Authors: Tessmann, A., Hurm, V., Leuther, A., Massler, H., Weber, R., Kuri, M., Riessle, M., Stulz, H. P., Zink, M., Schlechtweg, M., Ambacher, O., Narhi, T.
Source: 2013 European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), 2013 European. :220-223 Oct, 2013
Relation: 2013 European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference (EuMIC)
Authors: van Heijningen, M., Rodenburg, M., van Vliet, F.E., Massler, H., Tessmann, A., Bruckner, P., Muller, S., Schwantuschke, D., Quay, R., Narhi, T.
Source: 2012 7th European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), 2012 7th European. :135-138 Oct, 2012
Relation: 2012 European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference (EuMIC)
Authors: Diebold, S., Kuhn, J., Hulsmann, A., Leuther, A., Dahlberg, K., Jukkala, P., Kantanen, M., Kallfass, I., Zwick, T., Narhi, T.
Source: 2014 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Microwave Conference (APMC), 2014 Asia-Pacific. :151-153 Nov, 2014
Relation: 2014 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC)
Authors: Thomas, B., Brandt, M., Walber, A., Gibson, H., Philipp, M., Sonnabend, G., Benzazaa, M., Gonzalez, R., Bergada, M., Martinez, J., Perichaud, M. G., Narhi, T., Klein, U., d'Addio, S., Kangas, V.
Source: 2014 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz) Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), 2014 39th International Conference on. :1-3 Sep, 2014
Relation: 2014 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz)
5Academic Journal
Authors: Dahlberg, K., Kiuru, T., Mallat, J., Narhi, T., Raisanen, A. V.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol. Terahertz Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 4(5):552-559 Sep, 2014
6Academic Journal
Authors: Karkkainen, M., Kantanen, M., Caujolle-Bert, S., Varonen, M., Weber, R., Leuther, A., Seelmann-Eggebert, M., Alanne, A., Jukkala, P., Narhi, T., Halonen, K. A. I.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol. Terahertz Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 4(4):459-468 Jul, 2014
7Academic Journal
Authors: Khanal, S., Kiuru, T., Tang, A.-Y., Saber, M. A., Mallat, J., Stake, J., Narhi, T., Raisanen, A. V.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol. Terahertz Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 4(2):267-276 Mar, 2014
8Academic Journal
Authors: Kiuru, T., Mallat, J., Raisanen, A. V., Narhi, T.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on. 59(8):2108-2116 Aug, 2011
9Academic Journal
Authors: Colliander, A., Narhi, T., de Maagt, P.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on. 48(9):3560-3570 Sep, 2010
Authors: Narhi, T., Valtonen, M.
Source: 1997 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest Microwave symposium Microwave Symposium Digest, 1997., IEEE MTT-S International. 2:623-626 vol.2 1997
Relation: 1997 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest
Authors: Narhi, T.
Source: 33rd European Microwave Conference Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.03EX723C) European microwave conference Microwave Conference, 2003. 33rd European. 2:867-869 vol.2 2003
Relation: 33rd European Microwave Conference Proceedings
12Academic Journal
Authors: Hurm, V., Weber, R., Tessmann, A., Massler, H., Leuther, A., Kuri, M., Riessle, M., Stulz, H. P., Zink, M., Schlechtweg, M., Ambacher, O., Narhi, T.
Source: IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett. Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE. 23(9):486-488 Sep, 2013
Authors: Narhi, T.
Source: 1993 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest Microwave Symposium Digest, 1993., IEEE MTT-S International. :633-636 vol.2 1993
Relation: 1993 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest
14Academic Journal
Authors: Siles, J. V., Maestrini, A., Alderman, B., Davies, S., Wang, H., Treuttel, J., Leclerc, E., Narhi, T., Goldstein, C.
Source: IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett. Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE. 21(6):332-334 Jun, 2011
15Academic Journal
Authors: Kiuru, T., Dahlberg, K., Mallat, J., Raisanen, A. V., Narhi, T.
Source: IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett. Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE. 20(9):483-485 Sep, 2010
16Academic Journal
Authors: Melique, X., Maestrini, A., Farre, R., Mounaix, P., Favreau, M., Vanbesien, O., Goutoule, J.-M., Mollot, F., Beaudin, G., Narhi, T., Lippens, D.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on. 48(6):1000-1006 Jun, 2000
Authors: Karkkainen, M., Varonen, M., Halonen, K.A.I., Kantanen, M., Karttaavi, T., Weber, R., Leuther, A., Seelmann-Eggebert, M., Narhi, T.
Source: 2006 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium, 2006. CSIC 2006. IEEE. :29-32 Nov, 2006
Relation: 2006 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium
18Academic Journal
Authors: Narhi, T.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on. 44(2):182-192 Feb, 1996
Authors: Khanal, S., Kiuru, T., Mallat, J., Raisanen, A.V., Narhi, T.
Authors: Dahlberg, K., Kiuru, T., Mallat, J., Raisanen, A.V., Narhi, T.