Showing 1 - 20 results of 2,123 Refine Results
  1. 1
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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications IEEE Trans. on Ind. Applicat. Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on. 58(2):1963-1975 Apr, 2022

    Linked Full Text
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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Latin America Transactions IEEE Latin Am. Trans. Latin America Transactions, IEEE (Revista IEEE America Latina). 16(12):2925-2933 Dec, 2018

    Linked Full Text
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  6. 6

    Source: The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation Information and Automation (ICIA), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. :672-675 Jun, 2010

    Relation: 2010 International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA)

  7. 7

    Source: The 2010 International Power Electronics Conference - ECCE ASIA - Power Electronics Conference (IPEC), 2010 International. :2941-2948 Jun, 2010

    Relation: 2010 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC - Sapporo)

  8. 8

    Source: Proceedings 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2003) (Cat. No.03CH37453) Intelligent robots and systems Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2003. (IROS 2003). Proceedings. 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. 2:1394-1399 vol.2 2003

    Relation: 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

  9. 9

    Authors: Nagano, M.

    Source: Proceedings Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing Environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, 2001. Proceedings EcoDesign 2001: Second International Symposium on. :684-689 2001

    Relation: Proceedings Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing

  10. 10
  11. 11

    Source: Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Vol.20 Biomedical Engineering Towards the Year 2000 and Beyond (Cat. No.98CH36286) Engineering in medicine and biology 1998 Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1998. Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 5:2386-2389 vol.5 1998

    Relation: Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Vol.20 Biomedical Engineering Towards the Year 2000 and Beyond

  12. 12

    Source: Proceedings of 1997 International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications Shape modelling and applications Shape Modeling and Applications, 1997. Proceedings., 1997 International Conference on. :140-148 1997

    Relation: Proceedings of 1997 International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications

  13. 13

    Source: 2014 Symposium on VLSI Technology (VLSI-Technology): Digest of Technical Papers VLSI Technology (VLSI-Technology): Digest of Technical Papers, 2014 Symposium on. :1-2 Jun, 2014

    Relation: 2014 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology

  14. 14

    Authors: Adams, J. H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J. -N., Allard, D., Ambrosio, M., Anchordoqui, L., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Aramo, C., Asano, K., Ave, M., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Berlind, A. A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P. L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blecki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Bluemer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M. S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellini, G., Catalano, O., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M. J., Connaughton, V., Cortes, J. F., Crawford, H. J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., D'Olivo, J. C., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A. J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., del Peral, L., Dell'Oro, A., De Pascale, M. P., Di Martino, M., Distratis, G., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Fernandez-Gomez, I., Ferrarese, S., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Giaccari, U. G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., Alvarado, C. Gonzalez, Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzman, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Carretero, J. Hernandez, Higashide, K., Iguchi, T., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgrio, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E. G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B. A., Kim, Jeong-Sook, Kim, Soon-Wook, Kim, Sug-Whan, Kleifges, M., Klimov, P. A., Ko, S. H., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kuznetsov, E., La Rosa, G., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., Lopez, F., Maccarone, M. C., Mannheim, K., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martin-Chassard, G., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Maurissen, A., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Rios, J. A. Morales de los, Mot, B., Murakami, T., Nagano, M., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nakamura, T., Nam, J. W., Nam, S., Nam, K., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Ogawa, T., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A. V., Orleanski, P., Osteria, G., Pacheco, N., Panasyuk, M. I., Parizot, E., Park, I. H., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pollini, A., Prieto, H., Reardon, P., Reina, M., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodriguez, I., Frias, M. D. Rodriguez, Ronga, F., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczynski, M., Sabau, M. D., Cano, G. Saez, Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sanchez, S., Santangelo, A., Cruz, L. Santiago, Palomino, M. Sanz, Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Scuderi, M., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H. M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Ozieb, G., Lopez, H. H. Silva, Sledd, J., Slominska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takahashi, Y., Takami, H., Takeda, M., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tibolla, O., Tkachev, L., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Vaduvescu, O., Valdes-Galicia, J. F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villasenor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T. J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Wlodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I. V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zamora, A., Marchi, A. Zuccaro

    Source: Astroparticle Physics 44 (2013) 76

  15. 15
  16. 16

    Source: 2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2009. ECCE 2009. IEEE. :1760-1767 Sep, 2009

    Relation: 2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)

  17. 17

    Authors: Collaboration, The JEM-EUSO, Adams Jr, J. H., Ahmad, S., Albert, J. -N., Allard, D., Ambrosio, M., Anchordoqui, L., Anzalone, A., Arai, Y., Aramo, C., Asano, K., Barrillon, P., Batsch, T., Bayer, J., Belenguer, T., Bellotti, R., Berlind, A. A., Bertaina, M., Biermann, P. L., Biktemerova, S., Blaksley, C., Blecki, J., Blin-Bondil, S., Bluemer, J., Bobik, P., Bogomilov, M., Bonamente, M., Briggs, M. S., Briz, S., Bruno, A., Cafagna, F., Campana, D., Capdevielle, J-N., Caruso, R., Casolino, M., Cassardo, C., Castellini, G., Catalano, O., Cellino, A., Chikawa, M., Christl, M. J., Connaughton, V., Cortes, J. F., Crawford, H. J., Cremonini, R., Csorna, S., D'Olivo, J. C., Dagoret-Campagne, S., de Castro, A. J., De Donato, C., de la Taille, C., De Pascale, M. P., del Peral, L., Dell'Oro, A., Di Martino, M., Distrati, G., Dupieux, M., Ebersoldt, A., Ebisuzaki, T., Engel, R., Falk, S., Fang, K., Fenu, F., Ferrarese, S., Fernandez-Gomez, I., Franceschi, A., Fujimoto, J., Galeotti, P., Garipov, G., Geary, J., Giaccari, U. G., Giraudo, G., Gonchar, M., Alvarado, C. Gonzalez, Gorodetzky, P., Guarino, F., Guzman, A., Hachisu, Y., Harlov, B., Haungs, A., Carretero, J. Hernandez, Higashide, K., Iguchi, T., Ikeda, H., Inoue, N., Inoue, S., Insolia, A., Isgro, F., Itow, Y., Joven, E., Judd, E. G., Jung, A., Kajino, F., Kajino, T., Kaneko, I., Karadzhov, Y., Karczmarczyk, J., Katahira, K., Kawai, K., Kawasaki, Y., Keilhauer, B., Khrenov, B. A., Kim, Jeong-Sook, Kim, Soon-Wook, Kim, Sug-Whan, Kleifges, M., Klimov, P. A., Ko, S. H., Kolev, D., Kreykenbohm, I., Kudela, K., Kurihara, Y., Kuznetsov, E., La Rosa, G., Lee, J., Licandro, J., Lim, H., Lopez, F., Maccarone, M. C., Marcelli, L., Marini, A., Martin-Chassard, G., Martinez, O., Masciantonio, G., Mase, K., Matev, R., Maurissen, A., Medina-Tanco, G., Mernik, T., Miyamoto, H., Miyazaki, Y., Mizumoto, Y., Modestino, G., Monnier-Ragaigne, D., Rıos, J. A. Morales de los, Mot, B., Murakami, T., Nagano, M., Nagata, M., Nagataki, S., Nam, J. W., Nam, S., Nam, K., Napolitano, T., Naumov, D., Neronov, A., Nomoto, K., Ogawa, T., Ohmori, H., Olinto, A. V., Orleanski, P., Osteria, G., Pacheco, N., Panasyuk, M. I., Parizot, E., Park, I. H., Pastircak, B., Patzak, T., Paul, T., Pennypacker, C., Peter, T., Picozza, P., Pollini, A., Prieto, H., Reardon, P., Reina, M., Reyes, M., Ricci, M., Rodrıguez, I., Frıas, M. D. Rodrıguez, Ronga, F., Rothkaehl, H., Roudil, G., Rusinov, I., Rybczynski, M., Sabau, M. D., Cano, G. Saez, Saito, A., Sakaki, N., Sakata, M., Salazar, H., Sanchez, S., Santangelo, A., Cruz, L. Santiago, Palomino, M. Sanz, Saprykin, O., Sarazin, F., Sato, H., Sato, M., Schanz, T., Schieler, H., Scotti, V., Scuderi, M., Segreto, A., Selmane, S., Semikoz, D., Serra, M., Sharakin, S., Shibata, T., Shimizu, H. M., Shinozaki, K., Shirahama, T., Siemieniec-Ozieblo, G., Lopez, H. H. Silva, Sledd, J., Slominska, K., Sobey, A., Sugiyama, T., Supanitsky, D., Suzuki, M., Szabelska, B., Szabelski, J., Tajima, F., Tajima, N., Tajima, T., Takami, H., Nakamura, T., Takeda, M., Takahashi, Y., Takizawa, Y., Tenzer, C., Tkachev, L., Tomida, T., Tone, N., Trillaud, F., Tsenov, R., Tsuno, K., Tymieniecka, T., Uchihori, Y., Vaduvescu, O., Valdes-Galicia, J. F., Vallania, P., Valore, L., Vankova, G., Vigorito, C., Villasenor, L., von Ballmoos, P., Wada, S., Watanabe, J., Watanabe, S., Watts Jr, J., Weber, M., Weiler, T. J., Wibig, T., Wiencke, L., Wille, M., Wilms, J., Wlodarczyk, Z., Yamamoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yang, J., Yano, H., Yashin, I. V., Yonetoku, D., Yoshida, K., Yoshida, S., Young, R., Zamora, A., Marchi, A. Zuccaro

  18. 18

    Source: 2006 IEEE 8th International Conference on Properties & applications of Dielectric Materials Properties and applications of Dielectric Materials, 2006. 8th International Conference on. :143-146 Jun, 2006

    Relation: 2006 IEEE 8th International Conference on Properties & applications of Dielectric Materials

  19. 19
    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics IEEE Trans. Magn. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 41(10):4078-4080 Oct, 2005

  20. 20
    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics IEEE J. Quantum Electron. Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of. 32(8):1497-1503 Aug, 1996