1Academic Journal
Authors: Qiu, Jilin1 (AUTHOR) 20240029@lixin.edu.cn, Alinaghian, Leila2 (AUTHOR), Brintrup, Alexandra3 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Nov2024, p1-20. 20p. 5 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *Social networks, *Databases, *Automobile industry, *Social structure, Social network analysis
2Academic Journal
Authors: Yu, Miao1, Wan, Xing1, Zhu, Tianyou1, Wang, Yuyue1, Xu, Mengdi1, Wu, Zhenzhen1, Li, Xinyu1, 220811033@cupl.edu.cn
Source: Connection Science; Dec2024, Vol. 36 Issue 1, p1-28, 28p
3Academic Journal
Authors: Liu, Xiuli1,2 (AUTHOR), Xiong, Rui1 (AUTHOR), Perera, Sandun C.2 (AUTHOR) sperera@unr.edu, Guo, Pibin3 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Sep2024, Vol. 62 Issue 18, p6732-6752. 21p.
Subject Terms: *Ecological impact, *Pollution, Social network analysis, Carbon emissions, Water shortages
Authors: Zambrano, Luisa1, luisafernanda.zambrano@mail.polimi.it, Atencio, Edison1,2, costanza.mariani@polimi.itedison.atencio@pucv.cl, Mariani, Costanza1, edisonpatricio.atencio@polimi.it, Mancini, Mauro1, mauro.mancini@polimi.it
Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Operations Management; 2/12/2024, p1098-1108, 11p
5Academic Journal
Authors: Khaksar Manshad, Mozhdeh1 (AUTHOR) khaksar.mojdeh@yahoo.com, Meybodi, Mohammad Reza2 (AUTHOR), Salajegheh, Afshin3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. Feb2025, Vol. 37 Issue 2, p269-290. 22p.
Subject Terms: *Social networks, *Recommender systems, *Information networks, Social network analysis, Cellular automata
6Academic Journal
Authors: Kajol, K.1 (AUTHOR) Kajol.1095@gmail.com, Devarakonda, Srijanani2 (AUTHOR) dsrijanani@yahoo.com, Singh, Ranjit1 (AUTHOR) ranjitsingh@iiita.ac.in, Baker, H. Kent3 (AUTHOR) kbaker@american.edu
Source: Financial Innovation. 2/6/2025, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p1-25. 25p.
Subject Terms: *Payment, *Delphi method, Social network analysis, Cognitive psychology, Control (Psychology)
7Academic Journal
Authors: Noakes, Travis1, noakest@cput.ac.za, Uys, Corrie Susanna2, Harpur, Patricia Ann3, van Zyl, Izak4
Source: Frontiers in Research Metrics & Analytics; 2025, p1-18, 18p
8Academic Journal
Authors: Panda, Nihar Ranjan1 niharranjanpanda@soa.ac.in, Raut, Prasanta Kumar2 prasantaraut95@gmail.com, Baral, Amarendra2 deanssh@tat.ac.in, Sahoo, Srikanta Kumar3 sks.nita@gmail.com, Satapathy, Sakya Singh2 sakyasinghsatapathy@gmail.com, Broumi, Said4 broumisaid78@gmail.com
Source: Neutrosophic Sets & Systems. 2025, Vol. 77, p450-462. 13p.
Subject Terms: *NEUTROSOPHIC logic, *SOCIAL network analysis, *GRAPH theory, *PATTERN perception, *IMAGE processing
9Academic Journal
Authors: Du, Hehua1 (AUTHOR) duhehuagl@163.com, Wang, Xingyue2 (AUTHOR)
Source: PLoS ONE. 2/25/2025, Vol. 20 Issue 2, p1-20. 20p.
Subject Terms: *SOCIAL network analysis, *SUSTAINABLE communities, *EMERGENCY management, *COMMUNITY development, *SOCIAL problems
10Academic Journal
Authors: Niskala, Eveliina1 (AUTHOR), Sormunen, Kati1 (AUTHOR) kati.sormunen@helsinki.fi, Palonen, Tuire2 (AUTHOR), Korhonen, Tiina1 (AUTHOR), Hakkarainen, Kai1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. Feb2025, Vol. 69 Issue 1, p1-18. 18p.
Subject Terms: *DIGITAL technology, *SOCIAL network analysis, *FIFTH grade (Education), *DIGITAL learning, *COLLABORATIVE learning
11Academic Journal
Characterization of language abilities and semantic networks in very preterm children at school-age.
Authors: Décaillet, Marion1,2,3 (AUTHOR) marion.decaillet@chuv.ch, Christensen, Alexander P.4 (AUTHOR), Besuchet, Laureline1,3 (AUTHOR), Huguenin-Virchaux, Cléo1,3 (AUTHOR), Fischer Fumeaux, Céline J.1 (AUTHOR), Denervaud, Solange2,5,6 (AUTHOR), Schneider, Juliane1,3 (AUTHOR)
Source: PLoS ONE. 1/29/2025, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p1-15. 15p.
Subject Terms: *SEMANTIC memory, *SEMANTIC network analysis, *MEMORY disorders, *GESTATIONAL age, *CHILD development, *PREMATURE infants
12Academic Journal
Authors: de Best, Pauline A.1,2 (AUTHOR) p.debest@erasmusmc.nl, Broekhuizen, H.3 (AUTHOR), Sikkema, R. S.1 (AUTHOR), Koopmans, M. P. G.1 (AUTHOR), Timen, A.2,4,5 (AUTHOR)
Source: BMC Public Health. 1/24/2025, Vol. 25 Issue 1, p1-14. 14p.
Subject Terms: *ZOONOSES, *SOCIAL network analysis, *VECTOR-borne diseases, *PUBLIC health, *STAKEHOLDER analysis
13Academic Journal
Authors: Sundaram, V. J.1 vjs307@gmail.com
Source: Current Science (00113891). 1/10/2025, Vol. 128 Issue 1, p61-68. 8p.
Subject Terms: *PERT (Network analysis), *SOLID propellants, *INERTIAL navigation systems, *MICRO air vehicles, *DIGITAL control systems, *PROPORTIONAL navigation, *LAUNCH vehicles (Astronautics)
14Academic Journal
Authors: Gomez, Joaquin1 (AUTHOR), Grosso, Alessandro2 (AUTHOR), Guzman-Guzman, Mitchel1 (AUTHOR), Garcia Castillo, Stefano1 (AUTHOR), Castro, Marcia C.3 (AUTHOR), Torres, Katherine1,4 (AUTHOR), Vinetz, Joseph M.1,5 (AUTHOR) joseph.vinetz@yale.edu, Gamboa, Dionicia1,6 (AUTHOR) dionicia.gamboa@upch.pe
Source: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 1/6/2025, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p1-25. 25p.
Subject Terms: *CAMP sites, *SOCIAL network analysis, *MALARIA, *ENDEMIC diseases, *PLASMODIUM
15Academic Journal
Authors: Aguilar-Forero, Nicolás1 nj.aguilar1902@uniandes.edu.co, Cárdenas RamĂrez, Wilmar Jeovany2 jeovannycar@gmail.com
Source: Andamios. ene-abr2025, Vol. 22 Issue 57, p177-206. 30p.
Subject Terms: *SOCIAL participation, *SOCIAL network analysis, *TRUST, *SEMI-structured interviews, *CONTENT analysis
16Academic Journal
Authors: Yanfei Zhou1 zyfyibuduo@126.com
Source: Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2025, Vol. 34 Issue 1, p475-488. 14p.
Subject Terms: *NETWORK governance, *SOCIAL network analysis, *GRAVITY model (Social sciences), *ENVIRONMENTAL regulations, *HAZE
17Academic Journal
Authors: Zhang, Zhijian1,2 (AUTHOR) zhijian@kust.edu.cn, Sun, Yuqing1 (AUTHOR) 15924781512@163.com, Liu, Yayun1 (AUTHOR) liuyayun599@163.com, Jiang, Lin1 (AUTHOR) 15284696912@163.com, Li, Zhengmi1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Entropy. Jan2025, Vol. 27 Issue 1, p19. 11p.
Subject Terms: *MACHINE learning, *SOCIAL network analysis, *SOCIAL networks, *ENTROPY, *ALGORITHMS, *MULTICASTING (Computer networks)
18Academic Journal
Authors: Hanke, Sara1 (AUTHOR) sara.hanke@sowi.uni-stuttgart.de, Sicakkan, Hakan G.2 (AUTHOR), Van Wolleghem, Pierre Georges2 (AUTHOR), Heiberger, Raphael Heiko1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Nonprofit Policy Forum. Jan2025, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p79-109. 31p.
Subject Terms: *SOCIAL network analysis, *NONGOVERNMENTAL organizations, *ACTIVE medium, *SOCIAL media, *POLITICAL parties
19Academic Journal
Authors: Enjolras, Bernard1 (AUTHOR) bernard.enjolras@samfunnsforskning.no
Source: Nonprofit Policy Forum. Jan2025, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p111-137. 27p.
Subject Terms: *CLIMATE change adaptation, *SEMANTIC network analysis, *CITIZEN attitudes, *NORMATIVITY (Ethics), *PUBLIC support
20Academic Journal
Authors: D'Avino, Gabriella1 (AUTHOR) gxd950@alumni.bham.ac.uk
Source: Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies. Jan2025, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p222-247. 26p.
Subject Terms: *SOCIAL network analysis, *VISUALIZATION, *LAND settlement, *REFUGEES, *COMPARATIVE studies