1Academic Journal
Authors: Hu, P., Lin, X., Molnar, G., Werner, C., Fu, H., Yang, R., Flugge, J., Yu, L.
Source: IEEE Sensors Journal IEEE Sensors J. Sensors Journal, IEEE. 24(16):26190-26198 Aug, 2024
Authors: Wane, S., Kendig, D., Dinh, T.V., Alkhalifeh, K., Cabrera, A. E., Tran, Q.H., Shakouri, M., Shakouri, A., Salmon, L., Molnar, G., Ridier, K., Bajon, D., Nyssens, L., Pip, A., Vanbrabant, M., Rack, M., Tihon, D., Craeye, C., Simon, P., Raskin, J.-P., Lederer, D., Bousseksou, A.
Source: 2023 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS) Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS), 2023 IEEE Texas Symposium on. :1-6 Apr, 2023
Relation: 2023 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS)
Authors: Schmid, S. W., Pósa, L., Török, T. N., Sánta, B., Pollner, Z., Molnár, G., Horst, Y., Volk, J., Leuthold, J., Halbritter, A., Csontos, M.
Source: ACS Nano 2024, 18, 21966-21974
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2403.13530
4Academic Journal
Authors: Milos, A., Molnar, G., Vucic, M.
Source: IEEE Communications Letters IEEE Commun. Lett. Communications Letters, IEEE. 27(7):1869-1873 Jul, 2023
5Academic Journal
Authors: Frascaroli, J., Tonini, M., Colombo, S., Livellara, L., Mariani, L., Targa, P., Fumagalli, R., Samu, V., Nagy, M., Molnar, G., Horvath, A., Bartal, Z., Kiss, Z., Sipocz, T., Mica, I.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manufact. Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on. 35(3):540-545 Aug, 2022
Authors: Wane, S., Tran, Q.H., Cabrera, A. E., Salmon, L., Molnar, G., Huard, V., Bousseksou, A.
Source: 2021 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS) Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS), 2021 IEEE Texas Symposium on. :1-4 May, 2021
Relation: 2021 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS)
Authors: Jastrzebski, L., Duru, R., Le-Cunff, D., Cannac, M., Joblot, S., Mica, I., Polignano, M. L., Galbiati, A., Monge, P., Roffarello, Nadudvari, G., Kiss, Z., Lajtos, I., Pongracz, A., Molnar, G., Nagy, M., Dudas, L., Basa, P., Greenwood, B., Gambino, J.
Source: 2019 19th International Workshop on Junction Technology (IWJT) Junction Technology (IWJT), 2019 19th International Workshop on. :1-6 Jun, 2019
Relation: 2019 19th International Workshop on Junction Technology (IWJT)
Authors: Greenwood, B., Kimball, J., Sridaran, S., Truong, K., Lee, A., Menon, S., Gambino, J.P., Jastrzebski, L., Nadudvari, G., Roszol, L., Nagy, M., Molnar, G., Kiss, Z., Pongracz, A., Byrnes, J.
Source: 2019 30th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC) Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), 2019 30th Annual SEMI. :1-5 May, 2019
Relation: 2019 30th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC)
Authors: Nagy, K., Molnar, G., Szenkovits, B., Horvath-Czinger, J., Szuts, Z.
Source: 2018 9th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom) Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 2018 9th IEEE International Conference on. :000385-000388 Aug, 2018
Relation: 2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom)
Authors: Kalman, A., Molnar, G., Szuts, Z.
Source: 2018 9th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom) Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 2018 9th IEEE International Conference on. :000395-000398 Aug, 2018
Relation: 2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom)
Authors: Greenwood, B., Gambino, J.P., Watanabe, Y., Jastrzebski, L., Nadudvari, G., Cseh, D. T., Roszol, L., Molnar, G., Lajtos, I.
Source: 2018 29th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC) SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), 2018 29th Annual. :5-9 Apr, 2018
Relation: 2018 29th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC)
12Academic Journal
Authors: El-Tahawy, M. a, b, c, Péter, L. a, Kiss, L.F. a, Gubicza, J. b, Czigány, Zs. d, Molnár, G. d, Bakonyi, I. a, ⁎
Source: In Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 15 October 2022 560
Authors: Rajasekaran, N., Mani, J., Tóth, B. G., Molnár, G., Mohan, S., Péter, L., Bakonyi, I.
Source: Journal of the Electrochemical Society 162 (6), D204-D212 (2015)
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1702.01065
Authors: Tóth, B. G., Péter, L., Dégi, J., Révész, Á., Oszetzky, D., Molnár, G., Bakonyi, I.
Source: Electrochimica Acta 91, 122-129 (2013)
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1609.00597
Authors: Vucic, M., Molnar, G., Babic, H.
Source: 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) Circuits and systems Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2005 IEEE International Symposium on. :3283-3286 Vol. 4 2005
Relation: 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)
Authors: Hegyesi, Gy., Imrek, J., Kalinka, G., Molnar, J., Novak, D., Vegh, J., Balkay, L., Emri, M., Molnar, G., Tron, L., Bagamery, I., Bukki, T., Rozsa, S., Szabo, Zs., Kerek, A.
Source: IEEE Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science 2004. Nuclear science symposium Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2004 IEEE. 5:2957-2961 2004
Relation: 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
17Academic Journal
Authors: Molnar, G., Vucic, M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on. 61(2):85-89 Feb, 2014
Authors: Farouil, L., Alary, F., Bedel-Pereira, E., Seguy, I., Roul, J., Routaboul, C., Shalabaeva, V., Molnar, G., Heully, J.L.
Source: 2016 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC) Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), 2016 IEEE. :1-2 Oct, 2016
Relation: 2016 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC)
Authors: Horvath, Zs.J., Donoval, D., Peto, G., Molnar, G., Van Tuyen, V.
Source: ASDAM 2000. Conference Proceedings. Third International EuroConference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems (Cat. No.00EX386) Advanced semiconductor devices and microsystems Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems, 2000. ASDAM 2000. The Third International EuroConference on. :39-42 2000
Relation: Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems (ASDAM)
20Academic Journal
Authors: Molnar, G., Vucic, M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on. 58(12):926-930 Dec, 2011