1Academic Journal
Authors: Bartkowiak, P., Castelli, M., Crespi, A., Niedrist, G., Zanotelli, D., Colombo, R., Notarnicola, C.
Source: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Observations Remote Sensing Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of. 15:2037-2057 2022
Authors: Rossi, M., Niedrist, G., Asam, S., Tonon, G., Zebisch, M.
Source: IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International. :2992-2995 Jul, 2018
Relation: IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
3Academic Journal
Authors: Genova, G., Borruso, L., Signorini, M., Mitterer, M., Niedrist, G., Cesco, S., Felderer, B., Cavani, L., Mimmo, T.
Source: In Applied Soil Ecology March 2024 195
Authors: Notarnicola, C., Pasolli, L., Cuozzo, G., Greifeneder, F., Bertoldi, G., Chiesa, S. Della, Niedrist, G., Castelletti, D., Tappeiner, U., Bruzzone, L., Zebisch, M.
Source: 2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014 IEEE International. :1222-1225 Jul, 2014
Relation: IGARSS 2014 - 2014 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
5Academic Journal
Authors: Shtai, W.1, Asensio, D.1, Dolores.Asensio@unibz.it, Kadison, A. E.2, Schwarz, M.3, Raifer, B.2, Andreotti, C.1, Hammerle, A.3, Zanotelli, D.1, Haas, F.2, Niedrist, G.4, Wohlfahrt, G.3, Tagliavini, M.1
Source: Plant & Soil; Aug2024, Vol. 501 Issue 1/2, p537-554, 18p
Authors: Pasolli, L., Bertoldi, G., Della Chiesa, S., Niedrist, G., Tappeiner, U., Zebisch, Marc, Notarnicola, C.
Source: 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2013 IEEE International. :763-766 Jul, 2013
Relation: IGARSS 2013 - 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
7Academic Journal
Authors: Genova, G., Della Chiesa, S., Mimmo, T., Borruso, L., Cesco, S., Tasser, E., Matteazzi, A., Niedrist, G.
Source: In Journal of Hazardous Materials 15 February 2022 424 Part C
8Academic Journal
Authors: Pasolli, L., Notarnicola, C., Bertoldi, G., Bruzzone, L., Remelgado, R., Greifeneder, F., Niedrist, G., Della Chiesa, S., Tappeiner, U., Zebisch, M.
Source: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Observations Remote Sensing Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of. 8(1):262-283 Jan, 2015
Authors: Notbauer, J., Albrecht, T., Niedrist, G., Rohringer, S.
Source: Proceedings 1999 Design Automation Conference (Cat. No. 99CH36361) Design automation 99 Design Automation Conference, 1999. Proceedings. 36th. :425-428 1999
Relation: Proceedings 1999 Design Automation Conference
10Academic Journal
Authors: Castelli, M., Anderson, M.C., Yang, Y., Wohlfahrt, G., Bertoldi, G., Niedrist, G., Hammerle, A., Zhao, P., Zebisch, M., Notarnicola, C.
Source: In Remote Sensing of Environment May 2018 209:327-342
11Academic Journal
Authors: Colliander, A., Jackson, T.J., Bindlish, R., Chan, S., Das, N., Kim, S.B., Cosh, M.H., Dunbar, R.S., Dang, L., Pashaian, L., Asanuma, J., Aida, K., Berg, A., Rowlandson, T., Bosch, D., Caldwell, T., Caylor, K., Goodrich, D., al Jassar, H., Lopez-Baeza, E., Martínez-Fernández, J., González-Zamora, A., Livingston, S., McNairn, H., Pacheco, A., Moghaddam, M., Montzka, C., Notarnicola, C., Niedrist, G., Pellarin, T., Prueger, J., Pulliainen, J., Rautiainen, K., Ramos, J., Seyfried, M., Starks, P., Su, Z., Zeng, Y., van der Velde, R., Thibeault, M., Dorigo, W., Vreugdenhil, M., Walker, J.P., Wu, X., Monerris, A., O'Neill, P.E., Entekhabi, D., Njoku, E.G., Yueh, S.
Source: In Remote Sensing of Environment 15 March 2017 191:215-231
Authors: Niedrist, G. H., Psenner, R., Sommaruga, R.
Source: Climatic change. 151(3-4):473-490
Authors: Major, Y., Kifle, D., Niedrist, G. H., Sommaruga, R.
Authors: Mair, E., Leitinger, G., Della Chiesa, S., Niedrist, G., Tappeiner, U., Bertoldi, G.
Source: Hydrological sciences journal. 61(11):2050-2060
Authors: Niedrist, G., Tasser, E., Bertoldi, G., Chiesa, S. D., Obojes, N., Egarter-Vigl, L., Tappeiner, U.
Source: FLORA -JENA-. 224:172-182
Authors: Niedrist, G. H., Füreder, L.
Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA -THE HAGUE-. 781(1):143-160
17Academic Journal
Authors: Niedrist, G. H.1,2 (AUTHOR) georg.niedrist@uibk.ac.at, Hilpold, A.3 (AUTHOR), Kranebitter, P.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Fish Biology. Nov2023, Vol. 103 Issue 5, p1085-1094. 10p.
Subject Terms: *BROOK trout, *BROWN trout, *FISHING, *FISHERY management, *FISH communities, *RAINBOW trout, *SALMONIDAE, *FISH populations
Geographic Terms: ALPS
Authors: Della Chiesa, S., Bertoldi, G., Niedrist, G., Obojes, N., Endrizzi, S., Albertson, J. D., Wohlfahrt, G., Hrtnagl, L., Tappeiner, U.
Source: ECOHYDROLOGY. 7(6):1453-1473
Authors: Pasolli, L., Notarnicola, C., Bertoldi, G., Della Chiesa, S., Niedrist, G., Bruzzone, L., Tappeiner, U., Zebisch, M.