroenterologist, Clinical nurse specialist, Medicine (General), R5-920, Therapeutics. Pharmacology, RM1-950
File Description: electronic resource
Authors: Sweeney, L., Moss‐Morris, R., Czuber‐Dochan, W., Meade, L., Chumbley, G., Norton, C.
Source: Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics. 47(6):715-729
Authors: Parker, J., Lyzenga, G., Norton, C., Tisdale, E., Donnellan, A.
Source: 2004 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (IEEE Cat. No.04EX935) Cluster computing Cluster Computing, 2004 IEEE International Conference on. :491 2004
Relation: 2004 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
Authors: Granados, A., Mayer, E., Norton, C., Ellis, D., Mobasheri, M., Low-Beer, N., Higham, J., Kneebone, R., Bello, F.
Authors: Soares, S. L., Brito, Camila R. C., Anciuti, Andreia Nobre, Gatti, Norton C., Corcini, Carine Dahl, Varela, Antonio Sergio, Marques, Mariana G., Fonseca, Francisco N., Komninou, Eliza R., Lucia, Thomaz
Source: Andrologia. 53(10)
Authors: Artom, M., Czuber-Dochan, W., Sturt, J., Murrells, T., Norton, C.