1Academic Journal
Authors: Khamvilai, T., Mains, J.B., Sutter, L., Syed, A., Baufreton, P., Neumann, F., Feron, E.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 58(3):2327-2338 Jun, 2022
2Academic Journal
Authors: Sun, W., Neumann, F., Harrison, G.P.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications IEEE Trans. on Ind. Applicat. Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on. 56(5):5785-5795 Jan, 2020
Authors: Madduri, D., Parekh, S., Campbell, T.B., Neumann, F., Petrocca, F., Jagannath, S.
Source: Karger Kompass.Onkologie. 9(1):40-45
5Academic Journal
Authors: Millinger, M., Hedenus, F., Zeyen, E., Neumann, F., Reichenberg, L., Berndes, G.
Source: Nature Energy; Feb2025, Vol. 10 Issue 2, p226-242, 17p
Authors: Madhu, K., Singla, T., Nandy, S.K., Narayan, R., Neumann, F., Baufreton, P.
Source: 2017 International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis For Embedded Systems (CASES) Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis For Embedded Systems (CASES), 2017 International Conference on. :1-2 Oct, 2017
Relation: 2017 International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis For Embedded Systems (CASES)
Authors: Neumann, F.
Source: Proceedings of the 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE Cat. No.04TH8753) Evolutionary computation Evolutionary Computation, 2004. CEC2004. Congress on. 1:904-910 Vol.1 2004
Relation: Proceedings of the 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation
Authors: Koerdt, S., Raguse, J.-D., Neumann, F., Beck-Broichsitter, B., Kreutzer, K., Neumann, K., Heiland, M., Doll, C.
Source: Anticancer research. 41(4):2039-2044
9Academic Journal
Authors: Malejko, K., Tumani, V., Rau, V., Neumann, F., Plener, P.L., Fegert, J.M., Abler, B., Straub, J.
Source: In Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 30 September 2020 303
10Academic Journal
Authors: Einemann, M., Neumann, F., Thomé, A.G., Ghomsi Wabo, S., Roessner, F. *
Source: In Applied Catalysis A, General 25 July 2020 602
11Academic Journal
Authors: Brar, R. S., Surman, P., Sexton, I., Bates, R., Lee, W. K., Hopf, K., Neumann, F., Day, S. E., Willman, E.
Source: Journal of Display Technology J. Display Technol. Display Technology, Journal of. 6(10):531-543 Oct, 2010
12Academic Journal
Authors: Brockhoff, D., Friedrich, T., Hebbinghaus, N., Klein, C., Neumann, F., Zitzler, E.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation IEEE Trans. Evol. Computat. Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on. 13(3):591-603 Jun, 2009
13Academic Journal
Authors: Millinger, M., Hedenus, F., Zeyen, E., Neumann, F., Reichenberg, L., Berndes, G.
Source: Nature Energy; Feb2025, Vol. 10 Issue 2, p159-161, 3p
14Academic Journal
Authors: Bonyadi, M.R., Michalewicz, Z., Nallaperuma, S., Neumann, F.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games IEEE Trans. Comput. Intell. AI Games Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, IEEE Transactions on. 9(3):290-304 Sep, 2017
15Academic Journal
Authors: Neumann, F., Doerr, B., Lehre, P.K., Haddow, P.C.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation IEEE Trans. Evol. Computat. Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on. 18(5):625-627 Oct, 2014
16Academic Journal
Authors: Havenga, H., Gharbi, D., Sewry, N., Language, B., Neumann, F. H., Finch, J. M., Hill, T., Boulter, J., Jordaan, E., Piketh, S. J., Schwellnus, M., Burger, R. P.
Source: International Journal of Biometeorology; Sep2024, Vol. 68 Issue 9, p1757-1771, 15p
Subject Terms: ATHLETES' health, ADVERSE health care events, METEOROLOGICAL stations, SPORTS events, PARTICULATE matter, LONG-distance running
Geographic Terms: AFRICA
17Academic Journal
Source: Mathematics of Computation, 2018 Jul 01. 87(312), 1543-1566.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/90021427
Authors: Neumann, F., Genenko, Y. A., Melzer, C., von Seggern, H.
Source: J. Appl. Phys. 100, 084511 (2006)
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/0704.2322
Authors: Neumann, F., Genenko, Y. A., Melzer, C., Yampolskii, S. V., von Seggern, H.
Source: Physical Review B 75, 205322 (2007)
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0703699
Authors: Buballa, M., Neumann, F., Oertel, M., Shovkovy, I.
Source: Phys.Lett. B595 (2004) 36-43
Subject Terms: Nuclear Theory, Astrophysics, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/nucl-th/0312078