1Academic Journal
Authors: Fiona James, BBiomedSci, Michelle S. Goh, MBBS, Sara Vogrin, MBiostat, Irvin Ng, PhD, Abby P. Douglas, PhD, Natasha E. Holmes, PhD, Kyra YL. Chua, PhD, Joseph De Luca, MBBS, Pooja Sharma, MD, Celia Zubrinich, MPhil, Ar K. Aung, MBBS, Douglas Gin, MBBS, Belinda Lambros, MAdvNursPrac, Chris Baker, MBBS, Peter Foley, MD, Alvin H. Chong, MMed, Francis Thien, MD, Jie S. Fok, MBBS, John Su, MBBS, Laura Scardamaglia, MBBS, Andrew Awad, MD, Steven Tong, PhD, Douglas Johnson, PhD, Jack Godsell, MBBS, Alexis Arasu, MBBS, Sara Barnes, MBA, Samar Ojaimi, PhD, Adrian Mar, MBBS, James Yun, PhD, Nikhita Ange, MBBCh, Winnie W.Y. Tong, PhD, Andrew Carr, DSc, Jacqueline Loprete, PhD, Constance H. Katelaris, PhD, Dana Slape, MBBS, Karuna Keat, MBBS, Timothy A. West, MBBS, Monique Lee, MBBS, William Smith, PhD, Pravin Hissaria, MD, Shireen Sidhu, MBBS, Sonja Janson, MBBS, Sudharsan Venkatesan, MBBS, Jane Davies, PhD, Michael J. Lane, MBBS, Andrew M. Redmond, MBBS, Ivan Robertson, MBBS, Amy Legg, GradDipClinPharm, Suran Fernando, PhD, Therese Boyle, MA, Jamma Li, MPhil, Elizabeth J. Phillips, MD, Heather Cleland, MBBS, Johannes S. Kern, MD, Jason A. Trubiano, PhD
Source: World Allergy Organization Journal, Vol 17, Iss 8, Pp 100936- (2024)
Subject Terms: Delayed hypersensitivity, T-cell mediated hypersensitivity, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Toxic epidermal necrolysis, Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms, Immunologic diseases. Allergy, RC581-607
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S193945512400067X; https://doaj.org/toc/1939-4551