1Academic Journal
Authors: Tang, M. S.1, Zhengjie Wang2, Yan Zhao1, Jie Wang1, Chengde Pan1 pcd02148@sina.com
Source: Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research. Nov2024, Vol. 22 Issue 4, p1120-1125. 6p.
Subject Terms: *Research funding, *Computer software, Therapeutic use of ginseng, Computer-assisted molecular modeling, Proteins, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Treatment effectiveness, Cellular signal transduction, Plant extracts, Genes, Bioinformatics, Central nervous system diseases, Ginseng, Evaluation
2Academic Journal
Authors: Horn, Lars-Christian1 (AUTHOR) hornl@medizin.uni-leipzig.de, Brambs, Christine E.2 (AUTHOR) christine.brambs@luks.ch, Gilks, Blake3 (AUTHOR) blake.gilks@vch.ca, Hoang, Lien3 (AUTHOR) lien.hoang@vch.ca, Singh, Naveena3 (AUTHOR) naveena.singh@vch.ca, Hiller, Grit Gesine Ruth1 (AUTHOR) annekathrin.hoehn@medizin.uni-leipzig.de, Hering, Kathrin4 (AUTHOR) kathrin.hering@medizin.uni-leipzig.de, McAlpine, Jessica N.5 (AUTHOR) jessica.mcalpine@vch.ca, Jamieson, Amy5 (AUTHOR) amy.jamieson@vch.ca, Alfaraidi, Mona3,6 (AUTHOR) mona.alfaraidi@vch.ca, Aktas, Bahriye7 (AUTHOR) bahriye.aktas@medizin.uni-leipzig.de, Dornhöfer, Nadja7 (AUTHOR) nadja.dornhoefer@medizin.uni-leipzig.de, Höhn, Anne Kathrin1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Cancers. Dec2024, Vol. 16 Issue 24, p4216. 16p.
Subject Terms: *SQUAMOUS cell carcinoma, *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *VULVAR tumors, *PAPILLOMAVIRUSES, *IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY, *GENE expression profiling, *ONCOGENES, *GENETIC mutation, *MOLECULAR biology, *STAINS & staining (Microscopy)
3Academic Journal
Authors: Garg, Pankaj1 (AUTHOR), Singhal, Gargi2 (AUTHOR), Kulkarni, Prakash3 (AUTHOR), Horne, David4 (AUTHOR), Salgia, Ravi3 (AUTHOR), Singhal, Sharad S.3 (AUTHOR) ssinghal@coh.org
Source: Cancers. Nov2024, Vol. 16 Issue 22, p3884. 21p.
Subject Terms: *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *COMPUTER-aided design, *ARTIFICIAL intelligence, *ANTINEOPLASTIC agents, *DRUG design, *BIOINFORMATICS, *DEEP learning, *MACHINE learning, *DRUG discovery
4Academic Journal
Authors: Ying Liu1, Xiaochun Ma1, Yifei Le1, Jiafan Feng1, Mengting Xu1, Wanyue Wang1, Cui Wang1, wangcui198506@163.com
Source: Environmental Health Perspectives; Nov2024, Vol. 132 Issue 11, p117003-1-117003-18, 18p
5Academic Journal
Authors: Demuth, Philipp1 (AUTHOR) pdemuth@rptu.de, Thibol, Lea1 (AUTHOR) thibol@rptu.de, Lemsch, Anna1 (AUTHOR) anna.lemsch@gmx.de, Potlitz, Felix2 (AUTHOR) felix.potlitz@gmail.com, Schulig, Lukas2 (AUTHOR) lukas.schulig@uni-greifswald.de, Grathwol, Christoph3 (AUTHOR) christoph.grathwol@kit.edu, Manolikakes, Georg4 (AUTHOR) manolikakes@chemie.uni-kl.de, Schade, Dennis5 (AUTHOR) schade@pharmazie.uni-kiel.de, Roukos, Vassilis6 (AUTHOR) v.roukos@imb-mainz.de, Link, Andreas2 (AUTHOR) link@uni-greifswald.de, Fahrer, Jörg1 (AUTHOR) fahrer@chemie.uni-kl.de
Source: Cancers. Oct2024, Vol. 16 Issue 20, p3441. 25p.
Subject Terms: *THERAPEUTIC use of antineoplastic agents, *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *IN vitro studies, *NUCLEAR magnetic resonance spectroscopy, *T-test (Statistics), *RESEARCH funding, *ENZYME inhibitors, *COLORECTAL cancer, *IMMUNODIAGNOSIS, *FLUORESCENT antibody technique, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *CANCER chemotherapy, *CELL culture, *DNA repair, *DRUG efficacy, *MOLECULAR structure, *MASS spectrometry, *WESTERN immunoblotting, *CELL death, *DATA analysis software, *CELL survival, *DRUG synergism, *REGRESSION analysis, *CELL surface antigens
6Academic Journal
Authors: Xu, Zewen1 (AUTHOR), Rasteh, Ayana Meegol2 (AUTHOR), Dong, Angela3 (AUTHOR), Wang, Panpan4 (AUTHOR) wangpp@jnu.edu.cn, Liu, Hengrui5,6 (AUTHOR) lh@yinuobiomedical.cn
Source: Chinese Medicine. 10/9/2024, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p1-22. 22p.
Subject Terms: *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *RESEARCH funding, *PHARMACEUTICAL chemistry, *HYPERICUM perforatum, *ANTIDEPRESSANTS, *MESSENGER RNA, *GENE expression profiling, *MACHINE learning, *MENTAL depression, *BIOMARKERS
7Academic Journal
Authors: Chen-Che Hsieh1, Chih-Yao Hou2, Hsiao-Yun Lei1, Khumsupan, Darin3, Huey-Jine Chai4, Pek-Kui Lim5, Cheng- Chih Hsu6, Sz-Jie Wu7, Kai-Wen Cheng6, Yi-Chen Chen8,9 ycpchen@ntu.edu.tw, Kuan-Chen Cheng1,3,10,11 kccheng@ntu.edu.tw
Source: Journal of Food & Drug Analysis. 2024, Vol. 32 Issue 4, p532-543. 12p.
Subject Terms: *EMBRYOS, *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *MELANOMA, *RESEARCH funding, *HYDROCARBONS, *MELANINS, *ENZYME inhibitors, *FISHES, *PLANT extracts, *MOLECULAR structure, *ORGANIC compounds, *MUSHROOMS, *PHARMACODYNAMICS
8Academic Journal
Authors: Yali Liu1,2,3, Qiaoying Jin1, Xiaoying Guan1, Suli Liu4, Yanjun Jiang5, Wushuang Tan6, Ruihua Huang6, Xintong Wei6, Luxi Yang1 momoer1988@yeah.net, Yong Zhang2,3 zhangyong@gsau.edu.cn
Source: Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research. Aug2024, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p1064-1075. 12p.
Subject Terms: *Statistical correlation, *Research funding, *Descriptive statistics, Astragalus (Plants), Computer-assisted molecular modeling, Cellular signal transduction, Gene expression, Lung tumors, Molecular structure, Transferases, Genomes
9Academic Journal
Authors: Zhongshun He1,2,3, Aiping Huang4, Jing Lv5, Jing Zhou1,2,6, Wenrong Lou3, Xuesong Wu7 kmykdwxs139@163.com, Biao Xu1,2 xubiao@kmmu.edu.cn
Source: Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research. Aug2024, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p1058-1063. 6p.
Subject Terms: *Research funding, Computer-assisted molecular modeling, Alkaloids, Melanoma, Genomics, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Antineoplastic agents, Phytochemicals, Cellular signal transduction, Tumor markers, Liver cells, Bioinformatics, Molecular structure, Cell receptors
10Academic Journal
Authors: Ouma, Russell B. O.1 (AUTHOR), Ngari, Silas M.1 (AUTHOR), Kibet, Joshua K.1 (AUTHOR) jkibet@egerton.ac.ke
Source: Discover Public Health. 9/27/2024, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p1-31. 31p.
Subject Terms: *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *COMPUTER simulation, *PHARMACEUTICAL technology, *ARTIFICIAL intelligence, *NUCLEAR physics, *DRUG design, *BIOTRANSFORMATION (Metabolism), *MOLECULAR structure, *DOSAGE forms of drugs, *DRUG discovery
Company/Entity: WORLD Health Organization
11Academic Journal
Authors: Zhai, Yiyan1 (AUTHOR), Zhang, Fanqin1 (AUTHOR), Zhou, Jiying1 (AUTHOR), Qiao, Chuanqi1 (AUTHOR), Jin, Zhengsen1 (AUTHOR), Zhang, Jingyuan1 (AUTHOR), Wu, Chao1 (AUTHOR), Shi, Rui1 (AUTHOR), Huang, Jiaqi1 (AUTHOR), Gao, Yifei1 (AUTHOR), Guo, Siyu1 (AUTHOR), Wang, Haojia1 (AUTHOR), Chai, Keyan1 (AUTHOR), Zhang, Xiaomeng1 (AUTHOR), Wang, Tieshan2 (AUTHOR), Sheng, Xiaoguang1 (AUTHOR), Liu, Xinkui3 (AUTHOR) lxkchuige@163.com, Wu, Jiarui1 (AUTHOR) exogamy@163.com
Source: Chinese Medicine. 9/17/2024, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p1-21. 21p.
Subject Terms: *CHINESE medicine, *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *STOMACH tumors, *RESEARCH funding, *CANCER invasiveness, *HERBAL medicine, *ANTINEOPLASTIC agents, *PHARMACEUTICAL chemistry, *CELL proliferation, *CANCER patients, *CELL motility, *BIOINFORMATICS, *BLOOD coagulation factors, *DATABASE design, *GENE expression profiling, *INFLAMMATION, *SIGNAL peptides, *PHARMACODYNAMICS
12Academic Journal
Authors: Manguinhas, Rita1 (AUTHOR) rmanguinhas@edu.ulisboa.pt, Serra, Patrícia A.1,2,3 (AUTHOR) nuno.gil@fundacaochampalimaud.pt, Gil, Nuno2 (AUTHOR), Rosell, Rafael4,5 (AUTHOR) rrosell@oncorosell.com, Oliveira, Nuno G.1 (AUTHOR) ngoliveira@ff.ulisboa.pt, Guedes, Rita C.1 (AUTHOR) ngoliveira@ff.ulisboa.pt
Source: Cancers. Sep2024, Vol. 16 Issue 18, p3174. 23p.
Subject Terms: *PROTEIN analysis, *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *CISPLATIN, *DRUG resistance in cancer cells, *RESEARCH funding, *TUMOR markers, *CANCER chemotherapy, *PHYSICAL & theoretical chemistry, *CELL lines, *DNA repair, *GENE expression profiling, *MOLECULAR structure, *LUNG cancer, *SURVIVAL analysis (Biometry), *PLATINUM
13Academic Journal
Authors: Wadhwa, Renu1 (AUTHOR) renu-wadhwa@aist.go.jp, Wang, Jia1 (AUTHOR) wangjia@szbl.ac.cn, Shefrin, Seyad2 (AUTHOR) bez188440@dbeb.iitd.ac.in, Zhang, Huayue1 (AUTHOR) s2130297@u.tsukuba.ac.jp, Sundar, Durai2,3 (AUTHOR) sundar@dbeb.iitd.ac.in, Kaul, Sunil C.1 (AUTHOR) sundar@dbeb.iitd.ac.in
Source: Cancers. Sep2024, Vol. 16 Issue 17, p3090. 20p.
Subject Terms: *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *IN vitro studies, *CELL cycle proteins, *EPITHELIAL-mesenchymal transition, *RESEARCH funding, *ANTINEOPLASTIC agents, *APOPTOSIS, *CELLULAR signal transduction, *CELL cycle, *CELL motility, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *PLANT extracts, *CELL lines, *MESSENGER RNA, *BIOINFORMATICS, *CELL survival, *DIMERIZATION, *PHENOTYPES, *CYCLIN-dependent kinases, *PHARMACODYNAMICS, CERVIX uteri tumors
14Academic Journal
Authors: Hou, Xiaorong1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Bai, Zhaofang2,3 (AUTHOR), Chen, Yuanyuan1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Shi, Wei2,3 (AUTHOR), Yang, Huijie2,3 (AUTHOR), Li, Ruisheng4 (AUTHOR), Zhan, Xiaoyan2,3 (AUTHOR) xyzhan123@163.com, Liu, Youping1 (AUTHOR) liuyouping@163.com, Zhao, Xu2,3 (AUTHOR) xuzhao080@outlook.com, Xiao, Xiaohe1,2,3 (AUTHOR) pharmacy_302@126.com
Source: Chinese Medicine. 8/21/2024, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p1-16. 16p.
Subject Terms: *THERAPEUTIC use of antineoplastic agents, *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *NF-kappa B, *OLIGOPEPTIDES, *BREAST tumors, *APOPTOSIS, *PHYTOCHEMICALS, *ECOSYSTEMS, *IN vivo studies, *CELL motility, *CELL lines, *MAMMALS, *ANIMAL experimentation, *GENE expression profiling, *CELL survival
15Academic Journal
Authors: Powell, Sarah1 (AUTHOR) powellsk@tcd.ie, Kulakova, Karina2,3 (AUTHOR) karina.kulakova4@mail.dcu.ie, Hanratty, Katie1,2,3 (AUTHOR) susan.kennedy@rveeh.ie, Khan, Rizwana1 (AUTHOR), Casserly, Paula1 (AUTHOR), Crown, John4 (AUTHOR), Walsh, Naomi3 (AUTHOR), Kennedy, Susan2,4 (AUTHOR)
Source: Cancers. Aug2024, Vol. 16 Issue 16, p2868. 15p.
Subject Terms: *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *RESEARCH funding, *GENOME-wide association studies, *HEAD & neck cancer, *OCULAR tumors, *SALIVARY gland tumors, *CYTOCHEMISTRY, *ADENOID cystic carcinoma, *BIOINFORMATICS, *KAPLAN-Meier estimator, *LOG-rank test, *ELECTRONIC health records, *DNA repair, *SURVIVAL analysis (Biometry), *SEQUENCE analysis
16Academic Journal
Authors: Kong, Rui1 (AUTHOR), Wang, Nan2,3 (AUTHOR) wanrong1970@163.com, Zhou, Chunli1 (AUTHOR), Zhou, Yuqing1 (AUTHOR), Guo, Xiaoyan4 (AUTHOR), Wang, Dongyan4 (AUTHOR), Shi, Yihai4 (AUTHOR), Wan, Rong3 (AUTHOR), Zheng, Yuejuan5 (AUTHOR) zhengyj@shutcm.edu.cn, Lu, Jie3,4 (AUTHOR) zhengyj@shutcm.edu.cn
Source: Cancers. Jul2024, Vol. 16 Issue 14, p2533. 19p.
Subject Terms: *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *BIOLOGICAL models, *FLOW cytometry, *IN vitro studies, *TISSUE arrays, *RESEARCH funding, *COLONY-forming units assay, *GLYCOLYSIS, *PHOSPHORYLATION, *MITOCHONDRIA, *T-test (Statistics), *DATA analysis, *HOMEOSTASIS, *ANTINEOPLASTIC agents, *ELECTRON microscopy, *APOPTOSIS, *CELL proliferation, *PHYTOCHEMICALS, *TUMOR markers, *CYTOSKELETAL proteins, *CELLULAR signal transduction, *REVERSE transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *IN vivo studies, *FLUORESCENT antibody technique, *ENERGY metabolism, *CELL lines, *MICE, *METASTASIS, *REACTIVE oxygen species, *IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY, *CELL death, *ANIMAL experimentation, *WESTERN immunoblotting, *GENE expression profiling, *ONE-way analysis of variance, *STATISTICS, *MOLECULAR structure, *STAINS & staining (Microscopy), *DATA analysis software, *HEPATOCELLULAR carcinoma, *SEQUENCE analysis, *PRECIPITIN tests, *PHARMACODYNAMICS
17Academic Journal
Authors: McDowell, Roderick C.1 (AUTHOR) roderick.mcdowell@yahoo.com, Booth, Jordhan D.2 (AUTHOR) jdbooth@student.tougaloo.edu, McGowan, Allyson2 (AUTHOR) ajmcgowan@student.tougaloo.edu, Kolodziejczyk, Wojciech1 (AUTHOR) kolodziejczyk.wojciech@gmail.com, Hill, Glake A.1 (AUTHOR) glakeh@icnanotox.org, Banerjee, Santanu2 (AUTHOR) sbanerjee@tougaloo.edu, Feng, Manliang2 (AUTHOR) mfeng@tougaloo.edu, Kapusta, Karina2 (AUTHOR) kkapusta@tougaloo.edu
Source: Cancers. Jul2024, Vol. 16 Issue 13, p2295. 19p.
Subject Terms: *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *RESEARCH funding, *INVESTIGATIONAL drugs, *CELLULAR signal transduction, *IMMUNE checkpoint inhibitors, *CELL lines, *MOLECULAR structure, *DRUG efficacy, *TUMORS, *DRUG development, *ACID-base equilibrium, *CARCINOGENESIS, *PHARMACODYNAMICS
18Academic Journal
Authors: Handong Mei1 mhd7291@163.com, Xiao Xu1, Sinan Xu2
Source: Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research. May2024, Vol. 22 Issue 2, p405-411. 7p.
Subject Terms: *Quality assurance, NF-kappa B, Computer-assisted molecular modeling, Cellular signal transduction, Severity of illness index, Pancreatitis, Plant extracts, Cascara sagrada, Lignans, Genomes, Tumor necrosis factors, Interleukins, Evaluation
19Academic Journal
Authors: Ding, Zhihong1, Yu, Zhiyong1, Sun, Zhibo1, Liu, Xinghui2 403758354@qq.com, Chen, Rong1 422268971@qq.com
Source: Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Research. 6/21/2024, Vol. 19, p1-12. 12p.
Subject Terms: *CHINESE medicine, *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *HIP fractures, *CREATININE, *RESEARCH funding, *HERBAL medicine, *PHARMACEUTICAL chemistry, *HEMOGLOBINS, *DISEASE management, *ENZYME-linked immunosorbent assay, *LOGISTIC regression analysis, *NEUROINFLAMMATION, *RETROSPECTIVE studies, *BLOOD urea nitrogen, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *CELLULAR signal transduction, *SURGICAL complications, *DELIRIUM, *DRUG efficacy, *NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL tests, *COMPARATIVE studies, *C-reactive protein, *TUMOR necrosis factors, *INTERLEUKINS, *COGNITION, *THERAPEUTICS, *EVALUATION, *OLD age
20Academic Journal
Authors: Cui, Changpeng1,2 (AUTHOR) cuich@iu.edu, Huo, Qingji1,2 (AUTHOR) qingjihuo1106@gmail.com, Xiong, Xue1,2 (AUTHOR) xiongxue@iu.edu, Na, Sungsoo2 (AUTHOR), Mitsuda, Masaru3 (AUTHOR) mitsuda0620@isc.chubu.ac.jp, Minami, Kazumasa4 (AUTHOR) k_minami@radonc.med.osaka-u.ac.jp, Li, Baiyan1 (AUTHOR) liby@ems.hrbmu.edu.cn, Yokota, Hiroki2,5,6 (AUTHOR) liby@ems.hrbmu.edu.cn
Source: Cancers. Jun2024, Vol. 16 Issue 12, p2230. 17p.
Subject Terms: *COMPUTER-assisted molecular modeling, *FLUORESCENCE polarization immunoassay, *RESEARCH funding, *BREAST tumors, *ANTINEOPLASTIC agents, *TRYPSIN, *ANTIMICROBIAL peptides, *TREATMENT effectiveness, *CANCER cell culture, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *CELL motility, *BONE metastasis, *MICE, *CELL lines, *ANIMAL experimentation, *WESTERN immunoblotting, *ONE-way analysis of variance, *CELL survival, *PHARMACODYNAMICS